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Against deamons....


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So, I played against deamons for the first time last night. They were an odd army to face off against (very different fom their fantasy counterparts).

His list was something like

Tzeentch special character (Fateweaver?) (<--- this guy was a pushover, dead in his first turn from bolters)

Tzeentch herald


1xHorrors unit

x3Plague bearers units

1xBloodletters unit


x3flamers units


1xguys riding juggernaughts unit




maybe some more stuff, the game was 2250


Question is, what types of units would you take against this list (sugestions,nevermind asking what i own, I can field anything in the book)

I only really had issues with the soul grinder, but I am currious what units you have found usefull against deamons.


I won the game BTW. :D

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So, I played against deamons for the first time last night. They were an odd army to face off against (very different fom their fantasy counterparts).

His list was something like

Tzeentch special character (Fateweaver?) (<--- this guy was a pushover, dead in his first turn from bolters)

Tzeentch herald


1xHorrors unit

x3Plague bearers units

1xBloodletters unit


x3flamers units


1xguys riding juggernaughts unit




maybe some more stuff, the game was 2250


Question is, what types of units would you take against this list (sugestions,nevermind asking what i own, I can field anything in the book)

I only really had issues with the soul grinder, but I am currious what units you have found usefull against deamons.


I won the game BTW. :D



I wouldn't say Fatweaver is a pushover , he is T6 with a 3++ re-rollable save after all.

Its about a 0.21% chance for a marine firing a S4 weapon to wound Fateweaver and for Fateweaver to fail his morale test that removes him from the table upon taking a wound.


As for what units to take against daemons , Daemons will struggle with fast moving vehicles (7"+) as they will require 6s to hit in combat and outside of bolt of change and breath of chaos , Daemon armies don't have any abundant ranged

anti-tank. This is where Blood angels posess an advantage , with so many fast vehicles we can use our superior mobility to keep daemons at range from us. I've found Blood angel rhinos and razorbacks to be incredibly good against daemons , tank shock 7-12" , either pushing daemons off objectives or denying them assaults , fire a weapon and the following turn be very difficult for the Daemons to bring down in assault. ( In one game I had two razorbacks tank shocking in a rough sqaure around an objective in a capture and control mission and succesfully denied the objective to three units of 6 fiends for 4 turns while inflicting moderate casaulties and suffering minimum losses in return.)

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Funny, I played my first game against deamons last night too.


I decided to use my sanguinary guard list with Dante and a Librarian. The game turned out to be a bloodbath where there was no clear victor.


The Tzeench troops were useless in combat and their ranged weapons didn't effect me at all with my 2+ armour saves. They died quickly.


Obviously, the Khorne troops were freakin tough. I was able to shoot his Bloodletters up with my angelus boltguns but once in combat he reigned supreme (my all army armed with power weapons was useless seeing how everything he had got invunerable saves!).


Next time I will probably take a Stormraven or two to give the ranged capability to thin him down.


Just a few quick thoughts.

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Played a 1000 p game vs demons a couple of weeks back.


Rucliarch, 6 death company( 2 pw)

Storm raven

2x10 ras (pw, 2mg)

priest with JP


First turn his flamers killed an entire unit of assault marines+ the priest... But the death company and mostly my storm raven kicked some serious ass... Killed 4 blood crushers(the blood letters riding juggernauts) in the charge! But their flamers are insane!! Flamers who wounds on 4+ and after that the model is dead.... no save, no cover, no inv. save.. its dead.. sickest flamers in the game imo(beware!!!).


I find demons tricky... since their initiative changes so much depending on what god they come from. Demonettes with their initiative of 6 is pesky since they have rending... But a good volley of bullets always works well, since they usually only have 5+ save and in most cases t3...But as i see it.. know what charge and make sure you don´t get sucked into combat and then get charged by blood crushers or blood letters. Play hit and run, and rely on your power armor and FNP, since their shooting is kinda useless in most cases..

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Thanks for the sugestions, I found out for myself how much a death company dread w/ talons can put some hurt on deamons (he accounted for a unit a flamers, a unit of horrors and a unit of bloodletters and ended the game in a stalemate fight against the soulgrinder.

My landraider crusader also performed great ,it's storm bolter took out the last wound on fateweaver. And speak of the devil, to me, fateweaver did seem like a pushover as he landed, shot my predator, got a crew shaken result then died in my subsequent turn from two attack bike twin linked bolter shots (the multi-meltas did nothing) 10 shots from death company bolt pistols and the finisher with the storm bolter.


I don't think I will be taking any land raiders next time though, they just seem like to much of a points sink (I went expecting to fight orks)

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