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Flesh Tearers Dice


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Hail Brothers,


After a biref hiatus from the hobby I have recently had my love rekindled. I've been asked to help run a local school club and have set myself to remaking my gaming armies, or in the case of 40k, starting from scratch. The points level is so low within the club because they play to the national school league rules that I am finding myself able to 'go to town' on my forces as it were. I've converted each model for my Flesh Tearers and given them all a pretty much hand crafter chain axe.


This smaller points level has also meant that I have funds spare compared to a 1500/1750 point force and with some of that money I am intending to do something I've always wanted but never done - Custom Dice!


I've been in contact with chessex and based on the information I have provided they have created this prototype:






What does everyone think so far? Does anyone feel that they need to be changed? I am also considering getting some made in red, but for my own needs I only wanted black.



+++Permission sought and received by JamesI before posting this bit+++


I am willing, dependant on numbers and poeple being able to guarantee purchase to place a bulk order for these dice for any other Flesh Tearer players. At the moment I would rather leave it to board users based in the UK and Europe due to shipping, though if another user from the US were willing to set up a shipping point from themselves and create a seperate purchase then that would cover any board users in the US who wanted these dice.


I haven't done any of the maths yet and worked out possible prices for the dice and then going further onto the postage to those who purchase them. I would generate a single order from chessex to be shipped to me and then ship dice out to purchasers once I receive them


I have sought permission of the admin team before posting this and Bolter and Chainsword will be in no way responsible for the dice, purchase now shipping on to their new owners.





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Hi mate, I had thought of doing this myself, so definitely put me down - dependant on cost of course! If costs are really high, I know that there's a custom dice company in the UK too that I've looked at, http://www.dice.co.uk who sell through http://www.em4miniatures.com/, who work out at roughly 30p per dice for custom orders over 100+, with further price breaks for 150+ to 200+. Looking forward to seeing how it goes mate!
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Hi mate, I had thought of doing this myself, so definitely put me down - dependant on cost of course! If costs are really high, I know that there's a custom dice company in the UK too that I've looked at, <a href="http://www.dice.co.uk" target="_blank">http://www.dice.co.uk </a>who sell through http://www.em4miniatures.com/, who work out at roughly 30p per dice for custom orders over 100+, with further price breaks for 150+ to 200+. Looking forward to seeing how it goes mate!


Thank you for the links Jarakin,


I've just sent off an email request for a prototype based on the same information as I gave chessex so I'll see what I get back from the UK based company instead.


Cpt. Blood Donator, Smallboy and AngelOfDeathXIII - Thanks for showing interest, once I have a response from dice.co.uk I'll work out which supplier to use and see how many people/dice are being purchased.





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Can you put me down for some as well (be a perfect b'day present for a mate who has a flesh tearer army). Just a word of warning, can you drop me a pm when you know more as chances are I wont delve further than the general forum or chaos much. Cheers
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1st off, that proto is WICKED!!! :woot:


2nd, does anyone know of a similar company that does this sort of thing stateside? I would love to look into getting some BA and Raven Guard made up.




I'm down for the BA dice too! I love custom dice though so it's hard to say no for me.

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I have some blood drop dice from Army Dice. I think GW hit him with a cease and desist thing because he had all the chapter logos and tons of army logos on dice. He sells 20 dice for $25 CA. How does his prices compare with getting custom dice from Chessex, I was thinking of doing to same thing.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Good morning all,


My apologis for my lack of response last week, with the school holidays I had very little time to my self.


I've sent several emails to customdice in the UK and had no response as yet so at this moment in time I think that this order would be best off placed through chessex.


I've been in contact with them and they have provided me with a little more information regard shipping options and such. The impression I get is that the shipping is done on box size and not weight, it works out to $15 per 100 dice (about £0.10 each). Now thats great if we order in the region of 100 multiples but it may be a little complex if we dont, but I/we wont know that until I have definitive numbers.


I've been having a think and running some numbers to work out how to go about this order. At the moment the costs for dice are as a bulk order, not cost per person yet):


10 - 25 Dice = £0.62

26 - 99 Dice = £0.46

100 - 199 Dice = £0.37

200 - 499 Dice = £0.32

500 - 999 Dice = £0.27


As it stands I want 30, so all the dice will cost us at least £0.46 each.


Soo the issues as they stand at the moment are shipping charges both for the order to reach me and then for me to ship the order out to yourselves.


I think that the best thing to do regarding the shipping of the bulk order fomr the states to myself is to get a definitve number of dice agreed on and then find out the shipping costs. Then divide it equally per dice and add the cost on to each dice.


For shipping from myself to each of you I would prefer to ship via recorded delivery. Simply because this gives us each some security and compensation if anything goes wrong. Shipping rates as such would then be:


1 - 20 Dice = £3.50

21 - 50 Dice = £4.00

51 - 100 Dice = £4.50

100 - 150 Dice = £5.00


Thats including the cost of 1st class recorded delivery, bubble wrapped envelope and 'packet' delivery costs via royal mail.


I'm going to ask chessex to run up a prototype of the dice in red this week as well so that anone interested can have a look.


What I need from you guys now is for each of you to tell me how many dice you would like to order. Once I have this information I/we can find out the shipping costs from the states to me and we can work out payments and such.


I'm hoping to be able to place this order by 20th june, so if I could have numbers by midnight on sunday 12th June.





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Good work Dan, do you know if Chessex would be able to make it so the Dice itself is black, the sawblade is white and the blooddrop is red? That'd make for some awesome dice. I'd probably put down for 50 dice myself, if we go for 2 different colours I'd do 25 each of red and black, would be awesome if the blood drop contrasts with the dice too. :D
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I'm going to update the original post later tonight or tomorroow with the dice totals that everybody is wanting so that we all know roughly where we stand with regard to costs.


Good work Dan, do you know if Chessex would be able to make it so the Dice itself is black, the sawblade is white and the blooddrop is red? That'd make for some awesome dice. I'd probably put down for 50 dice myself, if we go for 2 different colours I'd do 25 each of red and black, would be awesome if the blood drop contrasts with the dice too. :D


I asked them about it in my first email to them and even sent them the decal sheet thatis available in the downloads section here on the B+C, as far as I'm aware its not an option - or at least not one they gave me anyway. I've sent them an eamil this moring asking them to run up a red prototype dice, so when they get back to me I'll ask them. It may drive the price up though, I'm not sure to be honest.


Keep the orders coming!





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Good afternoon all.


Well I know I was useless and didnt do as I said and update the first post with a list as I said I would and I apologise for that, however I logged online today and opened my hotmail account to find a rather inconvenient email from paypal - in their infinite wisdom they had decided a little while ago to limit/close an account for me (which at the time was fair enough - an error with some ebay auctions meant I had to create an account to recieve the payments, though at the time I didnt realise I was in error and breaking paypal rules at the time). I recently closed my only remaining account to open a new one using a different paypal address and this morning I got the email telling me it was limited.


I've just called them and apparently I'm not allowed, ever again, to have, hold or use paypal accounts!


Now this causes serious issues for the dice purchase for 2 reasons:

1 - I had the funds for my dice stored in my paypal account and

2 - I was going to suggest that all users wanting dice paid for them via paypal for the security it offers (or offered in my case - I wont ever trust them again).


As such I think I'm going to have to put the dice project on hold unless another board member wants to step up and take the organisational role in this.


Regards and my most sincere apologies.



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