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Natural Diorama - My Guard, Aurora, and Deathwatch

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while I was in Spain with my class, I took the opportunity to take some as-realistic-as-possible pictures of my 3 armies I love. I hope you like the pictures.


You know it is as always: the bigger the picture the better the image but due to the upload process the pictures are as small as these. Nevermind, I hope you enjoy and C&C


Yours LordOrd


My Deathwatch



On an Enslaver infested paradise world the Deathwatch discover Tau eqiupment


My Aurora Chapter





Through the toxic sewer system of Hive Bermuddah


My Imperial Guard "Industrial Formation"



Wipe out resistance with fire after the fisrt Hive World wall is breached


...for more imgaes like these see www.lordordsrealm.de

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