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So it's that time again...

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The World Eaters are ever the cc badasses of our codex, but their style has bored me as of late. Always resolving assaults and needing to ensure I get the charge has lost its flavor and I'm afraid I'll have to give my 'Zerkers a bit of a rest. In the meantime, I've been pushing myself to construct a new Chaos army; one that doesn't revolve around cult troops.

Interestingly enough, I'm fond of the Night Lords, Alpha Legion and Iron Warriors almost equally.


The NL have been a a longtime favorite of mine, due in part to their color scheme and terror theme. Their lightning and bat wing insignia are undeniably hardcore and reminiscent of the heavy metal genre dear to my heart. (And no, I'm not talking about Avenged Sevenfold. I despise them. Ripping off the NL symbol... -grumble-)

I figure an NL army would be both challenging and fun to play, coordinating my units with a sort of fear-inducing synergy rather than throwing handfuls of troops into cc and having my hands overflow with dice.


The Alpha Legion is worthy of attention due to its highly secretive nature and infiltration tactics. I particularly like their hydra motif - cut off one head and more will grow in its place. I can imagine using Chosen and Havocs to great effect by applying pressure where it'll hurt most. The AL operates very much like a surgical scalpel; atypical to the wild, 'kill 'em all' Chaos stereotype.


Lastly, the Iron Warriors have caught my eye mostly due to their siege and iron theme. If you listen to power metal a lot like I do, steel and iron become prevalent themes to watch for. I like the idea of Chaos Marines using heavy weapons to bash through defenses, not to mention entire armies. Also, the metal Iron Warrior heads remind me of knightly helmets, which I also like.


So I just want a legion that I can put up with painting for a while, like enough so I don't get distracted by the flashy features of other armies, and to have fun with on the tabletop. The choice is ultimately mine, but what would you think?

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I think there is nothing wrong with collecting elements of all 3. The painting will be varied, each chapter could have varied units dependant on how you interpret the fluff and the game play explanation of these legions working together is simply 'short term cease fire to suit their collective motives'. Those 3 chapters would look very good together and would give you a widely varied model set to game with.
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I have been collecting a Black Legion army for the last year, picking up models off eBay and letting them sit in closests until I am ready to paint them. I went through a similar debate when it was time to pick a legion, and ended up with Black Legion because I was not very fond of the others. Here's why:


1) I did not want to do an Iron Warriors army. It seemed to me like properly representing them would have involved a fair amount of conversion work, which was above my skill level when just starting out. The color scheme always bothered me a bit as well, I could never decide when it was time to stop painting yellow safety stripes.


2) The Alpha Legion would have been fine, but I did not know what the real paint scheme for them is. I was not about to do something like what they display in the Codex, that is too much detail to apply to a set of troops. Older representations just about look like Night Lords. Regardless, if I did up an Alpha Legion army, I would want everyone to know they are looking at Alpha Legion.


3) Night Lords have always appealed to me, but getting my hands on the helmets would have raised the cost by 25% per troop unit. Similarly, HQ units would have to be heavily customized. Given the fluff around them, I could not see using Daemon Princes, which appear to be the only HQ units worth having. These issues made me not want to do them.


The trouble with the Black Legion is highlighting the black. It has taken me about a year to get to the point where I can paint a model in black and actually go back and do reasonable highlights. Consequently, it feels like not all of the army is done at this point.

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That would probably depend most on your style of play and really just which army you like the most. Night Lords if you're sticking to the fluff would be fast and strike terror (if that were possible with our dex) whereas Iron Warriors would be composed of nearly every heavy support slot you can take. Alpha legion would be more in the middle, able to field both FA and HS while still being fluffy. In the end I would say pick the one you think you'd have the most fun with and if you don't like them you could always repaint them or do a totally new chaos legion like I've done.
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I believe Iron Warriors would be the easiest to replicate using the current C:CSM, as all one really needs is a healthy amount of vindicators, defilers or oblits to imitate their siege affinity. I've already got a defiler and a few oblits, so I think Iron Warriors would also be the most economical to go with, as I won't have to shell out much more for havocs, chosen or raptors and things of the like. And playing as IW would require some strategy to determine where to direct fire, maximizing the effects of my blast templates and such. They've been increasing in popularity with me and it'll be fun painting them to one of the four metal bands on my iPod with "Iron" in the title!
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They've been increasing in popularity with me and it'll be fun painting them to one of the four metal bands on my iPod with "Iron" in the title!


Please tell me one of those bands is Iron Maiden. But on topic the but the Iron Warriors were always one of the coolest legions in my mind.

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Iron Warriors is the way to go!


I have been thinking to restart mine, and funnily enough, add the same two brother legions as well (NL & AL). I plan on making the IW the dominant force with troops and heavy armor while I paint either smaller squads and chosen up in the colors of the other two. I haven't given it that much thought but something along these lines would allow me to have my three faves in one army.


Best of luck to you!

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The difference in colour between NL and AL is that the AL is not as dark blue and lacks the lightning strikes. They don't have gold trims but silver and they are highlighted with a hint of green.


For inspiration check out the awesome old artwork of John Blanche from the 2nd ed codex! :jaw:

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