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Infernus pistol on HQ's


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So I have been wondering what people's thoughts are on the Infernus pistol for HQ units, primarily on a Librarian or Reclusiarch, that will be joining an assault squad that will have either two plasma pistols or two meltaguns with a PF Sargent to boot.


I am really just unsure if it will be worth the point and if it would really make a difference to the HQ unit overall.

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I like to give them to my Reclusiarchs, since they are BS 5 anyway. But overall there are probably better uses for your points.
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Most of the time I'd advise against it. Generally most special pistols aren't a good way to spend points, especially true of plasma pistols.

If your libby has a shooting power then definately not, he'll probably never shoot the infernus.


However, an infernus can sometimes add a fair bit of synergy to a unit.

E.g; an honour guard with alot of melta or a RAS with 2 meltas like the squad you suggested there. In these rather specialised units (or not with some army lists) extra melta can only be a good thing.

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Infernus Pistols are generally something I won't spend points on as I keep my armies very tightly trimmed down to stay competitive.


However I do use them in my Death Company lists as they are the only Melta you have access to.

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I don't think that Infernus pistols are worth taking on HQs that aren't BS5. I'd never give one to a Librarian, normal Chaplain or Sanguinary Priest, but might consider it on a Reclusiarch or Captain (not... that I'd ever take a Captain). Reasoning is that it costs rather a lot of points and won't fire too many times, so when it does fire I want it to count.
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to be fair the extra punch the infernus ppistol has over the plasmapistol doesent make up for the reduced range.


you get one more strength and a better AP. versus infantry these make no difference. the infernus pistol causes instant death versus T4 models, but generally you wont find an IC without bodyguards in some form or another leading you to instant death 1 wound models :lol: the added strength CAN make a difference but generally onloy against vehicles or monstours creatures like the wraithlord (wounding on 4's instead of 5's with the plasma pistol) dont know if any other MC's have such a high toughness...


versus vehicles that 1 point of strength can make a difference but the pistol only shines within 3 inches. a distance at which you can generally charge the vehicle anyway and since such a close distance is unlikely to happen that many times (even with jumppacks) this advantage is mostly lost.


compared to the plasmapistol you lose the ability to kill yourself with your own weapon but you lose range as well.. this makes this weapon nigh useless if you ask me... (for the points anyway)

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to be fair the extra punch the infernus ppistol has over the plasmapistol doesent make up for the reduced range.


you get one more strength and a better AP. versus infantry these make no difference. the infernus pistol causes instant death versus T4 models, but generally you wont find an IC without bodyguards in some form or another leading you to instant death 1 wound models :devil: the added strength CAN make a difference but generally onloy against vehicles or monstours creatures like the wraithlord (wounding on 4's instead of 5's with the plasma pistol) dont know if any other MC's have such a high toughness...


versus vehicles that 1 point of strength can make a difference but the pistol only shines within 3 inches. a distance at which you can generally charge the vehicle anyway and since such a close distance is unlikely to happen that many times (even with jumppacks) this advantage is mostly lost.


compared to the plasmapistol you lose the ability to kill yourself with your own weapon but you lose range as well.. this makes this weapon nigh useless if you ask me... (for the points anyway)


So, by the same reasoning, plasma guns are better than meltaguns?

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With your setup it will be really redundant. Additionally I can't see the sense in giving the HQ that upgrade given that he will be in CC most of the time - ideally. So, outside of rule of cool or flavor points I'd say no. Especially on a Libby.
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to be fair the extra punch the infernus ppistol has over the plasmapistol doesent make up for the reduced range.


you get one more strength and a better AP. versus infantry these make no difference. the infernus pistol causes instant death versus T4 models, but generally you wont find an IC without bodyguards in some form or another leading you to instant death 1 wound models :tu: the added strength CAN make a difference but generally onloy against vehicles or monstours creatures like the wraithlord (wounding on 4's instead of 5's with the plasma pistol) dont know if any other MC's have such a high toughness...


versus vehicles that 1 point of strength can make a difference but the pistol only shines within 3 inches. a distance at which you can generally charge the vehicle anyway and since such a close distance is unlikely to happen that many times (even with jumppacks) this advantage is mostly lost.


compared to the plasmapistol you lose the ability to kill yourself with your own weapon but you lose range as well.. this makes this weapon nigh useless if you ask me... (for the points anyway)


So, by the same reasoning, plasma guns are better than meltaguns?


Depending on targets....yes.


but first of all HQ characters cant take plasmaguns and meltaguns (obviously) but on a squad that you want to get in hand to hand (assault squads) the plasmagun simply isent an option. the meltaguns get less shots but when close enough (6 inches) tend to kill vehicles more reliably... plasmapistols on the flipside cost 15 points but allow you to charge. but since they only ever get to fire once or twice it varies from person to person if they are willing to pay that much...


secondly, the range penalty the infernus pistol gets really hurts its usefullness. if you can fire it (6 inches) your most likely able to charge as well. if you are within 3 inches (melta range) the weapon gets more lethal but generally a meltabomb has the same result for less points. (mind you youd have to charge but if your allready within 3 inches...*shrugs* )


look im not saying its useless, far from it. But at 15 points the range of 6 inches is simply to much of a gamble. The plasmapistol at 12 inches sometimes rarely gets to fire. and chances are that if you are facing something so scary that you need the extra D6 on melta range you dont want to be in combat with it to begin with :)


renember that the difference between AP2 and AP1 only makes a difference against things with an AV... and in that regard the squad can allready take 2 meltaguns and a powerfist. if you need even more then that the dice are very against you or or you got into combat with something to nasty to deal with...


