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Space Marine sergeant - plasma pistol + chainsword?


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It works like this. Your sergeant has a starting set of Wargear, listed under his stat line in your codex. When a piece of equipment says "may trade out WEAPON1 or WEAPON2" then he may do just that. You may either drop the bolter OR the bolt pistol, and exchange it for that piece.


I don't have a codex in front of me, sadly, but I wouldn't be surprised if a sergeant could take a plasma pistol in many units I can think of. Also, I wouldn't GIVE a sergeant a plasma pistol...but that's just me....and really a discussion for Tactica. <3

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Yes, you can trade one of those for the Plasma Pistol and the other for the Chainsword.


"and/or" means you can do one or both, at your discression

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It may be easier if you think of a SM sergeant as having 2 weapon slots that you can fill. By default there's a bolt pistol and bolter in them, but he can put anything from the list of 'replacements' into either slot. You could even have two chainswords or plasma pistols if you wanted to, though it's not a good idea.
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