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Dedicated Transports and the FOC

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Long story short. I have a Local stockist of GW products. that still retained a Line Breaker squadron after they were discontinued. after searching for a price, he offered me one of EBay. for around 45 quid we agree'd on (Bargain OwO)


I also love my Terminators and Land Raiders. and. after doing some theory lists with a friend of mine, he Was apauled when, 3 vindicators, at 375 with Siege Sheilds/ Or the ever important SB for that pesky WD result. Came alongside with a Land Raider or Two.


He Argued; You cannot have 3 vindicators and 2 land raiders, because: Even if its a dedicated transport. its CA Heavy support choice. and is not listed in the dedicated transport section, just the HS section of the Codex, whatever it states in the Terminators Datasheet.


So, is 6 Land Raiders a Legal Possibility?

Or is it too good to be true for us Treadheads.


Would you feild more than 3 in a list if you could? or would you otherwise spend the points on Troops :3


Thanks in Advance for your Feedback :3

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Per the Codex Space Marines, you can field 5 Land Raiders in a signle FoC (3 HS, 2 Elite dedicated transports). Vehicles taken as dedicated transports are off the FoC, and have no impact on what you can and cannot take in other slots.



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Dedicated Transports don't take up an FOC slot.


As for how many Land Raiders you can run as transports in a list, it depends on which Codex you're using. Standard Space Marines can take two Land Raiders as transports, Space Wolves get one, Chaos Marines can take three, Blood Angels can take them for just about any unit, Black Templars can do similar, but are limited to the Crusader-pattern for Transports, Dark Angels and Grey Knights can't take them at all. and Sisters of Battle army could get up to four of them as Inquisitorial transports.

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Basically, if you can take a Land Raider as a dedicated transport, it therefore doesn't count as a Heavy Support slot. It's placement in the Codex doesn't matter, the only reason why it's found in Heavy Support is so that you can take one separate of the unit. But that's doesn't mean a DT Land Raider will use a HS slot. If your opponent wants to get technical, then the truth of it is that the Land Raider taken for a Terminator squad is in an Elites slot, not a HS slot (but the same Elites slot as the Terminators).
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Basically, if you can take a Land Raider as a dedicated transport, it therefore doesn't count as a Heavy Support slot. It's placement in the Codex doesn't matter, the only reason why it's found in Heavy Support is so that you can take one separate of the unit. But that's doesn't mean a DT Land Raider will use a HS slot. If your opponent wants to get technical, then the truth of it is that the Land Raider taken for a Terminator squad is in an Elites slot, not a HS slot (but the same Elites slot as the Terminators).

The corollary to which is that you can't select Rhinos, Razorbacks or Drop Pods as anything other than a Dedicated Transport for a unit.

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Echoing what they say above me :lol:


If you could get a landraider as a dedicated transport for troops (such as blood angels can), you can deploy your hq, and an assault squad in a landraider on the board in dawn of war (if you so choose), as the landraider will in this situation count as a troop selection.

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Echoing what they say above me :P


If you could get a landraider as a dedicated transport for troops (such as blood angels can), you can deploy your hq, and an assault squad in a landraider on the board in dawn of war (if you so choose), as the landraider will in this situation count as a troop selection.


Templars can do this as well. I believe we can have a total of 14 LRC's in a single FOC. The only slot they can't go in is Fast Attack.


And I agree with the others, DT's don't count towards your FOC.

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another note, if it is ever important, a dedicated transport counts as the same FOC type as the unit it is dedicated to. Thus the two land raiders for the termies count as elites (though they dont take up space on the foc), this is why you may deploy razorback/rhinos dedicated to troop units during dawn of war.
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another note, if it is ever important, a dedicated transport counts as the same FOC type as the unit it is dedicated to. Thus the two land raiders for the termies count as elites (though they dont take up space on the foc), this is why you may deploy razorback/rhinos dedicated to troop units during dawn of war.

Or a Land Raider, if you're a Blood Angel player

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