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Running a DC List for Fun and Hobby


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I have several projects on my table right now...like many of us...spannng 4 different armies. I have always liked the Blood Angels, especially the Death Company.


I do not need another competitive army. I want a fun army. I own a few box sets of DC and plenty of Legion of the Damned.


So, I had this thougt of making an all DC list with some DC dreds. I might throw in one Tac squad.


I was looking to see if anyone has run a 90-100% DC list and what problems have you faced? Are you arguing about Rage all the time? Win/Loss does not matter to me with this army.


I have also read several threads onf CCW/BP versus Bolter. I will probably do a mix, but heavy on the Bolters.


I like DC Tycho and Lemartes for Leaders.


Any constructive feedback is appreciated and pics would be awesome.


Thank You,



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Well, you need Astorath for starters. A TAC squad isn't going to be something you'll want to throw in this list. Honor Guard for Astorath is what I go with in mine as the only non-rage squad. Stormravens are fun in this list, too.
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Like the other guy said. Astorath is a must have. He is the one who removes the 0-1 limit for DC units. Reclusiarchs/Lemartes/chaplain is needed -> Reroll to hit/AND wound on the charge is just too good to ignore. I also vote for Stormravens. A good way to smack the DC dreads right into your opponents face (they do not work well with Drop Pods since they are not allowed to charge the turn they arrive) + it is the only transport that can include Lemartes since he has a obligatory jump pack.

Well... last but not least I'd prefer transports like Rhinos or Razorbacks versus footslogging/jumppacks because DC in transports is not affected by the Rage universal special rule...


And I wouldn't care too much about scoring units...

First... It's a fun army.... not competitive + even non scoring units can deny objectives -> you can always go for a draw.

Second... Just wipe your opponent off the table.

; )

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I ran an almost all DC list twice. The first time I ran 3 stormravens, one with Astorath and 5 DC with JP PW, one with Lemartes and 5 DC with JP PW, and one with a PF chaplain + 11 DC 2 with PF. I cant remeber but I think I also had a DC dread in there too. I was tabled by the end of turn 4 against SW. The second list I ran was Astorath, Lemartes and 4 DC with JP PW in stormraven with DC dread, 2 9 man DC units, 1 with BP/CCW and 2 PF, other one with bolters. Both were in drop pods and led by chaplains. I had one regular dread and one more DC dread. That list I table my opponent in turn 6. My only problem with running a DC is model cost. You want to give them anything other then what they come with and their price goes up fast.
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I ran an almost all DC list twice. The first time I ran 3 stormravens, one with Astorath and 5 DC with JP PW, one with Lemartes and 5 DC with JP PW, and one with a PF chaplain + 11 DC 2 with PF. I cant remeber but I think I also had a DC dread in there too. I was tabled by the end of turn 4 against SW. The second list I ran was Astorath, Lemartes and 4 DC with JP PW in stormraven with DC dread, 2 9 man DC units, 1 with BP/CCW and 2 PF, other one with bolters. Both were in drop pods and led by chaplains. I had one regular dread and one more DC dread. That list I table my opponent in turn 6. My only problem with running a DC is model cost. You want to give them anything other then what they come with and their price goes up fast.


I build them like my tactical/assault squads for the most part. 1-2 PW for 6-10 guys+1 inf pistol in there. Otherwise, yes they get expensive. I do have one unit that is a 4 man jump pack, and in that group I add in Lemmy.

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