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Home grown special charecters

captain Angel

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I have posted the first two before, and the second two are brand new. c and c welcome, fluff will be coming for my own three characters, seeing as the first one is not mine.


Sepharan, captain of the sanguinary guard.




5 4 4 4 2 5 3 10 2+


Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Unit Type: jump Infantry

War Gear: artificer Armor; Blood Glaive; angelus bolter, death mask, frag and krak grenades, jump pack; iron halo

special rules: fearless; descent of angels; herald of sanguinis, Blood glaive



Herald of sanguinis: he is an upgrade to a squad equipped with death masks for 50 points. if he is the last member of his squad, he becomes an independent character. He may carry the chapter banner for 30 points if no honor guard units are equipped with one. If Sepharan is in your army, no other sanguinary guard member may carry it.


blood glaive: this glaive encarmine adds one to the wielders strength, and allows to rerole one dice to wound.






Brother captain Nicholas Angel, Captain of the first company, leader of the archangels

Captain Nicholas Angel



6 5 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+


Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Unit Type: varies

War Gear: varies

special rules: and they shall know no fear, stubborn, eternal warrior independent character, captain of the first.


Armaments one: Armor of Baal, combi-flamer, blood fist: 200 points may take ether terminators units as troop choices.


Armament two: artificer armor, jump pack, inferno pistol, power sword, iron halo, frag and krak grenades. 200 make VV troop choices


Armament three: artificer armor, combi flamer, special issue ammunition, inferno pistol, power sword, iron halo, frag and krak grenades 200 points. May take sterngaurd veteran as troop choices


Captain of the first: Depending on his war gear, terminators, assault terminators, vanguard veterans, or sternguard veterans may be taken as troops. Also any reclusiarch or librarian with the epistolary upgrade armed with terminator Armor, may upgrade there honor guard to terminator Armor for 100 points. If chosen than the honor guard will have power fist, terminator Armor, and storm bolter, and the noviate has blood chalice, terminator Armor and power sword. the honor guard may take a blood champion, which changes his power fist and storm bolter to two powerswords, or may take any weapons or other upgrades for terminators at there points cost, and a company banner for 15 points. If he takes option one, he may also upgrade his honor guard in this way.


Armor of Baal: This venerable suit of terminator armor is usually given to the chapter master of the blood angels, but given Dante’s desire for flight, it was given to Captain Angel upon his promotion to captain of the first. This is a suit of terminator armor with a three up invulnerable save.


Blood fist: This chain fist is the usual armament of choice for the first captain. It is a chain fist that strikes at strength ten, and adds one to the vehicle damage chart.



Abele Teo


5 5 4 6 3 5 3 10 3+ 160 points


Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Unit Type: infintry

War Gear: power armour, crozious arcanium, rosarious, hand flamer, frag and krak grenades

special rules: independent character, liturgies of blood, honor of the chapter, feel no pain



may take a honor guard (which is counted as a reclusiarch’s honor guard). My take a jump pack for 25 points. May replace power armor, hand flamer and frag and krak grenades for terminator armor and combi-flamer for 25 points.




Evaristo Biagio



5 4 4 4 2 4 3 10 3+ 200 points


Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Unit Type: infintry

War Gear: power armour, force weapon, bolt pistol, frag and krak grenades, Hood of Baal

special rules: independent character, and they shall know no fear, psyker, epistolary master of foresight.

Powers: power armour; shield sword and rage. Terminator armour; sword rage and wings


may take a honor guard (which is counted as a librarian with the epistolary upgrade’s honor guard). My take a jump pack for 25 points. May replace power armor, bolt pistol and frag and krak grenades for terminator armor and storm shield for 45 points


Hood of Baal: may rerole failed perails of the warp test


Master of foresight: may rerole all reserve rolls (even successful ones)

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Now here is the fluff.



