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Various Imperial Fists


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Hi everyone,


I'm mostly a lurker, but after seeing so many of your inspiring posts I've decided to give it a shot.


Apologies ahead of time for the pictures, the lighting isn't great and the angle is a bit weird on the troop shots.


Anyways, here they are. Feel free to offer suggestions (criticism). Just be aware that I don't take it well, and will probably cry myself to sleep.



Space Hulk Librarian that's been 'redistributed' to the Imperial Fists. I'm not sure the scheme adheres to the fluff, but :rolleyes:





Sniper Scouts group shot, as well as a shot of the camo cloaks









Predator. The sponsons and turret are magnetized, so I can swap out the lascannons for the auto cannon and heavy bolters






I'm not sure about that checked pattern in the recessed area. What do you think?


Thanks for looking!

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looks good the yellow looks very good as we all know yellow is a pain in the but to do and yours looks ace.

i like the checker board pattern just go back and clean up the boxes so there as even as possible a lil off and it tends to throw the whole thing off, but like i i said i like the use of it.

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Looking good. The yellow is very uniform and clean. The affects on the Lib's axe also look really good, a very cool look.


I think I'd replace the checkers with black to break up the yellow .. but that's just me.


But looking really good man :P

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Thanks for the comments guys.


I agree about the checkers, I didn't even think about confusion with Lamenters.


It just grinds my gears because it took a long time to do. Even though it looks like it didn't.


I might do some stripes or something, I personally don't like the look of the recessed parts being the same colour as the rest of it.


Hopefully I can update this soon as long as life stays out of my way.

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I despise people like you! This is your first go with a brush and not only have you done a really nice job you've also manged the one colour i cant :) paint! All joking aside you've done brilliant job with those. Keep it up!!!
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I despise people like you! This is your first go with a brush and not only have you done a really nice job you've also manged the one colour i cant censored.gif paint! All joking aside you've done brilliant job with those. Keep it up!!!

To clarify, it's not like I whipped these up in an evening while watching tv. I did a crapload of searching and looking at other peoples' work. I paint painfully slow and there's an embarrassingly poor Emperor's Champion that needs to be redone.


I saw a picture that Obliterator had posted of a Dread in the 'Post your Dreadnought' thread that made me want to do Imperial Fists, and I settled on Dejay's recipe for yellow.


Here is his log




I've been messing around with some possible alternatives to the checkers.




Inspired by the GK Land Raider on the GW site.


Thoughts? It's supposed to be kind of an army green.

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First time painter? Who cares if it's slow, it looks good! Yellow is not for the beginner and it looks like you tackled it well ^_^


Admittedly, the checkers were and interesting choice, but I like it. Maybe cut back on it's quantity? They seem to drown the rest of the model.


Still, if YOU like it then keep it :)

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