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Ironing Out a Good Army


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So having acquired a bunch of different units and stuff for my Angels Encarmine army, I am considering any final purchases. Below is what I have so far to work with. Can anyone make suggestions on must-have units that I should get to fill out any big holes in the force? I'm thinking that a Stormraven might not be a bad idea, to transport some termies (since I have a bunch) or maybe a DC and DC Dreadnought.


Anyhow, here's the basic list of what I have available:



-Librarian in TDA

-Librarian with jump pack

-Captain with dual LC in TDA

-Captain with jump pack

-Honor Guard

-Reclusiarch in TDA w/combi-melta




-Furioso Dreadnought

-Veteran squad

-Sanguinary Guard

-Sanguinary Priest(s) [in Power Armor and/or TDA]

-Terminator squad

-Assault Terminator squad

-Chaplain with jump pack



-Tactical squad (1-2)

-Assault squad (1-2)

-Death Company

-DC Dreadnought



-Baal Predator



-Devastator squad

-Dreadnought (if I swap out weapon arms with the Furioso - so I can take a regular Dread OR a Furioso)



-1 Rhino


Any units I just absolutely MUST HAVE to make this rag-tag batch of plastic and metal into a force to be reckoned with on the tabletop/battlefield? Also, any suggestions on loadouts on any of the above units would also be great to hear if anyone wants to give me their advice on that too.


Thanks in advance fellow sons of Sanguinus!



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I'd say like 3-4 more Razors because they can be used as Rhinos too... I play SWs though so take it for what it is....


SW?! That's heresy here on the BA forum! :P


Adding a couple more transport options to my available pool of units is probably a pretty good idea, no matter what else I might end up needing/wanting.

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More transport options like the others have said. Maybe a second Baal pred and a couple of cheap MM Attack bikes to flesh out your fast attack choice. Stormraven definitely, you won't be dissapointed if used carefully.
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Ok, the Stormraven has gone to the top of my list of stuff to get. Although one of the reasons I haven't invested in one yet is that i just can't bring myself to like the model. It's too chubby and clunky. I have been toying aroudn with the idea of get a Valkyrie to use as a stand-in, since I have always loved that model, and don't plan on ever having an IG force, so this would be a chance to get one and build and play with it. What do y'all think of that idea? Too different? Ok?
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Many on these forums rate the Predator with the AC/Las. I haven't gone done that road yet but I would be lying if I said "I didn't build one tonight" They do seem to have a lot of love.
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Ok, so I am thinking that a Stormraven (or suitable stand-in) a regular Predator, and a Razorback are the next few things on my to-buy list. I think I will try to come up with a generic list of around 1500 points to get some feedback/critique so I can start building a standing army to actually get playing! Thanks again BA buddies.



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This is the kind of question that will get you 100 answers from 100 people and not one will be the same. There are huge variations in how people play their angels and you need to get a feel of how you want to play before deciding on big purcheses.


As a quick help I'll give you a rough guide to each most commonly played type and what I'd go for each. If I was you I would still think about it very carefuly before rushing out to buy the first thing someone from the web said to get.


First up is DOA / JP spam.


Can be vary difficult and riskey to play as it depends on your rolls for deep strike. On the other hand it can lead to your oponent being very off balance if everything goes to plan. If you decide on this then I would look at getting all your Sanguinary Priests Jump Packs, getting a few squads of Vanguard (heroic intervention works very well for BA) and upping the number of assault squads you have. Use the Librarian as your HQ and make good use of Shield of Sanguinius when you drop.


Next is Mech


You'll want a load more Razorbacks if you want to go Mech. Magnatise the top hatches so you can run them as Rhinos as well. Add in another Baal or a Vindicator to give your opponent something other to worry about than popping transports with his heavy weapons. A Stormraven would also go in well here but remember that it will be top on your opponents kill me quick list so don't relly on it as a game winner. Still pack it with Assault Terminators and the Furioso and you have a good core for your army.


Finaly Hybrid.


This takes on the best of both of the above but adds its own problems. The main one is that your oponent will be able to put their guns to the best use. DOA basicly makes anti tank weapons inefective and Mech does the same to most infantry guns. I run most of my lists this way though as it allows you to field a list more adaptable to whats thrown at you. Hybrid lists can be done two ways, use a line of tanks to shield your jump troops or use a hammer and anvil aproche. If you go the former Id recomend Baals with just the flamestorm cannons and Vindicators as thse can move up fast and throw out a lot of pain and hoof it over the board. If you go the latter think about another Dev squad and maby a auto cannon/las preditor to sit back and hammer while you push forward with transports and Baals / Vindicators.


Hope all this helps. Remember to think about what will fit with the way you like to play rather than what other people say is the best.

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This is the kind of question that will get you 100 answers from 100 people and not one will be the same. There are huge variations in how people play their angels and you need to get a feel of how you want to play before deciding on big purcheses.




Hope all this helps. Remember to think about what will fit with the way you like to play rather than what other people say is the best.


thanks for the thoughtful advice. i think that it's pretty clear that i lack transports, be they the SR, Razorbacks, LRs, etc. i think i am going to get a Stormraven as well as at least one Razorback, to keep the hybrid option open. i like the idea of DoA, but i also enjoy building/converting/painting vehicles, so for the meantime at least, i think i am going to shoot for hybrid, and see how i enjoy that.


thanks again folks!



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Depending on who you talk to one stormraven and no other mech is not always considered a hybrid army but still a DOA a hybrid army has multiple normal tanks and some jumpers in it as well.
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If you ever go to buy Rhinos, always buy the Razorback kit. You can switch out the roofs and use them as either Rhino or Razorback.


Learning to magnetize your models will always give you more options to choose from and save you a lot of money buying different models. You can even do it with your infantry.

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Adding a Stormraven would be nice, then you can get your DC and DC dread or assault terminators in to the fight.

Assaulters can always DS/jump across the board.

Then add a rhino/razorback and your tactical squads have a mobile bunker.

Couple it up with a priest or two and I think you have a good start to play around with.

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