Captain Nicholas angel was a lowly marine of the blood angel’s assault company when he and his squad were ambushed on a routine patrol. His squad was killed by a group of blood letters and only he remained. He survived, took his dead sergeants power sword and retreated to warn his captain, for his vox was no longer functioning. Upon arriving at the base of the blood angels operation, a battle was taking place in the hart of the building. He immediately clove through his foes to find his captain. Upon seeing that he was in mortal combat with a blood thirstier, he took up his sword and leaped onto the blood thirstier. He slammed his sword into the daemons neck while unloading his whole clip into its head. He was than thrown of into the wall behind the captain. Than as the caption went for the killing blow, the daemon slashed his ax into the captain’s neck, decapitating the leader of the 8th company. As he fell, brother angel charged the daemon with nothing but his combat blade. The daemon laughed manically as he rammed the ax into the marines shoulder. What would have clove a normal man into two, buried deep into his flesh. He tore the ax from his flesh and, while taking the daemons surprise, turned it against the weapons’ master, captain angel swung the ax through the underside of the daemons neck and met his sergeants power sword on the other side, as the daemon howled in anguish, he threw himself back into the warp to end his misery, his body falling lifeless to the ground. As Angel fell to his knees in pain, reinforcements arrived to save the beleaguered blood angles. Upon seeing the carnage, Dante, who was leading the rescue, saw the dead captain and the body of the blood thirstier, and gave the marine command of the either company for his valor and heroism. he later became captain of the first company for his skills of command. He is currently serving as the advisor for the flesh tearers chapter. he has promoted his second in camand, Brother Karlean, to the position of captian in his place, until he returns



Abele Teo was naught but a scout when he decided to join those among the reclusiam. He was young and proud. Within 3 years he had earned a place amongst his brother. He was than joined to the 8th company. During this time he became extremely close friends with Captain angel. They saved each other many times, but it was there final campaign as members of the 8th that they truly believed that they would never die, as long as they fought by each others side. During the invasion of mining planet 1138, his task force was separated from the main assault headed by the captain. During that assault his team was attacked by an ork deff dread. He took one shot with his hand flamer, and managed to blind the ork inside, but in the mad fury that fallowed he was greatly injured by the dread and nearly lost his life. He was than saved by captain angel and his honor guard. Upon his mechanical rebuilding, his resolve was even harder, and he was promoted to reclusiarch for his fervor after defeating the orks to the man, ridding mining planet 1138 of all orks. Upon this he was than reassigned to the first company, at the same captain angel was made captain of the first.



Evaristo Biagio A simple librarian when the mission to cleans mining planet 1138 was given, He was assigned to the 8th company. While in that situation, he discovered his ability to detect the movements of the enemy’s reinforcements, and was able to direct his commanders to counter it. Though not a master of combat, he quickly learned the true arts of combat with the enhancements given by his gifts. He finds it rather Unnerving to use them, but will not let the enemy use that to there advantage. After many years of hard fighting later, he gained not only the rank of epistolary, but the respect and friendship of captain angel. They have fought through thick and thin, and will continue to due so for a while.

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here is a modification to my psyker.


Evaristo Biagio


5 4 4 4 2 4 3 10 3+ 200 points


Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Unit Type: infintry

War Gear: power armour, force weapon, bolt pistol, frag and krak grenades, Hood of Baal

special rules: independent character, and they shall know no fear, psyker, epistolary master of foresight.

Powers: power armour; shield sword and rage. Terminator armour; sword rage and wings


may take a honor guard (which is counted as a librarian with the epistolary upgrade’s honor guard). My take a jump pack for 25 points. May replace power armor, bolt pistol and frag and krak grenades for terminator armor and storm shield for 45 points


Hood of Baal: May rerole failed perils of the warp test and always counts as having a 4+ invulnerable save for the purpose


Master of foresight: may rerole all reserve rolls (even successful ones)

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hood of baal; reroll failed perils of the warp test?

care to expail what theat is? as as far as i know theres no such thing. you have a phsysic test which if you fail you take a perils of the warp attack, which you can take an inv savefor if you have one though if you pass you must reroll... so care to explain?

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you need to streamline some of them.. and the 1st captain is massively underpointed imho.. afterall hes better than lysander stats wise with a better weapon, extra wargear and makes termies troops.. for the same cost, that and he has the wrong name.. the blood angel 1st captain is called karlean


then we get to chaplain cassius.. or at least him in disguise apparently.. why does your chaplain have t6 and feel no pain? and at that why does he manage to get all this goodness, a better statline and a handflamer for only 35 points more than cassius? or in the case of a blood angel reclusiarch why does it only cost 20 points to make him t6 and have fnp?


if you want to create homebrew special characters you need to look at what has already come before you character wise.. why does mordaci blaylock cost 195 points? answer because he makes terminators score.. his ld special rule and mastercrafted chainfist sure as hell arent making him cost that much.


its the same with most of the characters, if they do something awesome to the army, you pay out the ass for it.. just look at tarnus vale, he gives his army tank hunters instead of combat tactics.. he costs 175 points.. hes armed with a plasma pistol and a fething chainsword.


you need to streamline what you want out of these characters.. having 3 different sets of wargear for one guy is ott, and having a librarian who changes his psychic powers depending on his armour just makes it worse..


if you'd gone with something simple with one or two funky rules i could have got behind it and offered slightly less harsh advice.


as an example of what i mean..


