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missile launchers fired from devastators will kill his guard and then him. Be prepared to gut it out against the rest of his army. All of those missiles meant for tervigons will be heading towards the SL instead. Sadly, there isn't much that space marines can field that will kill it in close combat, maybe if you sent a dedicated squad of grey knight terminators in with more models than they could reasonably kill. The SL is virtually guaranteed to be accompanied by guards who will definitely have lash whips which will ensure you go last.
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I once killed the Swarmlord with an Epistolry after blowing away his guard. Admitedly this was with the aid of some very lucky dice rolls...


Still the only thing likely to beat him in combat in normal terms will be thunder shield Terminators.

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Why bother spending that much energy and resources on destroying it? feed it a cheap sacrificial unit by the time it finally gets near its intended target and focus on removing everything else instead, like units that are dangerous from turn 1-2 and onwards. The Swarmlord and Guard are stuck with fleet of claw/run and have no ranged weapons after all.

Best possible scenario is making him waste his melee attacks on de-meching you because you've removed all his other anti-tank options, after which you pummel him flat in the following round with all you've got.



My 2 Kraks

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The Swarmlord is almost always accompanied by his guard. Thats the toughest thing.


If he's not, Mephy can potentially take him out with 3 chances of a FW roll. Since you're hitting on 4's wounding on 4's with no powers cast, you're likely to get a wound, and then its up to you rolling 3 dice under 10 ! Corbs helps here :)


Other than that, a big DC with chappy charge will chomp him.

Other than that, its shooting for the win.

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yea but against mephy the swarmlord only has to hit and wound once and mephys dead.... And actually the swarmlord has phsycic shooting powers... and advoiding it compleately isnt sure fire to work cause in all likelyhood itll be comming to your objective whilst other stuff holds theirs and then you cant ignore it..... hmm, furiso dread with blood talons anyone with furious charge? with th right support its bound to do a fair bit of damage...
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Why bother spending that much energy and resources on destroying it? feed it a cheap sacrificial unit by the time it finally gets near its intended target and focus on removing everything else instead, like units that are dangerous from turn 1-2 and onwards. The Swarmlord and Guard are stuck with fleet of claw/run and have no ranged weapons after all.

Best possible scenario is making him waste his melee attacks on de-meching you, after which you pummel him flat in the following round - because you've removed all his other anti-tank options.


My 2 Kraks



This is pretty much the best answer. The Swarmlord is not an unbeatable unit , in fact its not really a great unit for tyranids. Its slow , is expensive with none of the customization available to the plain Hive tyrants , is entierly geared to combat so will have to foot slog for 3 Turns of the game , is easily out manouvered and dies to missle spam easliy. Th/ss Termies funnily enough , are not one of the better units for dealing with him , as his four special "Bonesabres" force units to re-roll succesful invunerable saves in combat. Use bubble wrap on your units and your opponent's big expensive 400+ combat monster unit is pretty useless.

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If i can avoid the swormlord the whole game and then turn everything i have on it, turn 5 with space wolves, blood angels should be able to do it very easily with all your speed.


The sworm lord isnt flees, it cant have wings or deep strike or outflank so he has to start on the board and foot slog it across the board.He's not hard to avoid at all , just dont get tarpitted long enough for him to catch you.


As the solution i have just mentioned is going to be too simple for most people you could always deep strike 2x units of honour guard with 4 plasma guns each and 2x libbys with blood lance. Once unit on eith side of him.

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The two times I have fought the Swarmlord I have managed to kill it with relative ease. With my normal DoA list I dropped Dante + SG with three inferus pistols and a melta loaded honor guard squad with the 8 melta shots it and its guard died before they could do anything. Non issue there and it also allowed the rest of my assault squads to drop near a terivgon and melta it to death as well.


The second time in was using a very weird list with the sanguinor and mephiston as my hqs. Devs missiled down its guards early on and i just waited till the right time and double assaulted with the sanguinor and mephiston they killed it outright a well.


Really he isn't they best choice for an HQ as he is so slow, i really treat it no different from any of their other mcs melta it down and don't bother trying to assault it. One on one I doubt we have anything that could kill it in CC. Calgar, Lysander, Abbadon, Logan all could take it out without to much difficulty, sadly we Blood Angels don't have much that can take him on.

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