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Which legion? Death to the false emperor!


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I really dig the Dragon Warriors. They are the second choice for me behind Night Lords. I'm even considering building a squad into my army as allies. Dragon Warriors are more than just renegade salamanders. They are a conglomeration of Salamanders, Black Dragons, Marines Malevolent, and Iron Warriors, who have reneged their oaths and fight to destroy the Salamanders and the Imperium.



Since you have already narrowed it down, I'll say go with the Reborn. They have an awesome scheme that is easy to paint quickly. They are also a rare army and would be a radical addition to any table top. While Sons are great, the Reborn would really get to be your army.


Whatever you do, make sure you post photos.

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I haven't even read Blood Gorgons, but the back jacket makes me want to see an army of them, if I wasn't mid long term porject then I'd be tempted to buy the book and go for it! As is I'll probably just buy the book and read it, shelving the project until after I finish Word Beaers, Chav-Ork Kult of Speed and lager-themed craftworld eldar... like that'll ever happen... the chav orks will though, as soon as I've got enough Word Bearers... since I currently have 11 after 3 years we'll see...
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