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Dark Eldar. Move 12" and still fire from inside transport?

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I was speaking with my friends about whether or not you could move 12" with a raider or venom and still shoot with the occupants inside the transport.


I can find evidence pointing towards not being able to do this but the closest thing I could find is something along the lines of when moving combat speed a fast vehilce can still shoot one weapon. Makes no mention of whether or not people embarked can still shoot. I was hoping you'd all be able to clear this up for us. I hope this doesn't spark a large debate/arguement.

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This might be caused by people confused (if they have been reading DE tactics) by the previous edition of the game where flyby raiders were popular (I was hoping the current dex would allow raiders to move 12 and have the dudes inside still shoot). Currently they can only shoot if it moved 6 inches or less. If the vehicle moved then the models in transport also count as moving for heavy weapons and so on. The vehicle can however move twelve has the little guys jump out and shoot :(.
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The vehicle can however move twelve has the little guys jump out and shoot :(.

The same tactic that has been happily employed by space marine players for years now; affectionately called a "drive-by". <3 12", disembark, rapid-fire...profit.

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This is what I thought as well. Nowhere does it state that people embarked on a fast vehicle can move 12" and still fire, however the vehicle itself can this all together different. Two different units, two different rules.


Thanks guys. This is what I thought. I think my friend was going to try to e-mail GW to get an answer. It's disappointing the number of times I have to show people where the rules are and that I am in fact correct. Especially since I've been playing off and on for about 2 years time now and some of the people I play with have 10+ years experience.

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some of the people I play with have 10+ years experience.


That's sometimes the problem they get the old rules confused with the current... I admit that every now and again I goof up <_< up and won't notice unless it is pointed out or until later after I've had a sleep.


Anyway get them to prove they can... The rules tell you what you can do... not what you can't.

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