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Quick n dirty version.


Get heavy flamer bitz from the defiler kit. Cut off spikes, add purity seal. Take your knife a couple of laps around the holes on the inside until they fit the space marine weapon mount pegs. cut a few mm of the center pegs until the two halves get a nice snug fit.



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As I very much doubt I'll ever use the HF sponsons on my Baals I have a few spare HFs floating around. Now I just need to see if I can cannibalise them to fit onto a standard SM vehicle weapon mount.
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i did it with them....


simple cut and shunt using the lascannon top thing from the razorback kit and the baal pred sponsons. not much to it really an di tell you it looks well! for some reason i dont have a painted pic but i can get ya one if you want?

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Heres what I did.



Parts are from the baal sprue and couple of pieces of plasticard.


Oh and its mounted on the rhino stormbolter ring thing so its a bit too small to fit to the razorback vehicle mount hole.. I should fix that.

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