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Grots *count as* OK?


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I'm starting a new army based on goblins from whfb and grots from wh40k using the C:O for rules. For instance, this dude would be a Nob with Powerklaw:



It's not supposed to be an "all grots" list as I've seen people run, but rather Warboss = Avatar of War's Goblin King ( http://www.zikadik.com/silverymoon/GK1.jpg ), Nobs = Goblins with IG-torsos to beef them up, Boyz = normal grots from 40k and Forest goblins made more orky, Grotz = Snotlings from whfb.

This would all get converted with Choppas and Sluggas/Shootas from the normal Boyz-box to make the weapons atleast have the same "omph".


I've seen the genious army of Proiteus (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=222217) but this is not what I'm going for.. I still want the crude style of the ork weaponry and rules.


I like the idea of the small dudes kicking the large dudes asses. :)

Question is; wold opponents in tournaments oppose this or is it OK to do this kind of Count As? COULD it become a problem? Regarding true line of sight, my units are based on scenic bases making them ~5mm taller than normal goblins, but they are still around 1cm shorter than a Space Marine.


Don't want to spend a few hundred euro just to have the army rejected at tournaments.

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"The Bolter & Chainsword exists to help people learn about modelling, painting, understanding, and playing with power armoured armies in the Warhammer 40k game universe."
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"The Bolter & Chainsword exists to help people learn about modelling, painting, understanding, and playing with power armoured armies in the Warhammer 40k game universe."


This is in fact true (who am I to dispute with the Admins), however I was under the impression that the Tactics forum and the OR forum were both immune to this constraint, as in Tactics we discuss how other armies work (as learning how they work enables our PA brethren to better combat them) and the OR board covers all rules (regardless of army, as the rules affect us all). We've had many questions in here that were Tau-centric or Tyranid-specific, for instance. Honestly, I don't see this counts-as question to be any different.


In answer to the OP's question, the bottom line is "whatever your opponent(s)/tournie organizer(s) is/are okay with." Typically the rule is "at least 50% GW-parts" and "can't be mistaken for any other part of your army." So, you couldn't really field two guys with flamers and state that one of the flamers counts-as a plasma gun...unless that plasma gun counts-as had, say, the front end carved off and a weird bit glued to it.


Counts As exists to let us get into the modeling aspect of the game and to differentiate our armies. It's the best rule, IMHO. <3

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In an edition where LOS is everything, I as a TO would not accept the army.


Its very cool but it can be taken as modelling for advantage and would not risk it.


Fantasy is different...

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In an edition where LOS is everything, I as a TO would not accept the army.


Its very cool but it can be taken as modelling for advantage and would not risk it.


Fantasy is different...


This is doubly important when facing Ork armies, as they rely heavily on cover saves to keep them alive til they get to you. It's hard enough gunning down enough bodies to keep them out of your face, but compound that with half-sized models taking cover from every bump or rock, and the game progresses from "annoying" to "maddening".

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"The Bolter & Chainsword exists to help people learn about modelling, painting, understanding, and playing with power armoured armies in the Warhammer 40k game universe."


This is in fact true (who am I to dispute with the Admins), however I was under the impression that the Tactics forum and the OR forum were both immune to this constraint


Yes thade you are perfectly correct - even grots get a look in here in the OR. The image could be an issue, however as it just about relates to the question it can stay - but we don't want too many xenos appearing in pics around here :).

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Yes thade you are perfectly correct - even grots get a look in here in the OR. The image could be an issue, however as it just about relates to the question it can stay - but we don't want too many xenos appearing in pics around here :).


Yea, xenos are gross. I let it slide because it gives me opportunities to envision new ways of dismembering them.

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Might have been a spoof..."Because I resent my wife liking coffee...?"


Back to OP, I have a Skaven counts-as-tyranid army, and I have put a lot of thought and work into matching physical sizes for all my proxy models, so I would have an issue with grots count-as-nobs. If you can't match the figures directly, use scenic bases, as suggested above. I have Vampire Counts' Dire wolves as Raveners, so to get them tall enough they are all leaping from 40mm bases with slate outcroppings or grass mounds, which bring them up to ~60mm high, same as the official model.


Your PowerKlaw Grot looks great, well painted, and I would certainly love to admire him in person, but not play him without a plinth.

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Yes...do NOT do THIS to get a cover save


Holy molly!


Cant believe anyone would do that seriously...


