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Rotten Bastards

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Pretty cool looking army bit a nurgle warband without plague marines? I know current fluff dictates only death guard have plague marines but that's bollocks, all nurgle armies should atleast contain plague marines, mine is pretty much all plague marines (or atleast it will be when I'm finished) even my normal marines have been converted into leviathans of pestilence and disease. It's my favourite thing about a nurgle army, getting a csm kit and removing the belly plates and sculpting big fat rotten bellies and loads of sores and decay on them. I also picked up a kit of the new resin plague marines the other day, they are amazing, the detail is so good now.


Anyway bro, really nice looking army. But, do papa N proud and add some of our rotten pour armoured brethren to your ranks.

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They models should work fine as plague marines (and I use them as such most often when doing my Undivided list). However, rusty seems opposite of greasy and bloated, like the normal plague marine look.


I need maybe 2 more squads of troops and two more rhinos. Building them the same time I'm working on my Sons of Malice and my Teal Hawks Raven Guard Successor chapter

Edited by Spear of Achilles
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