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How would you build these kits.


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Okay, so I'm new here, usually a guard player, just getting back in the game since 3rd. I bought a mech guard army last month, but I want something that has an assault phase, so I am going to build a DoA list.


To start this list I picked up 5 boxes of death company, 5 boxes of assault marines and a box of sang guard. How would you construct these kits into an army (I will also be using these kits plus modelling to create characters, etc.)? I have come up with the following:


2 librarians, 3 sanguinary priests, 3 full assault squads, and 2(or 3) vanguard squads. it comes around 1500 after gear and such.


Any other ideas? maybe a unit or two you'd use instead? Thanks guys.

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I would be looking at building 5-10 Vanguard veterans for a DOA army especially with so many bits that come in all those kits! You could make a really nice squad. They are great for tying up enemy heavy weapons and sniping lone units poorly deployed. If you gear them up with Storm shields you can also use them to bog down enemy hammer units until the cavalry arrives!
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You don't need three priests for 1500 points. 2 or 1 and an honour guard are enough. I'm not sure about 50 points worth of bogging down, but some swear by SS V.V.

So how would you build these boxes into an army if it were you? I mean I think at 1500 the 3 assault squads is good, but that leaves me with 5 more boxes of models for HQ, priests and whatever else I work into it.

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I guess I'm not clear on what you're asking. Essentially, how would we allocate the 50 models you've purchased (a list) or how would we actually mix and match the kits?

Right, what would you build with these 55 models? Bitz and weapons aren't an issue. I have plenty and can convert what I don't. but basically I have 55 marines with jump packs, how would you build these into an army? I threw out my rough list, but I've only got about 6 games of 5th edition under my belt, and all with guard, so I'm pretty clueless.

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I guess I'm not clear on what you're asking. Essentially, how would we allocate the 50 models you've purchased (a list) or how would we actually mix and match the kits?

Right, what would you build with these 55 models? Bitz and weapons aren't an issue. I have plenty and can convert what I don't. but basically I have 55 marines with jump packs, how would you build these into an army? I threw out my rough list, but I've only got about 6 games of 5th edition under my belt, and all with guard, so I'm pretty clueless.


3 full assault squads


2 honor guards (HG are good at shooting, perhaps one with 4*plasma gun and one with 4*melta and 4*flamer)


10*VV (IMHO lot's of power weapons, not much else. VVs are assassins, not tanks.)


use the rest for priests or alternative equipment for the different squads.

EDIT: You'll probably want to have one librarian and one chaplain as well. If you want to kit-bash them instead of using the premade kits, go for it.

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I'd pretty much go with what k+f suggests. I'd also think that Dante (if you take special characters) and if I were doing ALL jump pack, I'd also go with one unit of sang guard at some point. I like VV with a storm shield or two, myself and there are plenty of people that arm them differently. Remember, too, it's not always the worst thing for them to get stuck in combat for a turn after their HI.
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I guess I'm not clear on what you're asking. Essentially, how would we allocate the 50 models you've purchased (a list) or how would we actually mix and match the kits?

Right, what would you build with these 55 models? Bitz and weapons aren't an issue. I have plenty and can convert what I don't. but basically I have 55 marines with jump packs, how would you build these into an army? I threw out my rough list, but I've only got about 6 games of 5th edition under my belt, and all with guard, so I'm pretty clueless.


3 full assault squads


2 honor guards (HG are good at shooting, perhaps one with 4*plasma gun and one with 4*melta and 4*flamer)


10*VV (IMHO lot's of power weapons, not much else. VVs are assassins, not tanks.)


use the rest for priests or alternative equipment for the different squads.

EDIT: You'll probably want to have one librarian and one chaplain as well. If you want to kit-bash them instead of using the premade kits, go for it.


I wouldn't recommend someone building the infamous melta/flamer H.G. The squad is a d move for playing against friends. I hide mine in shame and bring it along for tournaments, but then people look at me as if I'm "that" guy. I Really wouldn't recommend bulding two honour guards either. The plasmaguard is fine, as it brings something B.A don't have otherwise. I agree fully on V.V's not for tanking.

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I wouldn't recommend someone building the infamous melta/flamer H.G. The squad is a dick move for playing against friends. I hide mine in shame and bring it along for tournaments, but then people look at me as if I'm "that" guy. I Really wouldn't recommend bulding two honour guards either. The plasmaguard is fine, as it brings something B.A don't have otherwise. I agree fully on V.V's not for tanking.


A squad of sang guard then, if you don't want to be a donkey :Troops:

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I guess I'm not clear on what you're asking. Essentially, how would we allocate the 50 models you've purchased (a list) or how would we actually mix and match the kits?

Right, what would you build with these 55 models? Bitz and weapons aren't an issue. I have plenty and can convert what I don't. but basically I have 55 marines with jump packs, how would you build these into an army? I threw out my rough list, but I've only got about 6 games of 5th edition under my belt, and all with guard, so I'm pretty clueless.



2 honor guards (HG are good at shooting, perhaps one with 4*plasma gun and one with 4*melta and 4*flamer)



I wouldn't recommend someone building the infamous melta/flamer H.G. The squad is a dick move for playing against friends. I


Infamous?? ! ;)

douche move?!


Completely dependent on your gaming environment and your friends. So, in your area- maybe.


This squad isn't even considered an issue where i'm from.

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I guess I'm not clear on what you're asking. Essentially, how would we allocate the 50 models you've purchased (a list) or how would we actually mix and match the kits?

Right, what would you build with these 55 models? Bitz and weapons aren't an issue. I have plenty and can convert what I don't. but basically I have 55 marines with jump packs, how would you build these into an army? I threw out my rough list, but I've only got about 6 games of 5th edition under my belt, and all with guard, so I'm pretty clueless.



2 honor guards (HG are good at shooting, perhaps one with 4*plasma gun and one with 4*melta and 4*flamer)



I wouldn't recommend someone building the infamous melta/flamer H.G. The squad is a dick move for playing against friends. I


Infamous?? ! ^_^

douche move?!


Completely dependent on your gaming environment and your friends. So, in your area- maybe.


This squad isn't even considered an issue where i'm from.


Where I live, people don't actually all play marines. A well dropped squad eats a Leman Russ/whatever followed by either another one or 20 guards per turn. Keeping them alive isn't too problematic either. So yeah, where I'm at it makes people sad (Sweden, that would be).

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