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Stormraven WIP


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After being in and out of the hobby for about 8 months now I've gotten round to post some progress on this model. I've had it since it's release but has only recently been touched. Still have bit's and pieces to do like the blood drops, MM and stuff;






Comments and criticism always welcome :devil:

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My one comment would be to make sure to drill out the barrels on that Assault Cannon.


And what did you do to the glass? I love it!

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Thankyou guys! As for the glass it is indeed coloured using ink applied to the inside of the canopies. It usually takes around 2 coats of ink letting the first coat dry whilst the canopy is upside down and the second coat allowed to dry in the upright position. Please note that washes will not work as well due to the pigmentation and will end up looking gritty.


Tahaal: I'm on the case. I always seem to forget about drilling barrels during the construction phase but that's what happens being an old fart like myself :jaw:

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Thats a nice looking Raven. Nice shade of red, well detailed and the FW doors are a nice touch. I like your inked canopy as well. A little too dark for my taste but I think I will try to ink a canopy now. Perhaps just a shade or two. Thanks for the tip.
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