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Starting Building Blood Angels

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I'm going to my local GW in the morning and going to pick up some stuff for Blood Angels to get me started. Rather then going on with horrid details to get me started I'm looking at:


2xDC box

2xAssault Squad box

Captain box

Chaplain w/jp

Pack of Jump Packs


I will be mixing parts in of the DC boxes into the normal Assault Marines to make fluffier and super cool looking Blood Angels (I hate the decals so molded pads are a plus). I will be using spare parts to make a flying captain and while debating the cape as I'm not sure how dumb it will look. I just like the Chaplain with Jump Pack model and since I found out he's going to be a Finecast release I was going to pick him up with anyway and run him with a squad of DC or another squad.


Good initial Pick up? Should I get a Command Squad to JP later? The DC squad isn't planned out, should I consider Lemartes (sp) instead of the normal JP chappie? Truth be told I really like both models and wanted to paint up a JP chappie for a long while, I just got the excuse (might do both eventually)just wondering what one is better. Is there a better HQ? Should I get a Battleforce instead? I'm not planning on running a ton of models on foot (or in Rhinos) I'm planning a stereotyped death from above thing, but that is what I want. I do want to do a DC and a Sang Guard, but I'm planning basics right now. I am just wondering other ideas for a good initial purchase. Also I don't think Libby as a default as I play BT a lot so I'm used to not having one. Any other good ideas for an initial purchase? Also as a final point I love the generic captain box and don't like to run a SC and run an oddly made captain of my own design and when I start a new project I ALWAYS pick one up. Its the first thing I build and paint as it sets the tone for the rest of the army for me. So please would a JP look dumb with a cape?

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Good initial purchase. You've essentially got 20 "bodies" to work with that can be made into Assault Marines, DC, or even VV. You don't need an extra pack of jump packs unless you are needing to add them to other models (your list above has 20).


The only thing, unless you are dead set on it, is the captain. I played with one for half a year, and simply decided the reclusiarch (jump pack) is better for so many reasons. My captain is now the sergeant in my VV.


I personally like the BA battleforce, but most people find the actual SM battle force a better deal. However, that depends on whether you like scouts, and it also doesn't sound like you'll be using a tac squad, so a battleforce may not be for you. However, you can turn the tac squad into assault marines, depending on how many of your DC use bolters, etc...

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Almost no one runs captains as they are not nearly as good as reclusiarchs or the more common, librarians. If you want to buy that box and convert a JP libby than thats fine but I wouldn't recommend the captain.
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Just a note, if you go 20 bod's all with jump packs, chappy with j/p then you will be one short for you Captain. The best loadout for him is twin lightning claw/jump pack (although as everyone wil tell you the Reclusiarch is better, but Captains make good models even if they are not the best on the table :P )


Also I'm taking it you will be going all jump pack, if so you need to get some special weapons in the assault squads (most use meltaguns).


Most will also tell you that if you are going Descent of Angels that painting you DC as Vanguard Vets would be better than as actual DC because the DC are very expensive points wise with jump packs.

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I'd also buy a sanguard box for the bits, bling and bodies if not the unit itself. The DC boxes have great bling too, but the extra variety from the addition of a sanguard box rounds 'em out I reckon.
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Just a note, if you go 20 bod's all with jump packs, chappy with j/p then you will be one short for you Captain. The best loadout for him is twin lightning claw/jump pack (although as everyone wil tell you the Reclusiarch is better, but Captains make good models even if they are not the best on the table ;) )


Also I'm taking it you will be going all jump pack, if so you need to get some special weapons in the assault squads (most use meltaguns).


Most will also tell you that if you are going Descent of Angels that painting you DC as Vanguard Vets would be better than as actual DC because the DC are very expensive points wise with jump packs.


Yeah, a lot of particular model use will depend on how many jumpers/non-jumpers you use,

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Chaplain w/jp



I thought about picking him up today in FailCosttm until I saw the state of the model. I hope you had better luck with yours :lol: . +1 for the SG and pack of meltas.

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I think you will have hours of fun with those boxes. If you want to have a captain, why not. The combination of DC and captain bits can make some very fine models. 'How to paint space marines' has a captain with cloak and jump-pack which looks great. He has a thunder-hammer.


The only problems you will have are 1: you are buying a set of normal jump-packs just to give one to a captain. Surely you could get a single one, maybe a winged Sang Guard version on ebay?

Next there is only one lightning claw, in the captain box.

There are plenty of the hand special weapons (infernus, plasma and hand flamers) in the DC box but if you want something larger, like a melta or a flamer, they are in the tactical box.

So maybe I would suggest you consider buying one assault box, one tac box and one set of jumpacks. Then you get the special weapons and an extra 5 marines should you ever need them (the DC boxes have normal backpacks and bolters as well so you can make some nice tacticals or sternguard if you get bored with DOA.


Finally, the SG set has some fantastic bits in it. The assault legs are particularly nice for a DOA army. You could make your HQs out of it, if you want to see how a captain and a librarian compare, and you can even make Dante from the pieces provided.

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I got everything I described less the captain box, they were just out of it. Thanks for the help, I have a nice heaping pile of sprues to start digging into now and can't wait to get started. I'm not sure of exact weapon loads as of right yet, but I'm sure it won't be too crazy. Can't wait to get dug in with the DC boxes either the bits look really detailed and worthwhile (better in person then online). I'm debating if the next acquisition will be Sang Guard, or some jump packs (they were out of that as well) and adding stuff here and there. I'm also debating a 3rd 10 man assault squad (I love taking a ton of troops).
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I agree with you on the models, they really are nicely sculpted :P . Glad to see another BA recruit too. As to your next purchase I would recomend the Sanguinary Guard box, out of this you could convert your Captain, Librarian, Chaplain and 2x Sanguniary priests using left over bits from the DC boxes.
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Chaplain w/jp



I thought about picking him up today in FailCosttm until I saw the state of the model. I hope you had better luck with yours ;) . +1 for the SG and pack of meltas.


Actually mine is awesome, it was in perfect condition, I was actually let into the store pre-open as I got to the mall super early and they were already set up and ready. I saw one broken mini, but it was a DA Company Master which has split along the sword haft right under the hilt. I think that one might split a lot at that point as the way the sprue was made. As much as I hate saying it I'm enjoying the new material more then I thought so far. I'm working on the chappie as we speak and might get it sprayed up in the morning. I have to pick up my wife from work so I will get a start on the plastics while I wait for her to get out tonight.


I agree with you on the models, they really are nicely sculpted ;) . Glad to see another BA recruit too. As to your next purchase I would recomend the Sanguinary Guard box, out of this you could convert your Captain, Librarian, Chaplain and 2x Sanguniary priests using left over bits from the DC boxes.


Thank you. I have actually been planning a BA army for years since the thin codex. Just with the exclusives disappearing from in stores and other things grabbing my attention outside the hobby I got stonewalled a few times ( :) ) along with my long standing other armies and other stuff being easier to build at the time. I've actually had the book for almost a year and just finally got a bunch of lists built to what I wanted. Would you say the SG box for the SG, and a second box for an upgrade etc? I'm going off several ideas and maybe one tank. I will post what I have later when stuff is good and ready. I'm taking a different approach to army building so this should be better for completion rate.

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