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Chaos Questions


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Hello all,


So I've been cajoled and convinced by a friend into getting back into warhammer after a few years, and since then there's been a new everything. While I remember bits and pieces of the rules, and am rereading codices and rulebooks, there are some questions I'm hoping to have answered. Beyond those concerning the mental well-being of whoever redesigned the most recent chaos codex. But let bygones be bygones. Anyway:


1) With regards to defilers' cannons: for ordnance, do I roll a regular to to-hit die, and then roll the scatter die to determine how precisely it hits? I see nothing in the rules that might say otherwise, and while it does balance out how devastating these shots can be (12 guardians lost last night in one blow. That'll teach him to keep them bunched together), something seems off about it. Especially when I go an entire game without hitting a damn thing because I'm rolling 2s and 3s. But I don't know.


2) I realize that I can check this just by looking up the rule in the book, but I don't have it on me right now and keep forgetting to check it when I'm at home. So I might as well ask now while the asking's in my memory. If a weapon's AP is less than or equal to the armor save, is the save disallowed? Or is it only if the AP is less than the save?


3) The icon of chaos thing is rather new. I've gathered that you need to have an icon/banner/balloon/whatever represented on a single unit. But if I lose that unit, does the squad suddenly lose the benefit? I don't mean to sound old and bitter, but what was wrong with marks?


I'm certain I have more questions but that's all I can remember right now. Another reread of the codex/rulebook might've answered some of these, but I might as well put it out there.


And, now that I think of it, is there anywhere that provides useful advice/instructions/templates to people looking to start a campaign? I'm looking to start one with my friend, but the logistics are becoming more and more complicated the more I get into it.


Sorry in advance if this seems like a 'needy' post or some sort. Thanks for your help all. I've got to get back to agonizing over how terrible my 13 year old paint jobs are.

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Hi. First of all, congratulations on selling your soul to the Gods for a tiny chance of glory. Welcome to the family. Right:


1. When firing a weapon like the battle cannon, don't roll to hit. Just place the template where you want it, then roll the scatter die and 2d6. The template scatters a distance equal to the result on the dice minus your ballistic skill (unless the scatter die scores a hit).


2. You're right, if the weapon's AP is less than or equal to the targets save value, then their save is negated. E.g. A bolter with AP 5 negates a Dark Eldar's save of 5+


3. Once again, unfortunately, you're right. If the model carrying the icon is killed, then the squad loses the benefits of the icon. This sucks and you'll hear a lot of Chaos players complaining about this, and we all miss the good old days of Marks of Chaos...ahhhhh, Plague Terminators....


Hope this clears things up, and maybe if I've made any mistakes some of the better players will correct me...

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