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Imperial Consuls

Andrew J

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I like the look on these - and the conversions you have going on! Only thing that I am a bit unsure of is the silver helmet on the Chaplain. Somehow, I don't see it fit. I am, though, a sucker for the traditional bone coloured helmet, and I think it would fit quite nicely.


I will be looking forward to seeing how you will do vehicles.



Master Ciaphas

Thanks for the comments guys. I wanted to do something different for the Chaplain helmet. I saw it in the Ultramarines Movie and thought it looked awesome. I was originally going to do some scroll stuff on it but tried on another guy and it did not look right so I left it bare for now.

I will be building the Sternguard soon and will see how the Scibor stuff works. The helmets seem to fit quite well and look really good but the shoulder pads are quite large. They might work on the sternguard I will see soon.

I have made up my own chapter symbol based off the Holden car company lion. I like how it looks and already made up the decal sheet. Now the only thing is to get the decal paper and see how they work.


The four smaller ones around the corners are the correct sizes based off the decal sheet here on the B&C.

I should have another update soon.

So I put together some of the MkV stuff which will be my sternguard. Got the first guy mostly together now the question is to keep the normal head that goes with it or one of the newer Mks of helmet. The plan is I am going to mix in newer Mks through out the squad with shoulder pads and torsos and helmets.

Also I had planned on putting on the Scibor shoulder pads but man are they huge. There is one set which is just the lions head which are large and another set that has a smaller lions head and a scroll rim that are slightly smaller.

Here is the first pic with a tacked on Scibor shoulder pad... the more I look at it, it is growing on me. Let me know what you think. I do want these guys to stick out a little bit so it might work.


Now here is the normal MkV shoulder pad.


Now here he is with a helmet I found in my bits box that will probably go on one of these guys.


And another...


I am going to put a bunch of pics with different helmets now. Mostly to show what the Scibor helmets look like but also to see what you guys think if they look too different to fit in with the normal PA guys.




Not a huge fan of this helmet...


Overall I like some of the designs but there are a couple I dont think work for PA. They might fit better on Termis.

Now my future SG Sgt just tacked together. Obviously shamelessly based on the one from GW. I love the pose on that one and plan to add a lip around the neck to give it more armor and look like the one from GW. Also going to have the arm sticking out more from the body so that its pointed more to the side than the current front pose.

Let me know what head you think works the best on him.




C&C welcome

Yeah, the Scibor stuff is certainly too outsized for Power Armour - the shoulder pads for sure, but the helmets are iffy to, in my opinion.



Those shoulder pads are well huge for normal marines. I've ordered some but I can see there's going to be some serious remodelling.

Hey man, if you wanna take a look at my marines ive been working on, Ive been using the scibor lion pads extensively, not alot of people like em, but I think they look really good, im into the huge shouldar pad look, here you go





Ill be putting up more pictures eventually, haven't taken photos in awhile and have done some more work.

I also have some done (Sorry no pics yet) with scibor pads and chapterhouse pads mixed and they still look alright, I think its all about the pose. One thing to keep in mind if you have not already is that because they are so big you'll have to plan their position as to not interfere with the backpack to much. I just ended up painting and gluing the back packs on last.



I got some more painting done on the assault squad. About 80% done, need to add markings and script, then base. I will not be doing any more jump pack marines as I HATE painting jump packs. They are just a pain in the butt. I got a lot done on those too.




Let me know what you guys think of the power weapons. I was going for the glowing metal look, and I like how its subtle.

Also finished the second wash for the second combat squad. Will be starting on them soon.

I am currently waiting on some bits to come in to finish building my sternguard. They should be here today or early next week.


C&C always welcome

So I got my sternguard built. The basic fluff being that they were founded with all MkV Heresy armor and so only the oldest and most veteran battle brothers get the sacred armor when not in Terminator armor.

Let me know what you think.


My favorite guy.


C&C welcome

  • 2 weeks later...

So I have edited this page to reflect that I have changed the chapter name from the desert lions to the Imperial Consuls making it entirely my own fluff. I also noticed a week ago that I have not really put any lion gear on my guys as I was sorely disappointed in how large the Scibor stuff was. I shall save them for the future but have now taken the army in a different direction relying more on the Roman theme than anything to do with lions. I have added the aquila from FW to all my guys shoulders as the chapter symbol, seeing as how Imperial it makes them feel and in Rome the aquila was the main symbol used by all the legions until later in the empire (thanks Wikipedia!). I feel like it fits pretty well.

Boy was it a pain going back over the shoulder pads and painting the color back to try to match it after putting the aquilas on. Note to self being to plan more before painting....

Anyway I have finally gone about getting them done and have a few pics as an update. I also did about 90% on the next combat squad.

Here is the next combat squad.


Assault squad


Army pic so far


Almost finished with my techmarine bits bash


Finally slapped on the primer on these guys



Let me know what you think.

So I got some work done on the Sternguard. They are pretty much painted need to base and add scrollwork and other odds and ends. I also totally finished and sealed combat squad 2, ended up making them Tac Squad 3 with their markings.

I am pretty proud of how the Sternguard have turned out and I really like the scheme I came up with for them.


Combat Squad 2


Since I am close to done with the sternguard I will be starting the scouts next. I have been thinking about whether to do camo or just dark colored fabric. The camo I have been thinking of doing is like the new US Army ACU, green, grey and tan. I think it would look good. I have a stippling brush that i think would work well for it. Or I was thinking about doing charadon granite and highlighting it.

What do you guys think?

  • 2 weeks later...

So after a long week off I finally got the Sternguard completed and started on the scouts. Let me know what you think of the scout scheme. I think it might be too dark but i dont know.

What are your thoughts?





The black on the boltgun will be silver but other than that the light grey will be washed with badab black. Also need to finish the details and face.


Andrew J

C&C welcome!

nice looking stuff, man.


those scibor shoulder pads would look cool on some terminators, but i think they're to big for normal marines. nice idea for casting them in green stuff!


not a big fan of those helmets, they look weird on power armour, but they might look cool if they are spread out a bit in your force, or used on some special models.


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