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Just curious how you all are dealing with the new GK book. I've read it over and they have several strong builds.


One in particular uses Coteaz to make their elite henchmen troops and then runs several land raiders and/or storm raven's across the board full of death cult assassins. You combine that with a 3+ cover save from shrouding and tech marines who add some nasty close combat grenade effects. 12 assassins=48 power weapon attacks on the charge at I6...hitting on 3's and wounding on 3+ due to the techmarine's nades and if hammerhand goes off wounding on a 2+.


The GK's biggest weakness seems their 24" range but it doesn't seem hard for them to close that gap by rushing forward with a 3+ cover save.

Vs assasins - they're attacking one unit, wait and shoot whats left. Every armor can be deastroyed by laz cannon (and it still cost him 250pts).


Harder army to fight with Coteaz is army full of servitors with multimeltas. 30pts per unit of 3 with multi meltas. You can have any number of those, because"this unit does not use up a force organization slot", and with Coteaz you can have them without Inquisitor. So in army of 1500pts you have 46 multi melta shoots. But we still have got our storm caller and Long Fangs ML :cuss

If 12 assassins hit grey hunters there won't be any models left. Sure you could then try and shoot the assassins but when someone is rushing 3-5 units of them across the board I don't see much that can stand up to it. As far as lascannons....a unit of 5 longfangs has a 6% chance to wreck/destroy a land raider with the shrouding. Not very good odds and if you get lucky enough to destroy one there are still 2 more coming.


I actually think Eldar and maybe Blood Angels due to their speed could combat GK's better, but I'm at a loss to see what we have to match a few of these crazy builds. They should have named the book "Inquisition" lol.

Wolf packs. You make a few strings of wolf packs around you Packs. The cultists have to hit them first. And then get cut down. Dreads should do wonders on them. I have to admit the codex creep seems to be in full effect thou. Cultists are way too powerful. Worse then Harliquins. And they were suppose to be the uber melee inf.
The same way you kill anything else. Loads of Plasma weaponry.


Every game lately my plasma gunners and lf plasma canons have been doing phenomenal. No one has died lately and one of my plasma gunners has been a sole survivor of his squad and has brought real hell to gks and demons. I gave him a crux terminatus chain because of it.

Death Cult Assassin in Land Raider Crusaders can tank shock past wolves and charge what is behind them. Throwing out a distraction unit is a good idea, but an armor 12 dread probably won't stand up to psi cannon fire (stastically better than lascannons) and it is not the psychic powers I'm worried about, it is the hitting on 3's and wounding on 3's with 48 power weapon attacks at I6. If they happen to get off hammerhand it becomes wounding on 2's and then throw in the Tech marines pyschotroke nades and its laughable.

He will see them. Everyone I see working on lists and playing them has 2 or 3 squads of them with a way to transport them. So yes this will be a problem.


As to Death Stars, More like 2 or 3 tiger tanks and you brought shermans. So yeah you can be worried. Makes sence.

He will see them. Everyone I see working on lists and playing them has 2 or 3 squads of them with a way to transport them. So yes this will be a problem.


As to Death Stars, More like 2 or 3 tiger tanks and you brought shermans. So yeah you can be worried. Makes sence.

So where are all these boss Grey Knight armies then? The codex has been out for a couple of months so far and I'm not seeing any reguarly grace the top tables at tournaments.


Grey Knights are a second string codex, they aren't as good as IG, Wolves or Blood Angels while probably on a par with Dark Eldar.


Death Cult assasins can do nothing to armour, you make them walk and they are walking through a hail of bolter fire that will put them down with their t3 and 5+ save

Uhm yea, just be aware that if they are running with a libby with might they become str5 with 2d6 armor pen. Add on hammerhand and it's 12 hive tyrants busting you vehicle.

We have the best psychic defence in the game bar Eldar and if they wreck your rhino your outside and you shoot them. They don't have grenades so they have to pop transports in the current meta because otherwise they are attacking long fangs through cover. 6 long fangs with counter assault hitting on fours wounding on threes with five up saves is going to put a dent in that deathstar unit as far as I can see.


Honestly I'm just not seeing whats so scary about this unit.

Yeah they all have power weapons but they have to get to you, they are low toughness and they die to bolters and frag easily.

But they are generally only ever going to devastate one squad and then they are left out in the open for all to see.


With the state of the current meta especially for space wolves you would lose either a grey hunter or a long fang pack and if your list doesn't have the redundancy to deal with that then you have bigger problems than that.

They don't have frag grenades. First, you gotta get them out of their transport, but that's not different than any other heavy assault unit. Next, you hit them with Murderous Hurricane before they assault you and then they are at I1. Then you Counter-Attack and do what wolves do best. Flamers will do well against them once they are on the ground. Speeders with Multi-melta and Heavy Flamer are looking like a better and better choice lately.


I've been thinking more and more about dropping the Wolf Guard from my GH packs and just running fulling 10 man squads, putting the PF on one of the GH. That way I have a Meltagun and a Flamer in every squad that can fire every round if needed.

WOW holy smart phone failure batman. I apologize for the triple post. My phone obviously just went crazy. I realize that we have a 50/50 chance to deny a power, but I am just saying DCA's/Henchmen have ways to bust armor. I also agree that 12 DCA will wipe out a squad and then get shot off the board. I pose the question about what happens when you start encountering mixed squads with DCA and crusaders rolling around with 3 up invuls? In the end I really only meant to comment on the post that stated to just mech up and ignore them. I don't agree with that advice. Like others have stated, they don't have grenades. A land raider does have the launchers to make up for that. So I would suggest to bust the raider and hug some cover and just shoot them to hell. Sometimes it's easier said than done, but should be a sound strategy none the less.


Oh and malachiofruss, have you considered just adding a combi-flamer to your wg instead of the combi melta?

Edited by Godhead

I was under the impression that you could only take so many of the assassins per army and even death cult had only small squads......regardless of the assasins being made troops (which im unsure is even possible) there still exists a limitation on the assassins and the number you can field.



squads of 12 death cult assassins some how doesnt sound right to me.

I was under the impression that you could only take so many of the assassins per army and even death cult had only small squads......regardless of the assasins being made troops (which im unsure is even possible) there still exists a limitation on the assassins and the number you can field.



squads of 12 death cult assassins some how doesnt sound right to me.

A warband of Death Cult Assassins consists of 3-12 models, and is normally limited to 1 per Inquisitor. Coteaz makes all henchman Warbands Troops and unlocks the limits of 1 per Inquisitor, so you can field 6 Warbands of 12 models each @ 15pts/model.

I was under the impression that you could only take so many of the assassins per army and even death cult had only small squads......regardless of the assasins being made troops (which im unsure is even possible) there still exists a limitation on the assassins and the number you can field.



squads of 12 death cult assassins some how doesnt sound right to me.

A warband of Death Cult Assassins consists of 3-12 models, and is normally limited to 1 per Inquisitor. Coteaz makes all henchman Warbands Troops and unlocks the limits of 1 per Inquisitor, so you can field 6 Warbands of 12 models each @ 15pts/model.

yeah ok but then are you considering that special or named char. are aloud

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