1st Captain Karlean, The Shield Of Baal: 235 points


stats - basic captain stats


wargear - terminator armour, storm shield, the spear of destiny


the spear of destiny is an ancient lance wreathed in fire that was gifted to karlean after the liberation of golgothis, it is said to grant its bearer immortality.

the weapon counts as a str 6 power weapon (cannot be modified via furious charge ala seth) and may be used once per game as a heavy flamer, Karlean benefits from the eternal warrior special rule.


leader of the archangels: karlean leads the veterans of the 1st company into battle, you may elect to make one squad of sternguard, vanguard or terminators to count as scoring.

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first i wish to clarafy, if you read the last sentence of his fluff, you will see why Kalaren is captain. second i do belive that i must tone down my reclusiarch. Third, if the librarian where to fail the invo save for perils of the warp on the first roll, he may rerole, but may not re roll the second roll for the test. example, he rolls a two for his leadership and fails his invo save. He than reroles this because of the hood. if he passes the save, he will not need to re role. his powers will remain sword and shield as well as lance.


By the way, i had the three specific war gear options because i wanted to have the different veterans fighting styles covered for my captain of the first.

updates incoming

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I have made some adjustments. namely toning down the characters and changed the fluff a little (see above)


Brother captain Nicholas Angel, Captain of the first company, leader of the archangels



Captain Nicholas Angel 6 5 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+


Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Unit Type: varies

War Gear: varies

special rules: and they shall know no fear, eternal warrior, independent character, captain of the first.


Armaments one: Armor of Baal, combi-flamer, blood fist: 200 points may take ether terminators units as troop choices.


Armament two: artificer armor, jump pack, inferno pistol, power sword, iron halo, frag and krak grenades. 200 make VV troop choices


Armament three: artificer armor, combi flamer, special issue ammunition, inferno pistol, power sword, iron halo, frag and krak grenades 200 points. May take sterngaurd veteran as troop choices


Captain of the first: Depending on his war gear, terminators, assault terminators, vanguard veterans, or sternguard veterans may be taken as troops. Also any reclusiarch or librarian with the epistolary upgrade armed with terminator Armor, may upgrade there honor guard to terminator Armor for 100 points. If chosen than the honor guard will have power fist, terminator Armor, and storm bolter, and the noviate has blood chalice, terminator Armor and power sword. An honor guard may take a blood champion, which changes his power fist and storm bolter to two lightning claws and an upgrade to weapon skill 5 for 5 points, or may take the following

company banner for 15 points.

May replace power fist and storm bolter for a Thunder hammer and storm shield for 5 points

May replace power fist and storm bolter for a Pair of lightning claws for free

May replace stormbolter with heavy flamer for 5 points.

May replace storm bolter for assult cannon for 30 points

May replace power fist for chaonfist for 5 points

May take cyclone missile launcher for 30 points


If he takes option one, he may also upgrade his honor guard in this way.


Armor of Baal: This venerable suit of terminator armor is usually given to the chapter master of the blood angels, but given Dante’s desire for flight, it was given to Captain Angel upon his promotion to captain of the first. This is a suit of terminator armor with a three up invulnerable save.


Blood fist: This chain fist is the usual armament of choice for the first captain. It is a chain fist that strikes at strength ten, and adds one to the vehicle damage chart.





Abele Teo 5 5 4 5 3 5 3 10 3+ 160 points


Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Unit Type: infintry

War Gear: power armour, crozious arcanium, rosarious, hand flamer, frag and krak grenades

special rules: independent character, liturgies of blood, honor of the chapter,


may take a honor guard (which is counted as a reclusiarch’s honor guard). My take a jump pack for 25 points. May replace power armor, hand flamer and frag and krak grenades for terminator armor and combi-flamer for 25 points.




