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i was tabled turn 3 by GK

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I refuse to believe that I won't be able to find a nurgle list that can beat the GK's
It is possible to beat them with an anti-meq Nurgle list, just dont expect to do it regularly as whatever you can bring, he can bring more of - for less points.
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FMPT, that was just a day of bad dice rolls, I don't think it had anything to do with your list. Oblits failing to kill vehicles AND failing armor saves, making a poor roll with your Plaguers.


I'd try out another brick of dice before changing up your list! :)


Oh I agree, some of it was not just 'bad' dice rolls but HORRIBLE, like my entire unit of 10 PM on the charge not giving one single W (Including the PF, ya, it did nothing, I don't even think it hit), I rolled all 1's and 2's. Some of it on my Oblits is, I was shot at by (I don't remember at the moment) but I know I got no save from it, so that didn't help (It killed 2 Oblits out right). But with the only 1 vehicle kill by the Oblits is he had popped smoke, and saved on all, except for the one. I think I had only one of my Rhino's still mobile at the end of the game along with 1 unit of 10 PM's and about 4 PM's out of the other unit (which would have died next round of CC if the game had gone on), he had, well EVERYTHING alive, with the exception of the 1 strike squad and the 1 Rhino.


So I'm not giving up on the list, but still think i'll make some revisions.

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I play Grey Knights (sorry everyone) and my friend plays Death Guard.


We recently had a game where he forgot to bring some of his stuff. Instead of playing a smaller game, he decided to use some of my bloodletters (I play World Eaters) as lesser daemons. He had two big units of about 14 I think.


As we're going through the game, I'm crushing him pretty good. We demech'd each other the first 2 turns, but now my Grey Knights are beating down his Plague Marines.


I had the game under control until... the lesser daemons came on the board. Ironically enough, they fared better against Grey Knights than Plague Marines. The Daemon hunter became the hunted.


He ended up beating me 1-0 on objectives after an extremely bloody and awesome game.


The things that did well for him were: Warptime DPs, Obliterators, and Lesser Daemons. Plague Marines were basically a waste, they're best use was getting the Daemons summoned close.


Obliterators are good because of the range they can fire at. Psydreads are good at popping transports, but their AP isn't low enough to seriously threaten Oblits.

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I refuse to believe that I won't be able to find a nurgle list that can beat the GK's

That's the spirit! Uphill battles are not necessarily lost causes.


@Nurglez, did you face your DG off against your own Draigo Wing yet? I'd be curious to hear how that went. You play Paladins more than any of us (so far) so I think if anyone should be able to kill them... :)

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