That's Patrick. I know him, and have played against him.

All of his "pro tip" videos are spoofs. His magnetized dice one drew some craziness over at Dakka, because folks didn't realize he was joking.

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Yes...do NOT do THIS to get a cover save


Holy molly!


Cant believe anyone would do that seriously...


That's Patrick. I know him, and have played against him.

All of his "pro tip" videos are spoofs. His magnetized dice one drew some craziness over at Dakka, because folks didn't realize he was joking.


I know people who model to advantage...and I think I've talked about the guy who had an ork army that was a base and the head + arms stuck on top as if coming out of the base.


I'm happy people have enough humor to do these videos.


BTW, ask him if he could do a tutorial on say.... a Baneblade. I'd love to see him grind one. And no, I'm not providing the model :)

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One possibility I can think of, if you don't want to model every member of your force as if they are fighting on field of boulders and nimbly leap from boulder top to boulder top as they advance, is to buy a set of the black reach orks and always keep them on hand during a game, you could then use the real ork models for nobs boys and a watboss(painted or not) to stand beside your guys temporarily to help your opponent determine los. I think this would give you a lot more freedom in modelling how your lil fellas look.
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That's Patrick. I know him, and have played against him.

All of his "pro tip" videos are spoofs. His magnetized dice one drew some craziness over at Dakka, because folks didn't realize he was joking.


yeah his otehr oens are great. hard to believe people take 'em serios. I like the one where he says he'll get his sick wife to paint his minis.

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That's Patrick. I know him, and have played against him.

All of his "pro tip" videos are spoofs. His magnetized dice one drew some craziness over at Dakka, because folks didn't realize he was joking.


yeah his otehr oens are great. hard to believe people take 'em serios. I like the one where he says he'll get his sick wife to paint his minis.

Having met a couple, and heard of more, people who are willing to do that kind of thing has taken away a peice of my soul.

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Come on, those guys are funny...at least I make fun of them.


A local WAAC (with orks, how not) once assaulted with his kanz on a LR... but backwards (back facing the LR).


Reason? If he didn't blow it up, we wasn't giving the back to the rest of the opponent's army...


I still doubt its legal to do this, but boy did I laugh...

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Come on, those guys are funny...at least I make fun of them.


A local WAAC (with orks, how not) once assaulted with his kanz on a LR... but backwards (back facing the LR).


Reason? If he didn't blow it up, we wasn't giving the back to the rest of the opponent's army...


I still doubt its legal to do this, but boy did I laugh...


Sure its legal. He doesnt have to assault only directly forward does he? Is it abit out there sure but its not out there rules wise.



As for the OPs question as a Kroot Mercranids (Kroot army using Tyranid rules) player I love the grot army Idea BUT it'll take more then just "these grots are actually orks" to convince me. You've got plenty of conversion opportunity roll with it! Exosuits, Grotty Megaarmour, Stilts! Anything really. Not to sound rude but if this is something you want to do you gotta really put the work into it. (And even then there will be jerks who come along and say things like "have you got a real army? You know one that you lovingly worked on" *grumble grumble*)

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Having met a couple, and heard of more, people who are willing to do that kind of thing has taken away a peice of my soul.


Happy to say that - at least in my limited experience - players like that are in the minority. They just happen to be be the loudest; much like trolls on any MMO forum you can name.


Honestly, if my opponent seemed nice and it wasn't a tournament setting, I'd allow almost anything to ride on Counts-As. I once allowed a player to proxy a dice cube (standard 12d6 little box) as a drop pod. We just agreed I could "see it" when I at times could not, given it's technical height versus it's actual height, etc. Reasonable players make the game easy and fun. For the times where rule disputes stymie even those of us that mean well, we have this board.

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Hey guys, thanks for all the comments, I really appreciate it!

From what I gather, its the TLOS that would be a problem.. SO basing them up high as someone suggested would make it OK? I got all these back2base-bases that I'm using, but I could base THEM on 2 normal bases that I got tons of to spare. This would make them as tall as a normal space marine.


Note, Im equiping them with all the normal weapons and heavy weapons from the ork-buys kit. Making them tiny green things with huge choppy choppas :P

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That would probly satisfy most of the hardliners out there.


Err on the side of increased visibility, for sure. If it looks awesome, who cares if it's an iota easier to shoot at in some pocket cases? He'll be mired in his boyz anyway, no? :) We call them "ablative wound" orks.

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