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Sternguard Question


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Hello all!

So, in keeping with my ever-expanding collection, I have recently acquired a couple Sternguard Veteran boxes. Because storm bolters lose the special ammunition, I have decided to do 30 vets - 15 combi melta, 15 combi flamers.


My problem is this:

Combi meltas are exceedingly rare while combi flamers are non-existent (as far as I can tell...)...

I do plan on acquiring and/or converting all 30 of said weapons but that will take me more time/money than I have available in the short term.


So here's the question(s):

How would you model these cheaply and fairly?

Stick some random bits on a bolter and abuse counts-as?

What do tourneys generally allow for models or weapons that don't exist?


Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

By the way, I may end up using these to start up a Kantor/fists army, but for now lets assume I will add them to my Blood Angels per the current plan.

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I definitely don't have enough to convert right now.

I was planning on buying the sets of 5 meltas for 8 usd off the gw site to convert. But that will take some time...


The real question is what do you think is acceptable for friendly and/or tournament level games?

Could I stick a grenade on a standard bolter and call it a combi-flamer? For example.

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the hand weapon versions are the best in my oinion for combining with bolters. the full gun version just looks too big for the bolter attachment. but it can work too. if your running short try tradingbits with other players that you know. also theres a few sites out there that do have trading sections on them. for more ideas theres also the like of the termy combi plasma that comes with the termy liby that looks like half a storm bolter stuck beside a plasma pistol. and then theres the chaos versions too. and the ones that come in the spacemarine commander box.

for me simply sticking a grenade on the side wouldnt confirm that it is a combi flamer. though im sure you could rig up something with a melta bomb more effectively and easier. though i suppose the question is why do you need 30 sternguard? or 15 combi flamers in particular? my sternguard havent even seen the table yet. i could actually understand combi plasma easier for killing termys then combi flamers for anything...

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Well, I want to do an all Sternguard army.

There are really two (debatably) effective ways of doing this:

1. Pedro for scoring, or

2. Blood Angels for Feel No Pain


For models I will probably go with half conversions, half chapter house studios kits.

I have plenty of ideas for the conversions from all your ideas, but that will take some time.


I've been proxying tactical marines as my Sternguard for now. And while that may work for the few people I play with currently, I'm really wondering what you guys would want for your average pick-up game and or basic tournament match.

Some things don't generally need to be modeled or can be ignored if modeled.

For instance, extra armor on vehicles is almost never actually modeled on vehicles; and I know plenty of people who include searchlights or Camo cloaks on models without ever actually using them. Both of these things stem from current figures providing no (easy) solution for wysiwyg.


Really, having never played in an actual tournament, I'm wondering what standard counts-as and wysiwyg rules are in use.

And how do you all feel about those rules.

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Well, you may want ot look at some way to actually allow you to take Sternguard as Troops, or your all-sternguads army will simply be an army with a couple of squads of sternguard.


If its BA, I assume you might want a priest or two kicking around, which means you're likely to only have th e2 elites slots left, and while Pedro allows Sternguard to count as scoring, it doesnt make them troops, so you still need either a couple of scout of tac squads...

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I've been proxying tactical marines as my Sternguard for now. And while that may work for the few people I play with currently, I'm really wondering what you guys would want for your average pick-up game and or basic tournament match.

Some things don't generally need to be modeled or can be ignored if modeled.



Really, having never played in an actual tournament, I'm wondering what standard counts-as and wysiwyg rules are in use.

And how do you all feel about those rules.


My sternguard are a mix of models. I use a few of the metals and then some tacticals mixed in with the DC kit. The one thing I did make sure to do is model the sternguard with gold helmets (I actually see the point of this now!) and they also got bolters with scopes. If they have a combi-weapon or other type of weapon, it's modeled on. I think lots of combi weapons are cool, but I think they should be modeled and you really don't need EVERY model to have a combi weapon.

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I have decided to do 30 vets - 15 combi melta, 15 combi flamers.
Before getting into "how", can I ask "why"? Namely the 15 combi-flamers, I mean the whole thing with the special ammunition and cover negating dragonfire bolts already does the flamer bit, sure it's not a template and not an assault weapon but every one of them have it, and its free.


As for the combi-meltas, well no argument with the why, there isn't special ammo to cover a melta shot, but 15 of them? Seems like your getting a little carried away. That is 5 combi-meltas for every ten man squad and a total of 75 points. That's 1.5 priests in points. This just seems like overkill to me.


To make the combi-meltas, easy, just grab that 5 pack of meltas and cut off the nozzles. Cut off the bolters barrel tip and move it down in front of the foregrip, and place the melta nozzle up top. Add in a Melta bomb cut in half to one side for extra 'melta' looks.


Like the guy on the far right:


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