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POTMS question

Dave Rogers

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A quick question on the Power of the Machine Spirit rule: If a land raider blows up a transport with its lascannons but doesn't fire any other weapon, can it then use POTMS to fire its twin-linked heavy bolter at the survivors of the embarked unit?



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No, the rules are very clear on this. All shooting from a single unit(like a LR) is considered simultaneous. PotMS is not exempt from this, it only allows you to fire an extra weapon and at a different target if you wish. Since the troops are still on the transport when PotMS fires it will hit the transport not them.
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Acebaur is on point here. If you really want to get technical: you have to declare the targets of both the vehicle and POTMS before either entity fires. Since you can't see the embarked unit to shoot at it until after you (in an ideal case) crack the LR open, you can't declare them as a target for either entity.
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Furthermore, you can't shoot your laser at the vehicle, see it blow up and then say "oh, then I use POTM to target that OTHER vehicle"... declare ALL targets before a single dice is rolled or EVERYTHING goes to the same target.
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