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Objective camping unit


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So I'm very aware that my play style doesn't tend to have a back field objective camping unit. I'm the rush forwards and kill everything type but I would like to round out my game somewhat. So I'm looking for an appropriate objective camper. I tend to play games between 1250 and 1750 pts and have a 1500pt tourney coming up in a month. I'm meching up lately.


Here are my two thoughts so far.

Tactical Squad:

10 men, plasma gun, plasma cannon, power weapon, rhino =250pts




Assault Squad:

10 men, plasma gun, plasma gun power weapon, remove JP, rhino =250pts


I like the ability of the tactical squad to threaten out to 24" + 12" for the cannon however the extra ability to assault nearby lurkers and a bit more reliability from the plasma has me thinking about the assault squad. I'm for the ten man squads as all too often I've seen very light objective holders in armies that I've played against and they're easy to clean off. The choice of plasma was picked as generally more elite types of units like termis or drop podded units tend to be mucking around in your back field and plasma is the jack of all trades required to clean these types of units up.


So what do you think and what kind of objective campers do you pick?

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Look, all players do the same thing. They'll have some tough units like khorne berzerkers in a land raider charge your objective holders.

Well, one tactical squad, or assualt squad will hold them off. I suggest you split your 10 man squads into 2. Forget the rhino. You will only need 5 people to grab a secondary objective, so you might as well use a razorback, the other 5 will sit and probably get killed. Meanwhile you are only losing half the squad and you will still hold another objective.


I love tactical squads, but not defensively. I use Combiflamers, and they require an offensive playstyle. So! Grab an Assault squad and throw in the twin plasmaguns. The sergeant should have a plasma pistol. Keep them within 12" of the objective you plan to hold, this will let you react to threats.

But in the end I say forget objective sitting with Blood Angels. We simply can't afford to let points sit idle. let the other players do that. This way you don't need to waste the points on a transport. Now support them with a dreadnought or speeders and you're set.

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How about stern guard? All of them can have effective weapons, no need to take all those "redshirts" with bolters that you stuck with in tacticals.


Not sure I could justify the point cost and the bodies are all about redundancy

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I tend to place objectives in my opponent's deployment zone, and therefore my army is rushing forward to aim for the killing blow and maybe hold an objective. My Tactical Squad rides in a Rhino to cover my assault marines/sanguinary guard/death company, which makes for a great combo if you soften a target with bolt rounds and charge them afterwards with cc specialists.


I say, in objective-centered games, block your opponent's army while crushing his units with your cc dedicated units so you can mop them up afterwards. If you have a fast opponent that can outmaneuvre you, it is not wise to keep one unit in the back anyway I think...it might not see second turn.


In my opinion, Blood Angels do not need objective holders in a way that other armies do. We are faster than most armies and can easily free objectives from enemy units rather than sitting at home, waiting for them to come to us. And the most important thing is that we can carry the battle directly into the opponent's deployment zone, so by clever setting up we might have all the objectives we need at hand. :)




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Even though sterns pack a punch, they are not scoring units which is handy if you don't want to waste too much points on an objective. I have used either sniper scouts with some fire power backup or a 10 man tac squad and 5 man deva squad. Works wonders for what it's supposed to do imo.
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What is objective holding?


My chaos army holds objectives (Tsons). My BA army takes objectives from the enemy.


Quoted for truth, and this really is my play method, I have a tendency to put my objectives right out in the open as far forwards as possible and then push the enemy off. But I've been getting draws on the draw mission (it's hard to push an objective forwards that has to be in your own deployment) and I want some wins to take me up the ladder somewhat.

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I tend not to hold objectives on my own side and simply keep my fast force within range in the last turn. However, I've had fun with 5 scouts w/sniper rifles and 5 devs (with missile launchers for 195). Throw in a priest and it's only 245....just make sure the scouts survive! :D
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Not sure I could justify the point cost and the bodies are all about redundancy


You want to do as much damage as possible right? We don't win by getting shot as much possible, so I don't see how redundancy is something to strive for.


255 points gets you 8 sternguard with 4 combiweapons and a drop pod, not too bad.

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You want to do as much damage as possible right? We don't win by getting shot as much possible, so I don't see how redundancy is something to strive for.


255 points gets you 8 sternguard with 4 combiweapons and a drop pod, not too bad.


But they still don't score. What I'm looking for is that unit you can leave on their own and be semi secure in knowing that unless there is a concerted effort to remove them that object will stay mine.

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You want to do as much damage as possible right? We don't win by getting shot as much possible, so I don't see how redundancy is something to strive for.


255 points gets you 8 sternguard with 4 combiweapons and a drop pod, not too bad.


But they still don't score. What I'm looking for is that unit you can leave on their own and be semi secure in knowing that unless there is a concerted effort to remove them that object will stay mine.


Fair enough, thread title said "objective camping" so I thought a unit to contest would be enough.

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Tactical squad seems like what you want. Combat squad it with a rocket launcher in the back and melta in a Rhino to support your assault squads.



Other options are the already mentioned Scouts with Cloaks and a ML/HB, or 5 ASM in a Las/Plas Razor.

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