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Chaos Vehicle Sprue(s)


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OK, so I scrounged through my bitz and realized I had enough rhino chassis (that weren't being used for other things) for three more rhinos, exactly what I'm looking for for my Chaos army. Of course, these are from *cough* space marines, so it's the bare bones rhinos with no chaos sprues. Glad I could save myself some cash, but I'm wondering which sprues I need next.


It looks like 3 chaos vehicle accessories will be a must have (these proved all the extra bitz for the rhino basics), but I'm wondering how many of the tank sprue (the one that just has the extra spikey bitz) I'd need. Do you find that you use one p/rhino or could I get by with just one p/two rhinos?.


Thanks in advance.

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The only real difference between Chaos Rhinos and Loyalist Rhinos is the decorations. I'm a minimalist, myself, so the Rhinos get the color scheme, some icons, and maybe a trophy rack or two, not much else. The pintle weapons might prove a little difficult if you plan on doing things other than t/l bolters, but beyond that, the accessories are just accesories.
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Thanks, guys. I'll probably pick up a vehicle sprue or two, but hold off on the spikey bitz, especially since I'm going to be getting some in my predator boxes, too!


If I recall correctly, the accessories sprues for the Chaos Predator are identical to the ones in the Chaos Rhino, so you're good to go.

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Yeah the Predator bits are the exact same as the Rhino but with an added turret and sponsons sprue. The spiky bits you get with either a Chaos Pred or Chaos Rhino box I think is easily enough for at the very least two Rhinos unless you plan to go overboard with it.
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If you know any Chaos players around you might be able to scrounge up some of their extras. I'm also a minimalist when it comes to the spiky stuff on my vehicles and I have TONS of extra spiky bits in my bitz box from all the Chaos vehicles I've assembled over the ages. (enough to go overboard on 4 baneblades actually)
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