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Honor Guard


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If I recall correctly, they used a lot of cut up Dante models too to get some of the shoulder pads and they had the old Dante jump packs.
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If you mean the pictures of the actual models (regular gold marines with fancy legs) I think they're the old Honour Guard set which is no longer available, it's from around the time of the PDF codex.

As mentioned above you could get a similar effect from using Sang Guard legs with regular marine bodies etc or even try sculpting the detail onto the shins and knees, it's a fairly simply job.


Edit: Having just grabbed the codex to have a decent look I'd say they were, as mentioned by Kem, that they're regular assault marine legs and bodies mixed with DC and Command Squad parts. The legs are definitely not cut up Dante, though the back packs might well be his. In other words they're a big old kitbash with the detail painted on the legs rather than sculpted.

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weve had this discussion before and had model etc comparisons made. seemingly they are a mix of theold honourguard set, copies of dantes shoulder pads, dantes jumppacks, greenstuffed abs, and the addition of thepowersword from the death co box. if your looking to recreate this id stat with death co boxs and the comand squad box. just so you know those legs are only painted to achieve that effect. and sanguard bits would probably look good with the too...
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Love that picture. I thought they were surprisingly unlike the sanguard! And that is the colour scheme for the chapter banner I'm working on, so nice to see a finished version of it.

There is a very long discussion on these figures. Can anyone find it and link? There is very little of the old honour guard set in them, but the old honourguard sanguinary priest is available still, without his jump pack, from GW.


(I think it is interesting how rarely GW photographed their actual honour guard set. I don't think it has ever been in a codex, for instance. They prefered the Gold Dante Guys, although we never got the bits to make them...)

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Here's the link to that discussion I started a while back: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...;hl=honor+guard


The end result is...a never released custom squad. Painted assault marine legs, custom created torsos, hacked off or duplicated Dante shoulder pads, and Dante JPs.


That's a funny point Brother Chris. I went back and looked at my PDF dex because I thought they where in there, but only one of the models is ever shown at a time, an individual shown for the Honor Guard description and army list entries, and the priest (todays current priest) is on page 2. On the other hand, the unreleased "Dante's HG" is on the cover and then shown a couple more times, including in the current dex. :huh:

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They were shown in how to paint Space Marines. When they were first done GW only did 4 of them which I thought was a bit strange. They were changed slightly for the latest codex by adding the BA power weapon.


This was my attempt at my own version I done quite a few years ago now



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