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Storm Raven or Land Raider


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I need to buy another transport. I do own a storm raven at the moment. Should I buy a Land Raider Crusader/redeemer/normal or another Storm Raven?

My plan is to transport Death company, terminators, maybe sang. guard so a rhino doesnt cut it.


Is there a synergy you have experienced?.. like 2 storm ravens is better then one etc, or does 1 storm and 1 land raider work in 1750-1850p?



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I've played both two storm ravens and one. I like either, but the problem with two is that there just isn't a lot of other stuff on the field then. It's a lot of fun, and it means, usually, that at least one is going to do its job. I haven't run a LR/SR, but I'd guess the same is true. I will say that I've got both, but since I've had my ravens, my LR hasn't seen the table;)
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I ran a list once that had my standard DC load out ( 9 DC with 2 PF, chaplain with PF or TDA and DC dread with blood talons) in a SR and 5 termis with libby in TDA in a LRC. I had the raven sit right behind the LRC for most of the game. Having 2 sets of hurricane bolters to gun everything into the dust is fun. I think running 2 ravens may be better than just one. Whenever I run mine it gets shot until it goes down in every game. Having 2 would half the fire power that would instead be all directed at one. Of course have a LR with a really nasty squad and SR on the field may have the same effect.
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I think a Landraider and a Stormraven could be a good combination with the Raider providing some voer for the SR as it moves up the field and unleashes a stack of fire. That being said it also makes it easy for your opponent to direct fire. Melta weapons at LR and others weapons at SR.
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