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Valkyrie as Stormraven proxy?


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So, as I mentioned in my previous thread about what to get next for my army, I am thinking about substituting a Valkyrie for a Stormraven. The reasons for this are two-fold: 1) I LOVE the Valkyrie model - I have thought it was cool ever since it was FW-only - but since I don't really intend to ever run an IG army, I have never, and probably will never, have a justification for one. 2) I just can't bring myself to like the Stormraven model. I just think it's too chubby/bulky/clunky... however you want to put it, it didn't quite work out in the design process.


So would you think it is ok to substitute a Valk for the SR? It seems they are similar size, and with the proper conversions I can put the appropriate SR weapon configuration on the Valk. Add some BA icons (or Angels Encarmine, in my case) and a snazzy red paint scheme, and voila!







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I am sure most people wouldn't have a problem with it except at tournaments who are usually less relaxed about those things. Though if it was painted appropriately and had all of the right weapons I don't see why not in most cases.
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I am sure most people wouldn't have a problem with it except at tournaments who are usually less relaxed about those things. Though if it was painted appropriately and had all of the right weapons I don't see why not in most cases.


That's pretty much what I figured, but I wanted to put it out there to see peoples' reaction. I don't plan on much tournament play, just gaming at the local game store and with friends, so I don't figure it'll be an issue.


The conversions for weapons will be relatively easy I imagine, but part of me wants to also convert a rig for carrying the Dreadnought in the back too. This brings me to another question though: how should I paint the bird? I plan to make a DC Dreadnought first, and I think it would be neat to paint the Valkyrie in DC color/symbols, but on the other hand, I don't think that the SR-Valk will be transporting my DC most of the time. Though who knows, I hear some people run two Stormravens in their lists, so maybe one AE colors and one DC colors...



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Just paint it red but use plenty of black as a secondary color to justify it being a DC raven when you want it to. Really that doesn't matter because you are not required to paint your DC vehicles black or even your DC. Though if you use about 66/33 ratio of red to black it will be easy to say it is either.
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I am sure most people wouldn't have a problem with it except at tournaments who are usually less relaxed about those things. Though if it was painted appropriately and had all of the right weapons I don't see why not in most cases.


This is pretty much my take as well. With a good paint job and at little bit of conversion concerning the weapons it should be fine in day to day games and perhaps some tournaments...eg i once had a problem with a Rogue Trader Dreadnought and it is a genuine Dreadnought model, albeit rather small but some people are very strict.

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Only problem I can see with it is if the weapons are in different places. I'm not really familiar with the Valkyrie model and just wonder if some people might argue, for example, "But the turret mount on the Stormraven is 2" further back so you'd be out of range if you used the right model" or something like that.
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I use 2 valks as Stormravens, even in tournaments, and never received any negative comments. I mean I'm sure there are some anal-retentive TOs out there that might give you grief, but over-all you should be fine.
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Just paint it red but use plenty of black as a secondary color to justify it being a DC raven when you want it to. Really that doesn't matter because you are not required to paint your DC vehicles black or even your DC. Though if you use about 66/33 ratio of red to black it will be easy to say it is either.

Actually, if he's Angels Encarmine, it should be red with white to use as DC as AE have white DC.

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I use 2 valks as Stormravens, even in tournaments, and never received any negative comments. I mean I'm sure there are some anal-retentive TOs out there that might give you grief, but over-all you should be fine.

Would love some photos of a Space Marine Valkyrie.......

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