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Starting up with BA - Advice please?


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Hey all,


Been a long time flirter with the prospect of doing a BA army and did at one time start one but it never really got off the ground properly. Once again I m interested in doing one and have more time and desire than before. I also have a potential painting plan to use which is a big issue for me :)


Anyway, I m looking to head into store today to pick up some models. I m willing to spend up to around £120 to start with I think - including dex so £100 for models.


I have a list in the Army List section which I potentially like the look of but I don't know how strong it really is. Any critique would be ideal: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=231098. I'm not too bothered about whether I go Mech or JP for my army but it is worth noting in the long run I definitely want to include Dante. I already have some models but not many - so advice is welcome.


What I currently have:




Priest on Foot

2x Priest with Jump Pack ( made from Sang Guard )

Librarian with Jump Pack ( made from Sang Guard )

Jump Pack with PW + IP ( made from Sang Guard )

Jump Pack with Two Handed Axe ( made from Sang Guard )


2 x Chaplain with Croz + BP ( different models )


5 DC - either JP or Foot - undecided on weapon loadouts


Razorback ( for another army really but can be swapped )


To do my personal list I was really thinking I would look at either:


4 x Assault Squads

Chaplain with JP




3 x Assault Squads

Baal Predator




Whatever people suggest -_-


I'm really open to ideas so advice is ideal. Am heading out soon but won't be buying for 2-3 hours so will check my iPhone for any suggestions B)

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Im going all jump packs and bikes. it works pretty well as no one seems to bring substantial amounts of ap3 stuff. everyone seems to run anti mech list so all there melta guns dont do any real damage and with feal no pain frag missiles and bolters are pretty worthless aswell. its a cheap list aswell. I bought a 1750 list for about £150-200.
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I think I may well go with my current plan with that advice then :D I like the idea of Jump Infantry as something different as I've done Mech BT before and also doing Mech GK. I still have two tanks to deal with + two scary 10 man squads at 1000 points so that ought to do the job I hope.
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I think I may well go with my current plan with that advice then :D I like the idea of Jump Infantry as something different as I've done Mech BT before and also doing Mech GK. I still have two tanks to deal with + two scary 10 man squads at 1000 points so that ought to do the job I hope.

make sure you take sanguinary priest's for the fnp and i like one on a bike so i can boost him around the board, the same go es with a libby .

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Vanguard veterans or honour guard are versatile units. Mine have loose melts/plasma guns. (honour)

Devestators for long range support, 4 missiles.

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I usually run 2 10man JP Squads and 1 10 man Squad of Tacs with a Razorback combat squaded for objective holding .. I also love the Baals and typically run 2 in my lists, they haven't let me down yet. The AC/HB are good for pretty much anything, Power Armor, Horde and even some armor here and there. The AC is decent against light armor and can even punch heavy if you get lucky with the rending. Plus being Fast and Scout ..
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I ended up getting 3 Assault Squads, Dex and Coteaz ( for another army ) as I didn't want to wander into my home with arm upon arm of new stuff. Ironically no one was actually in when I got back but hey ho :P


Intending to get the other asssault squad and Baals soon and will probably suplement that with a Battleforce later on.


EDIT: Tiresomely I have spent all my money on clothes and purchases today :D and can't really spend any more in the next few weeks - not until I sell off an old army anyway :)

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