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Which legion? Death to the false emperor!


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Hail! my Chaotic brothers!


I have just brought a chaos battle force and and am in the process of preping them up, however that is where my problem lies. I am unsure as to which legion or faction to go with and this is where i need your help.


After reading some of the awesome horus heresy novels I am leaning towards the word bearers and alpha legion as strong contenders with iron warriors and night lords in 2nd place. but due to some awesome logs here I have been folowing such as the sons of malice and punishers logs I am quite interesed in these renegade popular sub factions too.


So please I would be grateful if any of you could whisper tempting words on which particular legion or renegade faction I should join and model to take the battle to the False emperor!!


Let the temptation begin.


Ps I'm new to the forum

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Hmm...well, I'd say 'be different'. Everybody and their Granny plays one of the traitor legions, go for a warband of younger traitors and carve a name for yourself in Imperial blood. Sons of Malice, Blood Gorgons, Claws of Lorek, Nightkillers...the list goes on and on. Whatever you choose, good luck on your build!
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You gotta tell us more about what you like and what you'd base a decision on.


For some people, its the background of the legion or chapter that is important. For others its the color scheme. Maybe you want to play a less common choice just to be different.


For me, it usually comes down to a mix of the color scheme (I want something easy to paint but still striking) and the background of the legion (how they fight, how they behave, which, if any, dark god they worship etc).

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The problem is the background I guess which is what catches my imagination mostly. I like the undivided legions because of the wealth of fluff on them but as has been mentioned they are very popular choices.


Colour scheme is a big thing for me too not wanting anything to crazy I think I will make the choice easier by cutting out the legions and going with a renegade faction instead.


I am particulary fond of the sons of malice, the reborn, dragon warriors, the cleaved and steel cobras I am trying to go for renegade chapters that have at least a small piece of fluff to them so they dont sound like a complete DIY chapter when i mention what chapter I play.



Any opinions on what people think of the chapters I've chosen which would look good as a whole army would be helpful.


cheers guys

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I am particulary fond of the sons of malice, the reborn, dragon warriors, the cleaved and steel cobras I am trying to go for renegade chapters that have at least a small piece of fluff to them so they dont sound like a complete DIY chapter when i mention what chapter I play.


I'm the same way, its nice to have some sort of starting point.


Sons of malice have one of the most striking color schemes to me, I love the look of black and white. The drawback is it might be a pain to paint. Their background about fighting both chaos and the imperium makes it easy to justify fighting any kind of battle.


If you are a good painter, I think the reborn could look awesome.


Dragons warriors aren't bad but not my personal thing. I'm not sure how much of their background you're aware of but

they're renegade salamanders, so that could be a good or bad thing.



Cleaved are another warband that looks cool but the background pushes you towards nurgle worship which you may not want to do.


I'm not familiar with the steel cobras. You don't mean the steal brethren do you?


If this was entirely up to me, i would probably go with the sons of malice from these choices. I think they have just enough background to build your army on without limiting your options. Plus like I said, the color scheme looks great. Just my 2 cents though.

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No, Steel Cobras were an old Renegade chapter, who to my recollection got declared heretical because they worshipped the Emperor as an animal totem. Plus, their fortress monastery is at the bottom of an acidic (I think. It wasn't normal water, in any case) ocean.
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From a practical point of view, play Black Legion or something that 'counts as' Black Legion, e.g. Red Corsairs or any number of DIY/renegade chapters.


It's the best safeguard against the vagaries of future GW codex releases. Black Legion will always be catered for. The other legions? Who knows.

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You could go a little crazy and:


Paint Tactical Chaos Marines and Bikers as Sons of Malice.

Paint Havocs, Obliterators, and Tanks as Iron Warriors.

Paint Cult Troops in their original Legion colors.

Paint Chosen as Alpha Legion.

Paint Possessed and Daemon Princes (if you use them) as Word Bearers.

Paint Terminators as Black Legion.

Paint Raptors as Night Lords.


Lords and Sorcerers as they fit with appropriate setups.


