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Chaos and Dark Eldar penpals


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Okay, so a friend of mine (yeah yeah, that old chestnut - no but really, a friend of mine) has a nice black legion army and wants to shoehorn in some Dark Eldar to bring it up to a decent apocalypse sized force but he's a stickler for fluff.

He wants the Dark Eldar to be a permanent addition to his army's background and not just a throwaway ally.


This from lexi:-

Over time, Dark Eldar begin to suffer more and more from The Thirst. They develop an all-consuming and ever-increasing need to drink the souls of other beings. It is postulated that the cause of this is the Chaos God Slaanesh, the Great Enemy of the Eldar, who leeches the soul-essence of the Dark Eldar while they still live. Dark Eldar drink souls to stave off this leeching - perhaps by sating the thirst of Slaanesh, or perhaps by replenishing the essence of their own souls with that of the consumed one. Slaanesh will also consume the souls of Dark Eldar whole should they die. Dark Eldar are long-lived but not immortal; drinking souls has a rejuvenating effect that reverses aging, thus Dark Eldar need not fear falling into the clutches of Slaanesh due to death from old age, if they have a constant supply of souls. The usual source of souls are those of the many captives taken during Dark Eldar raids.


made me think of Dark Eldar and chaos teaming up to get souls for the dark eldar, but what's in it for chaos?

Why would chaos, the Black Legion specifically, want a permanent Dark Eldar ally?

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Could be that their speed and manueverability compliments the Black Legion style well- the Chaos guys can be the anvil, the Dark Eldar the hammer.


In Gordon Rennie's Gothic War novel Shadow Point, there is a temporary alliance between the DE and Abaddon- Abaddon is the one sending the messengers to ask for the alliance.- in this alternate version, they could simply commit to the alliance on a permanent basis.

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Okay, so a friend of mine (yeah yeah, that old chestnut - no but really, a friend of mine) has a nice black legion army and wants to shoehorn in some Dark Eldar to bring it up to a decent apocalypse sized force but he's a stickler for fluff.

He wants the Dark Eldar to be a permanent addition to his army's background and not just a throwaway ally.


This from lexi:-

Over time, Dark Eldar begin to suffer more and more from The Thirst. They develop an all-consuming and ever-increasing need to drink the souls of other beings. It is postulated that the cause of this is the Chaos God Slaanesh, the Great Enemy of the Eldar, who leeches the soul-essence of the Dark Eldar while they still live. Dark Eldar drink souls to stave off this leeching - perhaps by sating the thirst of Slaanesh, or perhaps by replenishing the essence of their own souls with that of the consumed one. Slaanesh will also consume the souls of Dark Eldar whole should they die. Dark Eldar are long-lived but not immortal; drinking souls has a rejuvenating effect that reverses aging, thus Dark Eldar need not fear falling into the clutches of Slaanesh due to death from old age, if they have a constant supply of souls. The usual source of souls are those of the many captives taken during Dark Eldar raids.


made me think of Dark Eldar and chaos teaming up to get souls for the dark eldar, but what's in it for chaos?

Why would chaos, the Black Legion specifically, want a permanent Dark Eldar ally?


It makes little sense for Dark Eldar to be allied with chaos on any long term basis... Most Dark Eldar loathe Slaanesh (One of the chaos gods), and think themselves better than everyone else. They also have a pretty safe base (webway) where they can launch hit and run attacks on weak targets.


Chaos Lords always look for allies if they have some grand plot and would have no problem using Dark Eldar... but Dark Eldar would only agree to this if it suited them and would most likely double cross the chaos forces as soon as it was worth their while... the chaos lord would also know this and no doubt has a plan to double cross them back.


It is possible that an Eldar Slaaneshi cult (which could be represented by codex DE) might ally with a chaos force on a long term basis... but I would imagine the Eldar would still deem themselves superior to the Chaos Marines.

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I don't know a lot about DE and don't want to take this too far in their direction (thems the rules) but they could be exiled from Commoragh, no?

What about actively turning to the worship of Khorne, Slaanesh's enemy? Khorne protects them from Slaanesh, or something?

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I don't know a lot about DE and don't want to take this too far in their direction (thems the rules) but they could be exiled from Commoragh, no?

What about actively turning to the worship of Khorne, Slaanesh's enemy? Khorne protects them from Slaanesh, or something?

I don't think Khorne would protect some Dark Eldar from Slaanesh without a very compelling reason; out of all the Chaos Gods, Khorne probably cares the least about being actively worshipped. Even if Khorne wanted to I'm not sure if it could stop Slaanesh; the circumstances of Slaanesh's creation give it a special bond with the Eldar that the other Chaos Gods don't interfere in.


Really, the best bet would be to have a group of Dark Eldar that have a mutually beneficial arrangement with some Chaos-aligned forces. Dark Eldar have no objection to working with Chaos, but really wouldn't like the idea of working for it.

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Take a look at a book called "Blood Gorgons" for a depiction of DE "mercenaries" in the employ of a Traitor Legion.


Exactly my thinking. It would be harder to justify anything beyond a temporary alliance but I suppose it could be done. I could see a weakening archon who could be losing a war with a rival turning to the chaos marines as a sort of "ace up the sleeve" and promising support in the future after the rival has been crushed. Maybe the chaos marines take an important member of his/her court or some arcane device as collateral. Both sides are planning on betraying the other down the road, but in the meantime they will suffer the other for their own benefit.

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I think traitor legions would still hate xenos just as much as their loyalist counterparts, after all they went through the great crusade which was a xeno slaughter-fest, sure they could 'ask them', but both would end up backstabbing each other id imagine, and it would probably depend on the legion.


Also about abaddon getting asking for help from dark eldar sounds a bit wierd, as he was extremely hateful of xenos, even to go as far as to get into proper big arguments with horus (The...interex I think it was), and no one loved papa horus more than him.

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Thinking further on the matter, Dark Eldar are quite possibly the easiest faction to justify allying with anybody; as long as they get something out of it, they'll happily join up with anyone (as an example their codex describes how some Dark Eldar saved Craftworld Ilyanden just because they found it amusing). Really, the only problem is that Dark Eldar will betray an alliance just as quickly as they made it as soon as there's more to gain from betrayal than loyalty, which tends to be a problem for any sort of long-term alliance.
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If Blood Angels and Necrons can bump fists after teaming up on Tyranids...then it should be easy as sin to have a CSM & DE force.


Blood Gorgons had a great representation of such a combined force. It is also not hard, as stated in earlier posts, to have the DE tag-team with the CSM. However, I think such ventures would be short lived, whether it ends relatively peaceful between the two or violently. I really cannot see the neither side wanting to be in one anothers company for long.


As for a permanent DE presence...they could have been enslaved. One idea to roll with...

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