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Dark Hunters

Bad Monkey

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How do folks,


I looking to start a new sm army...hopefully one that i actually finish, and came across the dark hunters in the dex.


There is thankfully very little on these guys in the official background, save this little bit




Heres what I got so far, bullets points are to show where my thoughts are atm, they will be delted once each section is completed





Dark Hunters


The Age of Apostasy was a time of great religious upheaval, and left a great many bitter wounds that refused to heal. The events of this tramatic time showed the High Lords of Terra just how vurnrable the Imperium was to both the enemies without as much as those within. To protect humanity from these threats they sanctioned the 22nd founding of the Adeptus Astrates. It was from this founding using the seed of the Primarch Rogal Dorn, that the Dark Hunters were born.




In the formative years of the chapter the Dark Hunters charged with bringing the emperors light back to many of the worlds who had cast off the Imperiums yoke during the Age of Apostasy. It was during this crusade that they formed many a strong bond with thier brother chapters, in particular the Heralds of Judgement who shared The Dark Hunters disdain for the frailty of those who would turn on thier fellow man for selfish gain. This was a bond however that the Dark Hunters would learn to regret.


Thier first chapter master was a mighty champion of the astrates. On the Dark Hunters homeworld of Phobian the people talk in hushed reverence of his many deeds, perhaps most of all, when he slew the Great beast of Bloodwood. Exactly what the creature was is still up for debate, however the suffering it caused amongst the many surounding kingdoms was not. Thousands of people died on its claws and many more to it's firey breathe.


When word reached the Chapter master he vowed to end the monsters reign of terror. Taking a small number of his brother marines from his household he set of for Bloodwood.


Finding the beast was not hard, its trail of destruction was as obvious as it was terrible. Setting up to ambush the creature the marines lay in wait. Wehn the beast left it lair they pounced. It quickly became apparent that thier bolters were of no use against the solid hide. The Chapter masteer then saw a weakenss in the monsters defences and ran for it swinging his massive axe. When the axe blade connected the beasts head was decapicated. Its is from his tale that the Dark hunters take thier double headed axe icon.


The Punishers


Towards the end of the Occlusaid the Dark Hunters joined forces with thier gene-brothers The Heralds of Judgement to excecute a campain against a recidivist cult. The 2nd company were to act as reinforcements for the Heralds should they reqire any addtions support as the recidivist's had dug themselves in and buy all reports had already inficted heavy damage to the Imperial forces.


After reciving a distress call from the battlezone the 2nd company dropped directly into combat to relive the heralds of judgemnt. However when they arrived they found that the rebels had already been butchered, before contact could be made with the heralds of judgemnet the dark hunters came under heavy fire and took sevre casulites, it was then that reports began to flood in that it was Astrates from the herlads who were doing he shooting. It is belived that before the Helralds opened fire on the Dark Hunters that they tried to convince thier gene-kin to join them.


Once the remaining Dark Hunters who had been waiting in reseve deplyed and forced the heralds of judgement to flee the loss to the 2nd company became apparent. The Dark Hunters swore an oath to make their traitorous kin pay for the suffering they caused.


Since the Heralds of Judgement fled the warzone they have renamed themselves the Punishers and seek to make mankind pay for a percived weaknes off the soul.


  • The Occlusaid, The age of Apostasy and the punishers betrayal are all obviously going to play a massive part in the Dark hunter's mindset.
  • The first Chapter master I reckon should be renowned of a mighty deed involving a big axe during the infacy of the chapter. As a result of this the axe is taken of the chapter. Whether they had an icon beofre this and changed it to mark the event or they were still decide on a icon Im unsure of yet.





  • Phobian is thier homeworld, this is canon.
  • I like the idea of the people of Phobian being a similar culture as the saxons. Quite a fedual set up, warring kingdoms, and honour trial by combat and all that jazz.
  • SOme customs from phobian will bleed through to the chapter, such as the king being responsible for the honour of his kingdom. This translates into there being no company champions in the Dark Hunters with the captain fuffilling this role.
  • Phobian is a heavily forssested world with large mountain ranges.
  • Might have some mentions of the Old religion...hints of taint before the comming of the Dark Hunters.
  • The chapter master sits as the high king of phobian





The Phobian way of life has had a great influence on the Dark Hunters outlook.


