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Stealing a Storm Raven

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Hey Warsmith IV yeah you can do that but you realise My whole army gets 2++ Inv saves that I can re-roll all ones until I don't get a one right?


well Whitefireinferno you must 1st remember that in apocalypse battles what ever a space marine chapter can field a chaos space marine force has access but not vice versa, 2nd remember that within the eye of terror you have the Dark Mechanicus, so they would no doubt have access to non chaotic technology and sell to other chaos forces, 3rd space marines at 1 point rode into battle on jetbikes with was pre heresy tech 1 example is Sammael, master of the Ravenwing, dark angel codex and 4th if your going to make a comment such as 2+ inv saves any 1s can be re rolled would simply spoil the game.

I intend on adding 2 storm ravens to my word bearers along with a 2nd storm lord, a warhound and a old friend called Khârn the betrayer (i may be a word bearer but i still respect potential).



Your first point Is however wrong I can go to town with Defilers In Apoc with My Flesh Tearers. Your second Point has No real relevance just because the Dark Mechanicus resides in the Eye of Terror still will not see them having the STC for a Storm raven and at that it is a irrelevant point Tau are in the Same Sub sector as the Ultrasmurfs should they get Rail Guns on everything?.


Your third point and so did the Imperial Guard, of whom Leman Russ was part of And Sammael's Jetbike is mentioned to be the Last of its kind and finally your fourth point somebody insisting I should let them run things not from their codex outside of Apoc on the Grounds or we are Chaos ruins the game IMO. Your Last point is sure you can Plaster funky fur all over a storm raven for all I care If it is not a Apoc fight and you are not running C:BA or C:GK they those Storm Ravens get to watch from the Side Lines.


Like do not get me Wrong I am all for Apoc BUT As a Ex Chaos Player I quit when the New Codex came out NO not because it made the Army worse Hell I ran the Red Tide of Khorne I quit because Chaos became the biggest bunch of whiners in the whole 40k scene because our beloved 3.5ed codex went away and then got a bad complex that we are ENTITLED to having the best of everything.


My Final Point is Entitlement Grinds my Gears *As does certain spelling errors so I fixed them*

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@whiteinferno: I'm guessing that you'll have no problem with C:SM, or C:DA armies using them once they are included in future releases? Just not until that point. That seems reasonable justification for not allowing C:C armies to field them at the minute. However, since if they are included in future books you'll have no choice but allow them to be fielded against (or by) you, (without coming across as a tool anyway) why not be an early adopter? My local GW were house-ruling that certainly any astartes force (either loyal or chaotic) could field them and possibly even any power-armoured models (which would include SoB), this is likely an attempt to ensure they filled their sales quota, but still, I think they were essentially using the rules as printed in White Dwarf, but since I am yet to have a fieldable force, let alone one that a storm raven would benefit I didn't investigate too hard. This was information I gained from the store manager essentially trying to flog me one as soon as I walked in the door, but still.



On another note one could gather some friends to play out a mini-campaign between some CSM and BA, in one mission the Ba would have a storm raven, chaos objective is to shoot it down. mission two both sides compete for the downed storm raven, whichever wins would trigger alternate missions. So if BA win the next game would feature the storm raven being repaired by techmarines and servitors, with some guards, CSM attack to try and capture the storm raven again, with imminent BA reinforcements en route. If the CSM capture the Storm Raven in either mission then they will need to find technology with which to repair it and maintain it in future, This would be either a specific Tech-magus or techmarine with this knowledge, or a database of STC templates. then there could be a reverse mission in which the BA attack a daemonic binding ceremony being performed on the storm raven. The outcome of the campaign could then dictate the use of Storm Ravens by CSM within your gaming group until such a time as official rules are released or strictly forbidden. To me this is the spirit in which 40k is intended to be played. i.e


Chaos player: "hey wouldn't a chaosed up storm raven look good in my army, shame there's no rules for it."

his friend: "yeah, say, why don't we play a campaign where you guys try and capture one?"

Chaos player: "that would be cool, and then if I win afterwards I get to use the storm raven again?"

his firend: "Why not? after all your codex is so sucky that I'd easily beat you with my BA, and then you won't get to use it, mwahahaha!"

chaos player: "let's just see about that!"


surely this what it's all about, solve the argument with a game rather than quibbly arguments about the made-up world of 40k, in the vastness of the galaxy just about anything could happen, and if you can get a couple of weekends worth of games out of your argument and get to build a shiny new model then that's all cool.

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I'm with Quixus, I play Night Lords using C:BA and I got a Storm Raven to try one and then a second one fell into my hands cheap.


I can tell you from experience that I have never felt more like a marauding band of murderous lunatics than flying in from reserves turn 2 in a Apocalypse game, unleashing a Robotech-esque salvo of missiles and beams at the entrenched defenders of that particular flank and then laughing at their feeble return fire. Next turn, I declared skimmer mode, dropped my dreads and troops off for a perfect assault and then raced my ravens 24" away behind buildings. My squads, a kill team of vanguard and a kill team of sternguard, backed by a furioso and a death company dread (a sane and an insane dread), hacked their way through to the HVI objective and then escorted him back over the course of two turns. In the time it took for my opponent to respond, I was back in my ravens and gone (thanks to no small amount of luck).


I now call them Carrion Crows and they feature prominently in many of my lists for normal games, if only for fluff reasons since their points make much more sense for flyers.


I say go for it. Justifying fabrication of spare parts is easy. Tech marines and tech priests are justly famed for their ability to repair fantastically complex machines in the heat of battle, we can assume they are capable of technological miracles when not dodging bullets.


As for pilots, most space marines, at least during the Heresy era, are nominally trained on storm birds and thunderhawks.

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You all also have to remember, the Mechanicus doesn't make all the gear for Space Marines. Space Marines can build their own thunderhawks, their own predators, their own power armor, and their own rhinos. So why can they not build their own Storm Ravens?


And you know what? Those Chaos chapters that turn from newer chapters will still remember how to make them, which means they can make their own. It is like riding a bike, once you learn how you never forget.

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