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Space Marine Psychic Power 'Gate'


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The title pretty much says it all.


The question is, can a librarian and attachedunit inside a transport 'gate' from inside that transport onto the battlefield?


I would like to see the reasons why people side one way or the other on this.





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It is not the presence of firing points that allow psychic powers to be cast. Psychic powers can be cast while inside transports by virtue of the rules. The presence of firing points is required when it comes to resolving shooting-attack-type psychic powers though.


Yes, you may GoI a unit out of a transport, as long as the Librarian was joined with them before the turn began.




1. You may cast psychic powers while in transports.

2. Gate of Infinity says what happens when cast.

3. Profit.

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It is not the presence of firing points that allow psychic powers to be cast. Psychic powers can be cast while inside transports by virtue of the rules. The presence of firing points is required when it comes to resolving shooting-attack-type psychic powers though.


Yes, you may GoI a unit out of a transport, as long as the Librarian was joined with them before the turn began.




1. You may cast psychic powers while in transports.

2. Gate of Infinity says what happens when cast.

3. Profit.


Small note: a fireing point is required for any psychic power that requires LOS. Still GoI is not one of those IIRC so you're still good.

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This has come up a few times, and the dust has always settled on this side of it:

- Yes, the Librarian can GoI out of a transport.

- While in the transport, any other ICs and any other unit present MUST go with him (they are part of the Librarian's unit while embarked together.

- The Librarian can NOT *embark* into a transport with GoI. (That's a Deepstrike Mishap. <3)

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