Evaristo Biagio 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 3+ 200 points


Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Unit Type: infintry

War Gear: power armour, force weapon, storm shield, frag and krak grenades, Hood of Baal

special rules: independent character, and they shall know no fear, psyker, epistolary master of foresight.

Powers: Sanguine sword, Shield of sanguinis, Blood lance


may take a honor guard (which is counted as a librarian with the epistolary upgrade for honor guard). My take a jump pack for 25 points. May replace power armor, bolt pistol and frag and krak grenades for terminator armor for 30 points


Hood of Baal: May rerole invulnerable saves for perils of the warp.


Master of foresight: may rerole all reserve rolls (even successful ones)



by the way, once these charecters are streemlined, i will be righting the story of mining planet 1138

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the 1st company captain is still hugely underpointed..


as stated in my comparison to lysander (his closest counterpart in terms of wargear.) lysanders hammer is str 10 and adds +1 to the vehicle damage chart.. your character has str 10, +1 damge and 2d6 armour pen and a combi flamer on top of this.. you also have better stats than lysander (he only has 3 attacks) and give better/more usefull bonuses army wide..


you need to address this points discrepancy, or do you believe that a combi flamer and altering the foc so much should be free?


also editing in the reason for karlean being captain after my post, then refering to it isnt the best way to go about things.. saying something like "ah i didnt realise there was already a named captain for the bangles.. ill work around that" would have been a better way.. i still personally think you should keep him as karlean.. perhaps Nicholas "The Angel" Karlean.. then make reference to his strikingly similar appearance to sanguinius?

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I had in mind that reason long before you pointed it out, but that is an interesting idea.


but there are a few more things to remember, lysander has a thunder hammer, giving a few extra things such as lowering inititive and auto shaking. he also has bolster defenses, gives the whole army stubborn and has the bolter drill, where mine has captain of the first. i think that forgetting those extra rules that lysander has is important to remember.


but that is my .02

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+1 on everything Lorenzen has said dude.

Before I give any criticism, I want to say good on you for coming up with some characters and fluff of your own, the game needs more free thinking. Ok couple of things...

"Hood of Baal", "Armor of Baal", "Blood Glaive", I know Mat Ward doesn't really set a great precedent but I'm sure you can come up with more interesting names than that. Use a thesaurus, wiki history and legends and look for names you like, with a little research you might be able to find something original that fits nicely.

Three sets of wargear, then a clunky section outlining all kinds of changes to Honour Guard isn't going to fly man. I thought Lorenzen's example rule "Leader of Archangels" was very elegant. If I was presented with the character he made I would have no objections playing against it, I would raise an eyebrow at the list of alterations needed to play against the captain you have created.

Wargear wise, having the "Armor of Baal" grant a 3++ I feel takes the protection offered by TDA too far, artificer TDA 4++ same as an ironhalo, at 3++ it just feels like you want to have a SS save on every character just because it owns (and isn't a "Blood Fist", just a powerfist by definition in the BA codex ? Codex in the other room can't be bothered walking to get it).

The rules for the "Hood of Baal" need a severe rewriting, I know what you are getting at but as written makes no sense, could try "if Evaristo Biagio is required to make a saving throw against Perils of the Warp, successful saves are not rerolled".

Isn't Corbulo the only BA to have any of Sanguinius's foresight ? Evaristo Biagio in a DoA list could be game breaking, I don't run BA DoA so you may need to check with someone more familiar with the list but rerolls on reserves could be quite strong, not to mention isn't that Tigurius's rule ? You have the same stat line, one less power per turn, same special rule, options for JP, TDA and Honour Guard, a freaking SS (no invulnerable is tiggys biggest weakness, your dude has the best invulnerable save out) and you cost 30pts less. I guess this is somewhat mitigated by the fact your librarian has no Psychic Hood.


Good luck with ironing these guys out.