That way, you can fit them all in!

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No, Steel Cobras were an old Renegade chapter, who to my recollection got declared heretical because they worshipped the Emperor as an animal totem. Plus, their fortress monastery is at the bottom of an acidic (I think. It wasn't normal water, in any case) ocean.


Ammonia sea. I think the Steel Cobras were still loyal to the Emperor though, despite their censure.


I would suggest the Pyre, Violators or the Damned Company of Lord Caustos. They are cool.

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Thankyou all for the replies everyone they are all really helpful. The idea of painting a little of all the legions for differing units is good but the only thing is I like everything to look uniform with the same scheme, it's just me being fussy.


I like the punisheers but dont think I could do there scheme justice with the skeleton on the armour unfortunately but they are a cool chapter. The pyre are cool I missed them I am quite fond of them and the dammed company of lord Caustos but There scheme looks like a lot of blending and again I dont think I could do them justice plus it would be quite time consuming i believe with the blended armour plates.

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id say iron warriors because of their siege and THIS IS NOW MINE AND I SHALL PUT A FORT IT *no girls allowed sign* mentality. but thats just the bit of Dorn in me.


of course you could always go world eaters i mean as stated before they DO have free cookies... also they are psychotic mechanical rage filled hate fueled killers. and pre heresy at least they had a cool color scheme. but thats the bit of Russ in me when you take his ale. :huh: the choice is yours traitor in the end the loyalists will win anyways.

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I'd suggest Sons of Malice, just because they're my favourite of the one's you're considering, BUT bear in mind that, fluff wise at least, any marks/icons of Chaos are a no-no, even Chaos Glory. That could be a serious handicap in game terms.
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I'd suggest Sons of Malice, just because they're my favourite of the one's you're considering, BUT bear in mind that, fluff wise at least, any marks/icons of Chaos are a no-no, even Chaos Glory. That could be a serious handicap in game terms.


Hard to paint neat quarters too.


Malal is still a Chaos God, just not one of the Four Powers. He can still convey marks and gifts.

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Malal is still a Chaos God, just not one of the Four Powers. He can still convey marks and gifts.


I'm not questioning gifts, but followers of Malal should only have marks/icons of Malal. Malal abhors the other Chaos gods, so he wouldn't approved of an Icon of Chaost Glory or a Mark of Chaos Undivided.

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Well I have narrowed it down to the two I want now which is the Sons of Malice and The Reborn. I will hopefully soon be putting up a blog of my Chaos warband taking shape and as I still struggle with picking the two I will do a test mini of each scheme. I like The Reborn but I feel there scheme will start to look samey after a couple squads, where as the sons of malice have more background and a more army coherent scheme for different units. Only time will tell when i start the blog next week hopefully.


Thanks for all the help guys everyones been really helpful I appreciate it.

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Malal is still a Chaos God, just not one of the Four Powers. He can still convey marks and gifts.


I'm not questioning gifts, but followers of Malal should only have marks/icons of Malal. Malal abhors the other Chaos gods, so he wouldn't approved of an Icon of Chaost Glory or a Mark of Chaos Undivided.


Count as on the current marks can be used to represent Malal. There are enough restrictions in the dex, need to make more.


For me, I chose the Red Corsairs(loved them since Chaos Dex 3.5). I also like the Sons of Vengeance and Sons of Malice(loved Malal since 3.5 too). Traitor Legion wise ADB is making me a fan of my most hated faction..the Night Lords.


Night Lords are a good force if you want a non chaotic renegade army.

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My vote would go Alpha Legion. Why? Because I'm running them using the Space Wolf Codex. *GASP!* HERESY! BURN THE HERETIC! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!


But yeah, Space Wolves actually make decent renegades. Still have access to looted or previously own tanks and speeders. Grey Hunters are armed with the same weaponry as Chaos Marines, and actually have "veteran skills" (counter-attack, and acute senses).

Besides, thunderwolf cavalry just scream bloodcrusher models to me.

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