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The oddest looking power fist?

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I was looking over my purchases and talking my wife into another trip to GW (she wants some stuff too) I am considering a couple of SG boxes (one for squad, one for bits) and I was looking at the picture in the codex on page 67 where it shows a SG member with a powerfist and plasma pistol. Is it just me or is this the oddest looking powerfist they have made? It looks too long and beyond that the hand pose looks more awkward then normal. Is it just the picture or the model itself?
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The Power Fist does look better in person, I really like it. It does look bigger than your usual clenched fist because the fingers are out stretched. Also the arm is more out stretched compared to the one you get in the Death Company box so this again makes it look a bit bigger. I don't mind the pose, but you can obviously make your own.
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Its the best powerfist GW has made in my opinion.


I just thought from the perspective of the box art/codex pictures it tended to look a tad too long compared to other ones even open ones (chaos). I just thought it was odd looking, but wasn't sure if it actually was, good to hear it actually does look decent. Also kind of reminds me of the old SW one, but longer looking.

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Are we talking about the one that has 'baal' written on it? I really like it too, I think I'm gonna reposition it when I use it but I'm saving it for a special model as I doubt I'll be buying another box of SG for a very long time!
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I have so far bought 2 boxes of SG and used both of those PF. To make my honour guard I and going to kit bask a SG set and a command squad set. I love that PF and like you, 1Drop, I am saving it this time for the perfect model.
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I think it is a cool fist as well. I also like the old Space Wolves left hand Pfist and the Chaos Pfist. Both have those pointy fingers. As someone said...go the eye poke
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I liked it a lot. The only powerfist I used because it looked great not just as an upgrade.

I hope this pictures proves my theory the SG power fist and Chapter Banner are a perfect match.




The weirdest looking PF goes to Captain Cortez:





It looks like they hacked off a terminator first and glued it on.


I didn't know this model before but I agree with your points.

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Its the best powerfist GW has made in my opinion.


Agreed 100 percent. Articulated fingers are very very very rare on power fists. Eye poke a daemon prince for the win.

It doesn't hold a candle to the current CSM Powerfist or the old 2nd edition one. :)
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Its the best powerfist GW has made in my opinion.


Agreed 100 percent. Articulated fingers are very very very rare on power fists. Eye poke a daemon prince for the win.

It doesn't hold a candle to the current CSM Powerfist or the old 2nd edition one. :)

I like that one, too. Its on my Raptor champion. But the SG one is better due to the BA markings.

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