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Sentinels of Fate


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Hi folks been working on a new Thousand sons army that has seperated from the legion and now call themselves Sentinels of Fate.


The army contains


SORCEROR in termie army






Now heres the question do i add a squad of chosen if so how to arm them?

Also would a thousand son army use obliterators and how would you represent them as i dont really like the gw blits.


Any help in this would be great

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I'd advise you model some extra sorcerers and use them as count as obliterators.

For chosen, i have always wanted to use them, and am planing on champ with melta gun and power fist, another 2 melta guns and a flamer in a rhino as I have heard good things about 3melta2flamer chosen.

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Obliterators as sorcerers with lots of different powers at their fingertips is always a good way to go. Also chosen as sorcerers outflanking in a rhino is great as well - equip them all with meltaguns or plasma and just say that counts as psychic powers too!
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I opted to use Tomb Kings Ubshabti as Oblits - since Ubshabti don't exist in 40k they cant be mixed up with anything else for your opponent.


Thats an awesome idea. Going to hurt ye with true line of sight. Then again, unless you play in a competitive environment all the time, it hardly matters.

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Hi all thanks alot for the advice and i think for the oblits im going to go with robed terminators Sorcerors so that they are on the same size base as the proper oblits and i think i can make it lo ok good.


Heres my next question what happened first the Rubric of Ahriman of Magnus's acension to a deamon princes? I ask because im trying to fluff out my Sentinels of Fate.


I'll post pics of my colour scheme once i've found one or two i like.

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Hi folks while i work out a new scheme for my 1k sons warband i've had an idea for my count as oblits and thought ill show what ive come up with while listerning to A THOUSAND SONS(an awesome book)


A robot of the Legio roboticus






the idea here is that they are the last relics of the pre heresy sons Parvia Cult(sp) il field them as a squad of 3 but will add a sorceror to the unit to act as a controller but in gaming terms he is ignored.


Also i was watching the mummy returns last night and was inspired to build an egyptian theme defiler in the form of a scorpion its still a wip but i think it will work nicely plus in apoc matchs i can say its a count as brass scorpion.






Any comments?

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I have five modeled to look like they're casting spells.


Usually they work well in these configurations:

5x Flamers in a Rhino

5x Plasma Guns infiltrating on foot

5x Melta Guns in a Rhino


The plasma gun loadout is my favorite. Dreadknights beware...

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks phosis i like the the plasmagun option.


Hi folks thanks for the feed back ive gone back to the drawing board and came up with this its only 50% complete






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