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Vanguard Vets Helmet Color


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I don't have my Blood Angels codex available (it's packed away as I'm doing some renovations), so really just a simple question. Are the Vanguard Veteran helmets yellow or gold? For the life of me I can't remember (Red is tactical, Blue is devastator, Yellow is assault, White I'm using for a Sanguinary Priest), although I'm leaning toward gold.




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Sweet, thanks JamesI! I'll go Gold, just so they complement my Sanguinary Guard better.





My understanding is that James is right. Personally I have always gone for gold. Has that touch of bling and veteran feel that these guys deserve. Looks great too!

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Hehe, James is right but I am one of the yellow members group. :) In my army only Honor Guard gets gold as I consider it to be even a bigger honor for a veteran to be called into an Honor Guard and be given the gold helmet.
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Hehe, James is right but I am one of the yellow members group. ^_^ In my army only Honor Guard gets gold as I consider it to be even a bigger honor for a veteran to be called into an Honor Guard and be given the gold helmet.

There is a reason I only answered what is in the codex versus what people do as everyone does something different (mine are still red as an example!)

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I think they look horrible with gold helmets. Keep gold for the honour guard. I also object to arbitrarily changing colours like this so that those of us who kept the flame through the dark years with only a pdf to guide us suddenly end up with armies which are 'wrong' as far as newcomers to the new codex are concerned.

To be charitable, I think this might have happened because of the sternguard. In theory they would have had red helmets, and it would have been hard to tell them appart from tactical marines. Yellow helmets like the veteran Assault squads would have made no sense. Personally i would have been happier with a specific new sternguard helmet, like white, for instance, rather than change to painting fluff on the 'Vanguard'.

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I think they look horrible with gold helmets. Keep gold for the honour guard. I also object to arbitrarily changing colours like this so that those of us who kept the flame through the dark years with only a pdf to guide us suddenly end up with armies which are 'wrong' as far as newcomers to the new codex are concerned.

To be charitable, I think this might have happened because of the sternguard. In theory they would have had red helmets, and it would have been hard to tell them appart from tactical marines. Yellow helmets like the veteran Assault squads would have made no sense. Personally i would have been happier with a specific new sternguard helmet, like white, for instance, rather than change to painting fluff on the 'Vanguard'.



I thought the same thing originally, until I got a gold color I liked and realized that it separates them from the rest of my army visually. It helps my opponent as well.

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Interesting... I thought JamesI had sufficiently answered the question :D


I understand yellow is old-school, and it would have been my first choice (I love painting yellow). But as the Vanguard are for my Sanguinary Guard army (re: all gold, red pads and tabards), I figured gold for my Vanguard (re: all red, gold helmets) would tie them in better than yellow (of which there is none in my army).




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I have painted both. Yellow Veteran assaults and gold honour guards and such. Honestly I think the gold just looks better and so I made the switch. And I come from the days when Yellow Helms reigned supreme in BA armies.
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Interesting... I thought JamesI had sufficiently answered the question ^_^


I understand yellow is old-school, and it would have been my first choice (I love painting yellow). But as the Vanguard are for my Sanguinary Guard army (re: all gold, red pads and tabards), I figured gold for my Vanguard (re: all red, gold helmets) would tie them in better than yellow (of which there is none in my army).




Really? I love yellow models, but I hate painting them. I was planning on starting an Imperial Fist army, but I would go crazy trying.


I also have gold helmets on my VV's makes them stand out from all the RAS. I use the sang guard models for my VV's, but I'm having second thoughts about that. Darn hard to depstrike them with those wings.

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Based on the old codexes, Veteran Assault Marines wore Yellow.


New codex, gold.


Actually in the AoD codex they used gold too. The illustration that makes people confused is probably then one with Dante and his honor guard. Since there was no special honor guard unit in that codex they are simply veteran assault marines from the 1st company, who differs from regular assault marines in that they have golden helmets.

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Really? I love yellow models, but I hate painting them. I was planning on starting an Imperial Fist army, but I would go crazy trying.


