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Grots *count as* OK?


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Thing is that no matter how cool they look, people will think you model for advantage. You will lose every single LOS issue with the "if these we real orkz..." and will get tired of hearing it.


As said, its a beautiful model, but be prepared to take some hate and have to justify yourself over and over.

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Thing is that no matter how cool they look, people will think you model for advantage. You will lose every single LOS issue with the "if these we real orkz..." and will get tired of hearing it.


As said, its a beautiful model, but be prepared to take some hate and have to justify yourself over and over.

I'm sad you say that, Tanhausen, but I have definitely met enough gamers to know your stance is not entirely unfounded. Some clubs will be okay with it, some won't. Some players will be okay with it, some won't. This hinges mostly on how "tournie-oriented" they are.


Jack him up on a bigger pike of rocks, make him larger. :tu: Allow LOS traces to him via his "non-arm/leg/head" extensions even. If you're nice and up front about it, it will probably fly more times than not.


I, for one, very much want you to field this army.

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Meh, even in this TLOS edition, I'd still happily play a decent counts as army, even grots standing in for Nobz. As long as you don't try any cover save/hiding behind walls tricks,

In a normal game it shouldn't even be an issue, and in most tourneys it won't be, but I'd take a normal sized nob to stand in, just for those people who shouldn't be allowed to play the game,


Looking at the power claw dude you've already got, your army will look better than most you see at tourneys nowadays.

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Meh, even in this TLOS edition, I'd still happily play a decent counts as army, even grots standing in for Nobz. As long as you don't try any cover save/hiding behind walls tricks,

In a normal game it shouldn't even be an issue, and in most tourneys it won't be, but I'd take a normal sized nob to stand in, just for those people who shouldn't be allowed to play the game,


Looking at the power claw dude you've already got, your army will look better than most you see at tourneys nowadays.

See? It depends on the player. :tu: I'd definitely go up against you. All is fair in war; what's this "balanced codex" crap anyways?

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I acknowledge that most of my games are at tournaments, hence most of my games are competitive.


And in my experience, most people who carry "odd" armies do so out of wanting to bend the rules.


That being said, I'd have no problem with a friendly game vs a grot army.


All of my comments are just in the light of warning: I'd be really :P: if I put so much effort into an army that I can't take to most tournaments in my area, that most people ;): about and that every game turns into "if you're a nice little boy (aka be prepared to be abused for LOS/cover issues) then I'll play your army without calling the ref every 5 min".

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Tanhausen's advice is sound. That is really annoying about the tournament circuit, but what can you do? I seldom play in tournaments for that very reason. Friendly games are far more fun.
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To be honest if you are doing it for the looks and theme and not for advantage (You can often tell which is which from the amount of love that has gone into an army.) I'd certainly have no problems... and considering the cover rules in 40k I don't think this would give you a huge advantage... in most games I would bet it won't have enough of an impact to change the final result.


Personally I would be all cool... as for tournies... they vary so much... some tournies won't allow any count-as... Even WYSIWYG Blood Angels painted as Night Lords wouldn't be allowed... while others might have a problem with them being smaller... Although have you considered something like mega armoured grots = Nobs in eavy armour?


Anyway in my opinion for what it is worth, anyone worth playing won't have a problem with it!

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