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Need ideas for a Chapter Name.

Magic Dragon

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Not a big fan of the black right leg, honestly - I think it'd look a lot better in bone.


Had you any thoughts on what you wanted the chapter to be like? I'm honestly having trouble just coming up with a name off the top of my head.


EDIT: Maybe something like Eradicators? Eradication Angels?

Provided by CJJ and his handy button pressing finger, in conjunction with the Chapter Name Generator:


Skulking Enforcers

Gore Justicars

Screeching Templars

Dancing Dragons

Rainbow Fists

Shrieking Sharks

Raging Krakens


Those in yellow being my particular favourites!

I'd agree on the proper half and half scheme, if you want some black on that side of the marine, what about making the shoulder trim black.


Something like:





Then you're making it more symmetrical overall which makes the single red arm stand out. Perhaps the name could follow from that; Bloody Fists, Angels of Gore, etc, etc?

How about ... the marines of the We Got Shipped the Wrong Right Arm Chapter?


Seriously, name them anything you want just don't fall into the trap that too many do. Chapters are named long before they have any exploits, great or small. Even GW falls into this trap all too often. Take the Blood Angels for example, or Dark Angels, or Ultramarines, the list goes on and on. I'm just saying, name them then build them.


Actually when I see that color scheme I think night/day. So Sons of the Dawn, Nexus Knights, or something like that.

  Chapter Master Ignis Domus said:
Does Purifiers work for you?


And the quest continues... :rolleyes:


And to stay on topic; they really do look like they should be White Scars successors, to me, what with that colour scheme. So... Sons of Khan? Sons of Chogoris? I dunno. I'm kinda struggling here... :P

What is that right arm about? Did they fight a bunch of World Eaters and revoke their right to bear arms? Literally? Although, even if true, you need to do something about their right to arm bears...


Anyway, for productive suggestions:




Sanguinary Fists?


Scalded Sons?


I really got nothing here...

Well the first founding chapters that were mentioned were renamed by the Primarchs, so the situation was very very differant.


And then, maybe they get named differantly than what we think? (I don't know though, I could be very wrong, but I don't remember seeing anything to the contrary).

So maybe when a chapter is founded, it is given an official name like chapter 18-13 (18th chapter of 13th founding). And then from there it gets it chapter master, who chooses its name (maybe right away, or maybe after something notable). He then says, "Oh man, we slaughtered those people at dawn, and our tactics worked flawlessly. We are the Dawn Raiders!" Then from that point foward, they love that name, "Dawn Raiders, rally to me!"

So then the Chapter Master submits that name (because he did not previously submit a name, so it is still 18-13). The HLoT then designate them as the Dawn Raiders.


That is my take on it. Of course, it all depends, and I could be completely wrong.

  Telanicus said:
Well the first founding chapters that were mentioned were renamed by the Primarchs, so the situation was very very differant.


Also, and by far the most important point, GW make the rules thereby they get to break them.

  Omega Striker said:
-...Back Breakers?


Reminds me of the title of a really bad film.


Bone Hunters

The Merry Men

The Bad Omen

Sons/Children of [inset the awesome/planet name here]

Heart Eaters

Bringers of Woe

Grim Reavers

Guardians of [inset the awesome/planet name here]

Chapter [Yet to Be Named]... A Chapter So new, that their Chapter Master has yet to come up with an adequate name for them... ? In the meantime, they received their nickname during the Purification of the Puritania Worlds, when a brother of the Novamarines referred to them as "Those Guys"...

On the: "NO! THEY WERE NAMED BEFORE THE AWESOME STUFF HAPPENED!" Subject, I agree with Octavulg, Many chapters are named later, either after they reach full strength, or when the chapter master says so. Up until that point, they are refered to by their Chapter Number.


Guardsman: "Sir! Space Marines have made planetfall and are killing the other guys!"

Colonel: "Those a-hole Catachan?"

Guardsman: "No! The Tau!"

Colonel: "Fine then, what chapter?"

Guardsman: "..."

Colonel: "OUT WITH IT BOY!"

Guardsman: "I think it was chapter 725, 26."

Colonel: ".... This millenium is just to crazy. I mean, not only do we worship a corpse, but the glory boys are to f-ing lazy to NAME THEMSELVES!"

Commissar: *BLAM*


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