im not much a fan of the infernus pistol. if someone else is, thats fine! the little iffy 6 inch pistol wont come into my lists anytime soon though :lol:

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If I have the points, I'll give one to a Reclusiarch, but that is about it. If I take a Captain, (and sometimes I do for fun,) I give him a Storm Shield. As others have said, Librarians can take shooting powers that they can use instead, Priests don't have an Inv save and only have one wound so I don't want to watch those points fall to one Power Weapon, and I don't typically take Chaplains.
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to be fair the extra punch the infernus ppistol has over the plasmapistol doesent make up for the reduced range.


you get one more strength and a better AP. versus infantry these make no difference. the infernus pistol causes instant death versus T4 models, but generally you wont find an IC without bodyguards in some form or another leading you to instant death 1 wound models :P the added strength CAN make a difference but generally onloy against vehicles or monstours creatures like the wraithlord (wounding on 4's instead of 5's with the plasma pistol) dont know if any other MC's have such a high toughness...


versus vehicles that 1 point of strength can make a difference but the pistol only shines within 3 inches. a distance at which you can generally charge the vehicle anyway and since such a close distance is unlikely to happen that many times (even with jumppacks) this advantage is mostly lost.


compared to the plasmapistol you lose the ability to kill yourself with your own weapon but you lose range as well.. this makes this weapon nigh useless if you ask me... (for the points anyway)


So, by the same reasoning, plasma guns are better than meltaguns?


Depending on targets....yes.


but first of all HQ characters cant take plasmaguns and meltaguns (obviously) but on a squad that you want to get in hand to hand (assault squads) the plasmagun simply isent an option. the meltaguns get less shots but when close enough (6 inches) tend to kill vehicles more reliably... plasmapistols on the flipside cost 15 points but allow you to charge. but since they only ever get to fire once or twice it varies from person to person if they are willing to pay that much...


secondly, the range penalty the infernus pistol gets really hurts its usefullness. if you can fire it (6 inches) your most likely able to charge as well. if you are within 3 inches (melta range) the weapon gets more lethal but generally a meltabomb has the same result for less points. (mind you youd have to charge but if your allready within 3 inches...*shrugs* )


look im not saying its useless, far from it. But at 15 points the range of 6 inches is simply to much of a gamble. The plasmapistol at 12 inches sometimes rarely gets to fire. and chances are that if you are facing something so scary that you need the extra D6 on melta range you dont want to be in combat with it to begin with ;)


renember that the difference between AP2 and AP1 only makes a difference against things with an AV... and in that regard the squad can allready take 2 meltaguns and a powerfist. if you need even more then that the dice are very against you or or you got into combat with something to nasty to deal with...


im not much a fan of the infernus pistol. if someone else is, thats fine! the little iffy 6 inch pistol wont come into my lists anytime soon though :lol:


If you're firing a plasma pistol more than once, you're doing something horribly wrong. Then inferno has a good chace to instagibb tyranid warriors, paladins and nobs just to mention a few. The best thing a plasma pistol can hope for is to pop a rhino or kill a single non SS termie. I'd rather take the I.P over that under any circumstances. And once again, if you're using the plasma pistol more than once, things are going horribly wrong. 12", charge range for opponent. Even tau have kroot to disrupt you from there.

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Plasma pistols in a squad with Hit and Run would probably be able to fire it more than once without issue. So, Dante's squad.


Unlike inferno pistols in the same squad? Seriously, the plasma pistol is the worst weapon in the entire codex for its points. There is no way to justify that garbage.

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Plasma pistols in a squad with Hit and Run would probably be able to fire it more than once without issue. So, Dante's squad.


Unlike inferno pistols in the same squad? Seriously, the plasma pistol is the worst weapon in the entire codex for its points. There is no way to justify that garbage.


I read a debate a long while ago it was either in Amicus Aedes or in Throne of Skulls that debated this issue. I know the issue of Beserker Squads came up as the plasma pistol is the one long range type upgrade for them. I think the community as a whole came up with the conclusion that Plasma pistols aren't usually worth it for the points.


Edit: Found it


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Plasma pistols in a squad with Hit and Run would probably be able to fire it more than once without issue. So, Dante's squad.


Unlike inferno pistols in the same squad? Seriously, the plasma pistol is the worst weapon in the entire codex for its points. There is no way to justify that garbage.


I read a debate a long while ago it was either in Amicus Aedes or in Throne of Skulls that debated this issue. I know the issue of Beserker Squads came up as the plasma pistol is the one long range type upgrade for them. I think the community as a whole came up with the conclusion that Plasma pistols aren't usually worth it for the points.


Edit: Found it



I hope the zerkers get the inf. pistols in the next chaos dex. 6" is where they want to be from what they're shooting at. And one of those puppies has a hell of a better chance of popping a rhino than does a plasma pistol.

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I've been thinking whether to give one to one of my librarians but I think I'm gonna go with a stormbolter instead for some extra shooty goodness.
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Plasma pistols in a squad with Hit and Run would probably be able to fire it more than once without issue. So, Dante's squad.


Unlike inferno pistols in the same squad? Seriously, the plasma pistol is the worst weapon in the entire codex for its points. There is no way to justify that garbage.


I love this comment. I also think that Plasm Pistols are garbage. Have not used one really since they have made them 15points. (And that 15 points that can kill you). Back to Infernus Pistols. THere is a place for them in BA armies. Sang. Guard can take them cheaper and that works well with Dante. Other HQ's could take them if they are in a squad with a melta or two. Just to add a back up. I also like to run a RAS with MG, Flamer and Infernus Pistol on the Serg.

Still Iw ould only give an IP to a IC that has BS5. So that pretty much means a Reclusiarch but since I take Astorath when I can...well no IPs.

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