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Unit unable to deploy


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Do you mean, deploy during the Deployment step or deploy as in coming in from reserves?


If the former, then it's just put into Reserves. If it's the latter GW answered it in the FAQ:


Q: What happens when a unit arrives from reserves but is

unable to completely move onto the board? (p94)

A: The unit is destroyed and removed from play.

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A specific scenario would be helpful here... long story short if you move your transport and can't deploy the contents from an access point without being within 1" of an enemy then you can't deploy. If your transport is wrecked and you can't deploy from an access point due to enemies you can 'emergency disembark' anywhere around the hull, but of you are completely surrounded then everyone inside dies. See rulebook for details.
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Yes sorry, I forgot to set up the case, bit late over here in europe.



Tyranids set up first. Then before their opponents set up they use Biovore spore mines to occupy tactical advantagous areas like cover etc. Now once the opponents turn to deploy comes, he is unable to deploy parts of his troops, because he has to stay 18" away from the spore mines (assumed due to scenario). So what happens to the troops he can not deploy at this time please.

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I'm not familiar with the Tyranid codex, but aren't the mines set up after both armies have deployed?

Nope; Spore Mine Clusters come in before any units are deployed.


That said, since it's the deployment phase, if there isn't room to deploy all models then just put the rest into reserves.

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Ok so he should have done that before deploying himself. I think it had no negative influence on his opponent, basically he robbed himself of the chance to react to the scatter of his spore mines.


Still seems like a good method to deny cover and possibly disrupt the opponent's deploy, forcing certain units into initially unfavorable positions. Thanks for clearing this up guys.

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Ok now the obvious question then:


Can you tank shock with an off-table tank coming from reserves via table edge?

Don't see any reason it wouldn't be allowed; it's a part of the movement phase, and as long as you move the vehicle fully onto the table during it's movement phase, it's a valid deployment from reserves.


On another note, blocking a table edge also wouldn't work on skimmers, which can just hop over the enemy models.

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It has been FAQed I believe (don't have them handy now).


Yes you can, but if you are stopped for whatever reason before the vehicle is fully on the board... the vehicle and any units inside are destroyed.

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