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i may not have discussed them outright, but i did mention that your character gave BETTER army wide rules..


lysanders bolster is mediocre at best, afterall it only works on ruins and can benefit your enemy if they wipe you out of the terrain..


bolter drill isnt really that great either seeing as 90% of the time lysander will be running around with his hammernator homeboys rather than a unit of sternguard or whatever.. in many ways its a wasted rule.


in the case of stubborn remember you have chapter tactics too.. yours just come in the form of red thirst, only 1 d6 to scatters and being able to reroll failed reserves rolls.. plus stubborn is only effective if you're losing.


in terms of his thunderhammer it only makes you init 1 if you are successfully wounded by it and still alive.. so it works after saves and only against stuff that is t6 or above or immune to instant death.. yours works on all tanks except magical ones (monoliths & brayarth ashmantle) and already has tank related bonuses... if he was known as nicholas angel "tank killer extraordinare" and all his fluff talked about how he cleaved a renegade chapters achiles in half with the chainfist he forged himself after being beaten silly by a wraithlord back when he only had a power weapon.. then maybe, just maybe it would fly.


hell fluff wise shouldnt he be carrying a power sword and an axe of some sort and be all "prefered enemy: bloodthirsters"


it may seem like we're ganging up on you, but what we're trying to get across is game balance is key to making new characters, your character is like mordaci blaylockon crack atm (badab war part 1) hes 195 points and would get his ass handed to him by your character (and lysander for that matter) with little chance of doing any damage in return.. reason he costs so much? he makes terminators SCORE (not troops)


the whole terminator honour guard thing.. if you want a termie command squad with a termie captain, with termies as troops.. might i suggest reading codex: dark angels.

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I wish all who comment to know, as long as no swears are used to describe me, i take all coments and critism with great joy. I would not post this if i did not want it.

I took that information it consideration. and made some changes



250 points


Captain Nicholas Angel 6 5 4 4 4 5 4 10 2+


Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Unit Type: varies

War Gear: varies

special rules: and they shall know no fear, eternal warrior, independent character, captain of the first.


Armaments one: terminator armor, iron halo, combi-flamer, Sword of Cranio: May take ether terminators units as troop choices.


Armament two: artificer armor, jump pack, inferno pistol, Sword of Cranio, iron halo, frag and krak grenades. May take VV as troop choices


Armament three: artificer armor, combi flamer, special issue ammunition, inferno pistol, Sword of Cranio, iron halo, frag and krak grenades. May take sterngaurd veterans as troop choices.


Sword of Cranio: This is the sword that Captain angel used to kill the Blood Thirster. Upon the retrival of this blade, it had gained great power, but oddly, not from the blood thirster or his ax. This power sword strikes at strength 6 and will cause instant death on a roll of six when rolling to wound, regardless of toughness.


Captain of the first: Depending on his war gear, terminators, assault terminators, vanguard veterans, or sternguard veterans may be taken as troops. Also any reclusiarch or librarian with the epistolary upgrade armed with terminator Armor, may take the following honor guard instead of the standard.



4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 2+ honor guard

5 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 2+ blood champion

4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 2+ noviate


Unit Composition: 4 honor guard 1 noviate

Unit Type: infantry

War Gear: honor guard has power fist storm bolter and terminator armor noviate has power sword blood chalice and terminator armor

special rules: and they shall know no fear, red thirst


one honor guard my be upgraded to a blood champion armed with terminator armor and twin lightning claws for 5 points

company banner for 15 points.

Honor guard may replace power fist and storm bolter for a Thunder hammer and storm shield for 5 points

Honor guard may replace power fist and storm bolter for a Pair of lightning claws for free

Honor guard may replace storm bolter with heavy flamer for 5 points.

Honor guard may replace storm bolter for assault cannon for 30 points

Honor guard may replace power fist for chain fist for 5 points

Honor guard may take cyclone missile launcher for 30 points


If he takes option one, he may also upgrade his honor guard in this way.



For captain angel, i changed his armnament, and added some points.



Evaristo Biagio 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 3+ 200 points


Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Unit Type: infantry

War Gear: power armor, force weapon, storm shield, frag and krak grenades, Psycic hood

Special rules: Independent character and they shall know no fear, psyker, epistolary, master of foresight.