When you've painted as many yellow shoulderpads as I have, you learn to love it ^_^




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I also object to arbitrarily changing colours like this so that those of us who kept the flame through the dark years with only a pdf to guide us suddenly end up with armies which are 'wrong' as far as newcomers to the new codex are concerned.


Since things like this has changed in every codex so far I don't think you can blame anyone for not sticking to a particular color scheme.

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Hehe, James is right but I am one of the yellow members group. :( In my army only Honor Guard gets gold as I consider it to be even a bigger honor for a veteran to be called into an Honor Guard and be given the gold helmet.
I think they look horrible with gold helmets. Keep gold for the honour guard.

+1 for me.


I'm actually right in the middle of painting my VV squad (well, 6 of them) and I went with the VAS colors. Yellow helmets and Black pads with red trim. I gave them all the terminator honors on their left pad to make sure they stood out a little more too. I really like how it looks like a squad full of sergeants, like it should! With all the extra black and bits of bling everywhere (SG legs, DC packs), they wont be mistaken for a RAS.



For awhile, I even considered white because I wasn't sure how the gold would work out (since that's the SM color)
I like the idea for tactical sarg/sternguard/tactical terms. I have considered it for tactical Sargents, but didn't do it in the end just because it is UM not BA. Maybe just a white stripe down the middle like RT style?
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Actually in the AoD codex they used gold too. The illustration that makes people confused is probably then one with Dante and his honor guard. Since there was no special honor guard unit in that codex they are simply veteran assault marines from the 1st company, who differs from regular assault marines in that they have golden helmets.


Debatable. The squad in question was specifically labelled as being Dante's Bodyguard (modified VAS listed under Dante's entry in the army list), there was no example of a regular Veteran Assault Marine in the book for comparison.

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In my army only Honor Guard gets gold as I consider it to be even a bigger honor for a veteran to be called into an Honor Guard and be given the gold helmet.


I find this interesting, as members of the Honour Guard do not necessarily come from the Veteran 1st Company. Any Honour Guard who performs his duties particularly well can hope for promotion to the 1st Company, or even to Captain.


In terms of rank, Veteran >>> Honour Guard.

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I'd go with Honour Guard > 1st Company.


1st Company is the eventual destination for all marines who live & kill long enough, ala Space Wolf Long Fangs.

Honour Guard are chosen based on their individual merit, ala Wolf Guard.


Note that Veteran status comes first, then you go to the 1st not vice versa - and since Honour Guard are usually chosen from the most experienced marines in a company that means (as in vanilla chapters) some veterans will be sidelined into their companies honour guard instead of the 1st company.

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I'd go with Honour Guard > 1st Company.


1st Company is the eventual destination for all marines who live & kill long enough, ala Space Wolf Long Fangs.

Honour Guard are chosen based on their individual merit, ala Wolf Guard.


Note that Veteran status comes first, then you go to the 1st not vice versa - and since Honour Guard are usually chosen from the most experienced marines in a company that means (as in vanilla chapters) some veterans will be sidelined into their companies honour guard instead of the 1st company.


If I was going about it personally, I'd agree. But the Codex specifically says that not all Honour Guard are drawn from the 1st Company. It also says that excelling as an Honour Guard can earn a Blood Angel promotion to the 1st Company.


I understand that the word "Veteran" is a little confusing, as any Blood Angel that survives their first fight could technically be considered a veteran. But I understood the term Veteran within the Warhammer context to specfically mean members of the 1st Company.

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Thanks, Xenith. That presumably means we can agree on the helmets as 'metallic yellow' or 'non-metallic gold' in colour. I use the same logic to paint my 'yellow' chest eagles as gold.


Veterans is a whole new issue. Ther used to be different veteran and non veteran sergeants, with different back banners. Now all the sergeants are effectively veterans. Similalrly there used to be 'terminator honours' worn my marines in power armour and not (neccessarily) in the first company. These days I think Veteran and member of first company are used interchangeably.


By the way, in British usage, 'Veterans' are old soldiers of long experience, not simply soldiers who have seen combat. I am sure that this is the 40K usage, too.

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