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IC's joining units


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Can 2 IC's join the same squad? For example Im currently running a 10 man assault squad with shrike joining them, is it possible for a chaplain to join them?


if so would shrikes infiltrate special rule confer to the chaplain?


read through the IC's bit in the BRB but I cant see anything about multiple IC's joing units


Thanks guys

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Multiple ICs can join the same unit. Perfectly legal.


It gets argued whether Shrike's infiltrate will carry over to another IC, but it seems perfectly fine to me.

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Can 2 IC's join the same squad? For example Im currently running a 10 man assault squad with shrike joining them, is it possible for a chaplain to join them?


This is perfectly legit. You can in fact form entire squads of ICs alone, all joined together.


if so would shrikes infiltrate special rule confer to the chaplain?


This I'm not 100% sure of; if Shrike's rules say nothing about other ICs then it's probably workable. But if Shrike's rules say something like "does not confer to other ICs" then no.

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