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Blowing up flying things


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So the rulebook says in regards to flying vehicles if they're immobilised they're destroyed, but in a battle report i read a Stormraven was immobilised and just floated to the ground and carried on shooting stuff.



Are they only destroyed if they move over a certain distance?

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Are they only destroyed if they move over a certain distance?


Yep. If they're goin flat out and you render them Immobile, they're toast. ;) Otherwise they just peter out.

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Happens to all of us, Brother. First time I used a Librarian with the Unleash Rage power I thought it allowed me to add D3 attacks TO MY ENTIRE UNIT (instead of what it actually said, which was to add D3 attacks to a single model of my choice WITHIN the unit). I felt really bad after, but HOLY CRAP did my assault squad wreck some face that game.
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So the rulebook says in regards to flying vehicles if they're immobilised they're destroyed, but in a battle report i read a Stormraven was immobilised and just floated to the ground and carried on shooting stuff.



Are they only destroyed if they move over a certain distance?

In Apocalypse - an Immobilized Flyer is Destroyed.

In normal mission 40K - there are no Flyers, as of yet. As noted above, Immobilized Fast Skimmers moving Flat Out are Destroyed. Otherwise they are just rendered Immobile.

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Yep. And note they have to be immobilized during their own turn- to my knowledge that means they have failed a difficult terrain test while moving flat out or the effects of them ramming something are the only ways they can die from this clause.
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Yes- wich gives us any DE skimmer with a certain upgrade, all Eldar skimmers larger than a vyper, and Stormravens IIRC.


Wait. Nope, so just Eldar/DE vehicles really.

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Yep. And note they have to be immobilized during their own turn- to my knowledge that means they have failed a difficult terrain test while moving flat out or the effects of them ramming something are the only ways they can die from this clause.


Grey Mage, are you getting the fate of passengers mixed up with the vehicle there?


Page 71 of he rulebook: "a skimmer that is immobilised immediately crashes and is destroyed (wrecked) if in moved flat out in its last turn."


As opposed to page 70: "Passengers may not disembark from a fast vehicle if it has moved (or is going to move) flat out in that movement phase."


In summery - if not moving flat out and immobilised - immobilised.

If moving flat out then if immobilised in your turn - wrecked and passengers all dead,

If moving flat out then if immobilised in opponents turn - wrecked and passengers take standard wrecked damage.

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When would a Valkyrie or Stormraven need to take a difficult terrain test? Surely they fly over everything?

It's a skimmer, so it has to take a dangerous terrain test if it starts or ends it's turn in difficult/dangerous terrain (but not if it merely flies over said terrain).

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If moving flat out then if immobilised in your turn - wrecked and passengers all dead,

If moving flat out then if immobilised in opponents turn - wrecked and passengers take standard wrecked damage.



Because hitting a hedge is so much more dangerous then being hit by melta.


Silly rule isn't it? ^_^

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Also important to note that if the skimmer is a member of a squadron at the time the Immobilized result is applied, the immobilized skimmer is instead Wrecked. Valkyries can be bought in squadrons, right?

Yes they can- 1-3 for Valks and Vendettas, wich I always thought was kinda sucky for the IG.


Since Im not a fan of them in regular 40k though, I wont complain.

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Also important to note that if the skimmer is a member of a squadron at the time the Immobilized result is applied, the immobilized skimmer is instead Wrecked. Valkyries can be bought in squadrons, right?

Yes they can- 1-3 for Valks and Vendettas, wich I always thought was kinda sucky for the IG.


Since Im not a fan of them in regular 40k though, I wont complain.



The board definitely feels crowded when you have one or two flitting around..



Thanks for all the help guys.

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