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Thuderwolf Cavalry


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Hi all, this is my first try on Thunderwolf Cavalry for my revamped Space Wolves army.

Critics and suggestion are always welcome.

Thanks in advance


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A few more pics showing all the sides of the model will really help us to see your handiwork Alarik but form what I can see it's been very smoothly painted and I like the colouring on the axe's blade. I'm a little unsure about the hand pose on the left as it looks a little limp though.


A good effort mate!



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First of all thanks, tomorrow I'll take new pictures from other angle and I'll post. The left hand has a strange pose indeed...maybe I'd to place that in a better way but when I've glued it doesn't seems too bad...note taken for future models :confused:
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First of all thanks, tomorrow I'll take new pictures from other angle and I'll post. The left hand has a strange pose indeed...maybe I'd to place that in a better way but when I've glued it doesn't seems too bad...note taken for future models :D


No problem brother. :D The hand pretty much just needs clipping off, filed down a little where it meets the arm so it fits in a better pose, little bit of plastic glue and hey presto all better. Looking forwards to seeing the other pics. Another thing I just noticed mind, where's the chapter symbol? :confused:



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I used a termy shoulder pad on the right side [i know that Chapter symbol goes on the left, but that bit looks better on the right :confused:] on the left side I've put a black shoulder pad to indicate that marine comes from 13th company :D

The left hand comes from sevrin loth guard, was a mistaken buying for another conversion and i've tried to use on this one...maybe I'll try to cut off and repositionate it with a little of green stuff.

Again thanks for advice! :D

PS: btw sorry for my poor "school remembering" english [italian player here] :)

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While reinstalling a customer pc





Not great photoes I fear but here they are :D

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