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Khorne Berzerkers hoa!


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Please give me some feedback!

My first ever squad I painted, did 3 space wolf-models 12 years ago and last week I once again picked up this wonderful hobby by buying a whole new set of paints and a squad of berzerkers.

I decided to paint them all at the same time, so I would consider this "tabletop standard". Really looking forward to doing my juggermounted lord (yes... I fell for the "Khorne-count-as-Space-Wolves" hehe)

I really don't want to use any bronze/gold on them as I don't like the color-combo (i'm alone here it seems hehe).

Basecoat with Armypainter's Dragon Red, washed with devlan mud then highlighted with Armypainter's "red" :)


The Hazardstripes took 2hrs, all metal-pins on armor took 5hrs... Guess every day you learn something new.

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These are cool but as the above poster said the only thing is the lack of color in the eyes.


I like the caution stripes on the weapons it almost says, "Caution: if you see this it is most likely going to end up in your face!" :)

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Thanks for the input guys! I have not painted the eyes at all. Couldn't decide on what color so I skipped them. Make them green/red-orange-ywllow-glowing(the skulls) would help alot?


I must say, I'm really pleased with the result. In hindsight maybe gold/bronze would help to make them more striking. But what to do. Please give more feedback if you can, I will NOT take offence and I do this to get better! Browsing through these galleries makes you feel quite small though hehe.

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A fine effort. Clean especially for khorne. If you are so inclined you could highlight the edges further with a orange. Gives them a fiery look. Same with the metal. Highlight with a light gold or darker silver would really make them stand out.


Based well. Always good to see that.


Well done.

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A fine effort. Clean especially for khorne. If you are so inclined you could highlight the edges further with a orange. Gives them a fiery look. Same with the metal. Highlight with a light gold or darker silver would really make them stand out.


Based well. Always good to see that.


Well done.


Thank you for the input!

The bases took 20 min all together so can't really take cred for them. back2base rocks!

I tried highlighting a model with GW blazing orange.. didn't quite like it, it made him almost look too spectacular! But I do think I'll do it when I make single characters. (I know chaos marines are supposed to have lived since forever, but I cant stand seeing an awesome looking rank-n-file trooper die to a las-gun! (but, but.. he have survived five thousand years in the warp, tormented by deamons and he once slew a whole IG-encampment because he thought they smelled bad, only to die by WHATTTTT!!??!" ^_^¨


Keep it coming! I'm learning from everything you guys say!


Edit; btw, what you mean "Clean"? Like no mixed colors or how do you mean?


Edit nr2: Urb, I checked ur work and your work is amazing! I would gladly learn a whole lot from you! Dont be shy, you are really good at this stuff and I'm only a beginner. Please share your wisdom and comment on stuff YOU think is bad and what could be done different! This is my first army, so I dont really mind spending a whole lot of time on it. THese 12 mini's took about 25 hrs spanning over 6 days (strange working schedule) and im not doing THAT many more squads for my army after all...

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Could mix your red with the orange for a muted highlight but they look good as they are. I'm hesitant to put too much effort in TT models myself so I understand where you are coming from.


When I say clean I mean it's well painted. You've taken the time to keep everything in the lines and it shows and I think it's worth the effort.


You paint a lot faster than I do and no worries. We are all learning a lot from everyone else. This is a cool place.

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If these are some of you first attempts at painting... then you are a far better painter than I was (and by the looks "table top quality" of it still am)


I think peoples eyes would rot out of their skulls if they saw the first orks I painted...

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I think peoples eyes would rot out of their skulls if they saw the first orks I painted...

Try it when your paints are 6-7 months old, and have been rotting in a warehouse all that time. It took me a while to realize you paint wasn't supposed to be lumpy.

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Mate, you should be proud of these!

Excellent work and if you build a whole army to this standard it will look great.


Your metal's look fantastic with a lot of depth to them and everyone has an opinion on what the ideal red should be. If you're happy with this tone of red than go for it!

My suggestion for the eye lenses would be green (scorpion green). They will stand out and really make the models pop.




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Wow.. Thanks for all the kind words! I really expected to get a lot of critique, so I'm really happy and surprised!

I decided to change the bunnyears and khorne-symbolic to bronze, to try and get a better overall look. I also painted the eyes yellow.

Here, have a look:


This picture also gives the red a little more truth. The lighting in my livingroom is not the best so I came up with the bright idea to activate the flash on my mobilephone. :)


Btw, I laughed out loud at the "berzerker with a cautionstrip on the axe"-part. Haha, I'm too hooked on the Iron Warrior colorscheme and it was either to get two armies at once or make one influenced by the other. :) Hence the Khorne with Cautionstripes thingy.

This way I can start my Space Goblins army (influenced by this picture I found on the internet. Sorry I don't know who created it but I do love the idea!) that much faster!

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Nice, I like your choice of eye colour. Though I do note that his neck seal is unpainted?


Ah, and the joke about the hazard stripes wasn't meant as saying they were a bad thing, if it came out that way, just that I found it funny. :)

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