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Are Scouts worthwhile?


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So since I am planning a Termie-heavy army, I want to put in teleport homers (available only in Tac. Squads, correct me if I'm wrong) and locator beacons, which only Scouts have. Would it be worth my while to have a unit of Scouts to have the locator beacon? I already plan to have a Tac. Squad (in Rhino likely) which I am already building/painting. But I wasn't sure if I should buy a box of Scouts (or Sniper Scouts?) to get an additional Troops choice which can lay down a beacon to help my Termies come in where I want them.


Any advice/suggestions greatly appreciated. Thanks B&C!



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i would say another 10 normal marines in rhinos as they are the only thing in your army that can score. there very fast in the rhinos and scouts are just too squishy. it might help to know your full list.
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Scouts have their place in an army, but for what you are wanting to use them for I would just take a second tac squad. They are more reliable and durable then scouts, plus they can take a transport which scouts cannot.
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So since I am planning a Termie-heavy army, I want to put in teleport homers (available only in Tac. Squads, correct me if I'm wrong) and locator beacons, which only Scouts have. Would it be worth my while to have a unit of Scouts to have the locator beacon? I already plan to have a Tac. Squad (in Rhino likely) which I am already building/painting. But I wasn't sure if I should buy a box of Scouts (or Sniper Scouts?) to get an additional Troops choice which can lay down a beacon to help my Termies come in where I want them.


Any advice/suggestions greatly appreciated. Thanks B&C!




Honestly, I don't think Scouts work overly well in a list that primarily features Terminators. The main issue is that one of the biggest advantages of a Terminator army is that you present your opponent with no good targets for his AP4 firepower. Since weapons like heavy bolters are of very little worth against models in Terminator armor, you render a portion of his army's firepower useless. It gets even better when you consider that so many lists run many autocannons and missile launchers, both of which are of very little threat to a unit of Terminators. By taking Scouts, you essentially give him a prime opportunity to turn those guns on targets that they excel at destroying. Sure, you could run a unit with cloaks, but that makes a unit who's job is essentially to hold a beacon even more expensive and the whole thing just becomes less and less efficient.


This my not be a popular suggestion, but if you really want to run a very Terminator heavy army, it might pay to look into the Dark Angels Codex, as the Deathwing rules represent Terminator armies of almost any chapter quite well. This suggestion is very much dependent on just how Terminator heavy an army you're looking to make, though.


Do you have a list written up yet? If so, it might help if you gave us an idea of what is in it.

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So since I am planning a Termie-heavy army, I want to put in teleport homers (available only in Tac. Squads, correct me if I'm wrong) and locator beacons, which only Scouts have.


You forgot storm ravens and more importantly in this list, drop pods.

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This my not be a popular suggestion, but if you really want to run a very Terminator heavy army, it might pay to look into the Dark Angels Codex, as the Deathwing rules represent Terminator armies of almost any chapter quite well. This suggestion is very much dependent on just how Terminator heavy an army you're looking to make, though.


Do you have a list written up yet? If so, it might help if you gave us an idea of what is in it.


You know, I have given this some thought. I have a full box of Assault Termies, Space Hulk Termies, a couple Grey Knight bits to make conversions as well as at least another full squad of termies in loose bits. With all those Termies, I did think maybe using the Deathwing rules might be one way to go. Perhaps it's a project I can do in parallel with my main Angels Encarmine hybrid list...


Thanks for the advice1



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