Powers: Sanguine sword, Shield of sanguinis, Blood lance


may take a honor guard (which is counted as a librarian with the epistolary upgrade for honor guard). My take a jump pack for 25 points. May replace power armor, bolt pistol and frag and krak grenades for terminator armor for 30 points


Master of foresight: adds one to all reserve rolls


For this character, i toned him way down and simplified his master of foresight rule.


and i renamed the blood glaive to Herald’s Blade

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ok the perils thing agaijn, dont forget is you succesfully save from it you will have to reroll anyway. so in other words no matter if you pass or fail his inv save youll have to reroll and accept the second result. would make it simpler if you just made it that it dosent reroll and the first result is accepted no matter what.
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i think you have it good enough as is, at str 6 with the insta killing ability. you dont want to make anything too ott or people wont want to play it, i wouldnt if i didnt think it was balanced. infact when gw had the veichle design rules they made it so that anything you made would cost more as thats what the freedom to create was worth. because of balance etc always put your self on the expensive side of what you think its worth so people dontjust feel its unfair. then as you play and test repoint accordingly.
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i think you have it good enough as is, at str 6 with the insta killing ability. you dont want to make anything too ott or people wont want to play it, i wouldnt if i didnt think it was balanced. infact when gw had the veichle design rules they made it so that anything you made would cost more as thats what the freedom to create was worth. because of balance etc always put your self on the expensive side of what you think its worth so people dontjust feel its unfair. then as you play and test repoint accordingly.


I miss those along with my space marine buggy.

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the captain is a lot better in terms of points & wargear now.. i still think that the multiple loadouts is a bit weird, but its definitley getting better.


at the point hes at now, id suggest playtesting him and seeing how he works, then adjust accordingly.. in a straight up fight i feel he should lose to his counterparts of characters at that level of points cost, but the army as a whole should balance that out.. afterall most 200+ point characters are combat monsters and little else.

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I rerote the rule for captain of the first, how does it look now?



Captain of the first: Depending on his war gear, terminators, assault terminators, vanguard veterans, or sternguard veterans may be taken as troops.


Also any reclusiarch or librarian with the epistolary upgrade armed with terminator Armor, may take a terminator squad as an hounor guard, but the sergeant must exchange his stormbolter to a blood chalice for 15 points, becoming a noviate, a company banner may be taken for 15 points, and any other options may be taken, including replacing weapons to turn a model into an assault terminator, my exchange weapons for twin lightning claws and an extra point of weapon skill for 5 points


If he takes option one, he may also upgrade his honor guard in this way.

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I don't see a base cost listed for the TDA Honour Guard squad so I'm assuming it's the same as in the book, then as written I can buy 4xCML, 4xTH&SS and a Chapter Banner for 270pts ? Broken. The heavy weapons need to be one per squad and the price amended, at base cost they are a steal.
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Here is my progress.


250 points


Captain Nicholas Angel 6 5 4 4 4 5 3 10 2+


Unit Composition: 1 (Unique)

Unit Type: varies

War Gear: varies

special rules: and they shall know no fear, eternal warrior, independent character, captain of the first.


Armaments one: terminator armor, iron halo, storm bolter, Sword of Cranio: May take 2 units of ether terminators units as troop choices.


Armament two: artificer armor, jump pack, inferno pistol, Sword of Cranio, iron halo, frag and krak grenades. May take two units of VV as troop choices


Sword of Cranio: This is the sword that Captain Angel used to kill the Blood Thirster. Upon the retrieval of this blade, it had gained great power, but oddly, not from the blood thirster or his ax. This master crafted power sword strikes at strength 6 and will cause instant death on a roll of six when rolling to wound, regardless of toughness.


Captain of the first: Depending on his war gear, terminators, assault terminators, or vanguard veterans may be taken as troops. Also any reclusiarch or librarian with the epistolary upgrade armed with terminator Armor may take the following honor guard instead of the standard.


WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 215 points

4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 2+ honor guard

5 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 2+ blood champion

4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 2+ noviate


Unit Composition: 4 honor guard 1 noviate

Unit Type: infantry

War Gear: honor guard has power fist storm bolter and terminator armor noviate has power sword blood chalice and terminator armor

special rules: and they shall know no fear, red thirst


one honor guard my be upgraded to a blood champion armed with terminator armor and twin lightning claws for 5 points

company banner for 15 points.

Honor guard may replace power fist and storm bolter for a Thunder hammer and storm shield for 5 points

Honor guard may replace power fist and storm bolter for a Pair of lightning claws for free

Honor guard may replace power fist for chain fist for 5 points

One honor guard member may take one of the fallowing

replace storm bolter with heavy flamer for 5 points.

replace storm bolter for assault cannon for 30 points

take cyclone missile launcher for 30 points


If he takes option one, he may also upgrade his honor guard in this way.

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