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I currently have

-1x Librarian

-1x death company unit (5 troops)

-1x Tactical Squad

-1x Comabat squad

-1x Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost



-----Im new to 40k and I was wondering whats the next thing I should pick up for my army/list?

Thanks all! :)

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Well, partly that depends on the style you are interested.


I would recommend an assault squad (or more DC) to get up to 10 jump pack equipped models to use as either DC or an assault squad.

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also what psychic abilities should I chose with my librarian?


thanks james. Yeah, I love the dc based on the fluff and Ive heard theyre pretty good. And I was thinking of picking up an assault squad from what Ive been told.

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Hard to suggest psychic powers without knowing what the librarian is doing.


Overall, I think the best powers are shield, fear of the darkness and unleash rage. The Sanguine Sword and Blood Lance are also good in the right circumstances.

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Ive only played one game so far against my friend and I (think) I chose shield but I definately chose blood lance, also I made my dc with backpacks instead of jumppacks -.- guess I gotta change that haha
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I was thinking about maybe getting more termies? in my last game my friend just gunned down my dc from the getgo so I didnt get to see there awesomeness. But my termies rocked him. I was also told to maybe invest in a dreadnought or a vindicator?
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I'd think you need more little things before jumping for Terminators. I'd suggest filling out that other combat squad to a full Tactical squad, get a couple of Assault Squads, a few transports, and then I'd start considering the bigger units.
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thanks tahaal, much appreciated. My one friend said that BA's were all assault squads etc., and I shouldnt even bother with tactical squads. is that true? My combat squad is all bolt guns and my tactical squad is the seargent with a bolter pistol and chainsword and one with a missile launcher and the other 3 with boltguns. Should I equip them with more upgrades or just keep with the standard boltgun?
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thanks tahaal, much appreciated. My one friend said that BA's were all assault squads etc., and I shouldnt even bother with tactical squads. is that true? My combat squad is all bolt guns and my tactical squad is the seargent with a bolter pistol and chainsword and one with a missile launcher and the other 3 with boltguns. Should I equip them with more upgrades or just keep with the standard boltgun?


Actually, it sounds like you have one full tactical squad there. A full squad is 10 marines. One sergeant, one heavy weapon, one special weapon (which you seem to be missing), and seven marines with boltguns. Keep in mind that in the BA Codex, you only get the heavy and special weapons by taking a full 10 man squad.


That being said, tac squads are useful, primarily as backfield support (and scoring) for the more in-your-face units that fill a typical BA list. Assault squads are the backbone of most BA lists however, and you'll usually have more of them than any other unit in your army.

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If you look around the forum, you'll stumble on many discussions about the usefullness of tactical squads. They are probably are most divisive unit, and everyone has a strong opinion about them. The best you can do is figure out if they work for you and your playstyle.


Personally, I like tactical squads. I use them as support units, and typically field two units of 10 with a Lascannon, Plasmagun and a Razorback with TL-Heavy Flamers. I always combat squad them and leave the lascannon in my deployment zone to pop vehicles, while using the Plasmagun and razorback to provide close quarters fire support to my assault units.


But, again, that's just my opinion, and really, The best you can do is figure out if they work for you and your playstyle.

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thanks for the info guys, its nice to know that tac squads ARE useful. Anyway, the first thing I need to buy now is a bigger case :D haha but I think Im gonna make the other combat squad a full tac squad with 5 more troops. then buy more DC
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