One of the Most telling is the responsibilty of postion. Back on Phobian the Fedual lords were responisble for the welfare of thier kin, offering protection in times of need but also meating out punishment should anyone act against the well being of the kingdom. Should at any time the Lord be unable to fufil this role, for example if he was ill or off to war a champion would be selected to act in his stead. The Champion would paint his right hand black, a symbol that his hand acted with the will of another.


This practice is reflected in the Dark Hunters having a total lack of any company champions, as the captian is responisble for the honour of his company, however the first sergent bears the title of the Black Hand.


The Dark Hunters also hold others up to thier own points of view, they hold those who abuse thier postion in particular ire. In the Imperium where greed and corruption is very much the norm in the higher levels of socity this can lead to the Dark Hunters sometimes refusing to fight along side Imperial Guard formations or aid Planetery Govenors put down uprisings that the chapter deems to be justified. This has lead to some question the loyalties of the Dark Hunters in the past. It is this doubt that many beleive was the reason that the Punishers thought they could turn the Dark Hunters against the Imperium.


These views have all but been quashed however by the dedication that the chapter shows in it's percicution of the Emperors foes and the zealous focus that they show when in pursuit of the Punishers.


  • Given the time of the Founding the Dark Hunters, they are ever wary of any hint of heresy and susptious of the machine cult. Result is that the few techmarines in the chapter are treated with at arms length and are closly monitered by the chapters chaplins and librairians for any hint of taint
  • The Dark Hunters feel etremly bitter towards the Punishers who betrayed them so greatly, might even single out a company of Dark Hunters who lost battle brothers that are sworn to bring thier revenge upon the heads of the traitors.
  • Honour and justice are two things that the chapter hold etremly dear, and any slight against them will more than likly end up with dead bodies...(I dont think Iv put this across quite like I want to, hopfully You understand what I mean.




  • Standard Codex Chapter with few deviations
  • No Company CHamps as the captain is respponsible for the hounour of his company, he fill this role. Should a captian be unable to fuffil this role the company's first Sgt will fill it.
  • The first sgt's title is the Black hand. His right glove is painted black. This represents the fact that his hand belong to the captian.
  • There are very techmarines in the chapter although it is recognised they are estential they are rarly given the honour of taking to the field.
  • Company designation is dispayled on the right knee and take the form of a white design on a black field and not through the colour of the shoulder trims.


Battle Doctrine


The Dark Hunter's have a preferance for close combat, they see no greater honour than looking the for in the eye before bringing the Emperors wrath upon them. That is not to say that the Dark hunters are so blinkered that they will only seek to destroy a foe face to face. Indeed they have proven on many occations to be very patient, often during extended campains, waiting for days if not weeks for the right time to strike.


It has also been noted that Dark hunters are extremly stubborn, often refusing to give ground of pursuit of a foe when many of thier peers would consider it a lost cause. This gives strength to the chapter motto of "Only The strongest steel is forged in the hottest fires of hell".


Gene seed


Being of Dorns seed, they are very stable, however they do share the missing sus-an membrane and lack the ability to hibernate. They also keep close ties with thier parent chapter, and have close ties with all those chapters who they consider gene-kin.

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Welcome to the Liber :lol:


As always, the best thing to consider when starting a chapter is the theme or character of the chapter. Why do they fight? What makes them get out of bed in the morning and drop from the sky, screaming, into the jaws of death to emerge victorious? What is their motivation? From the answer to this, you have the basis for your chapter. You can then ask 'how did this viewpoint come across?' and 'what would the consequences of this character?'. And then you'll have an IA in no time.

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Given the prevalence of axe veneration can it be safe to assume that there is a high regard for close combat specialists and perhaps an abundance of power axes?


Maybe they and the other 6 are all sibling chapters of the same founding, if not the same genetic linage. They were all present in the same campaign in which the Punishers started to swear fealty to heathen gods. Maybe your chapter could have gone one step further and taken in the surviving loyalists from that blighted band of brothers, and it's they who drive the hunt with such wroth filled passion.


What sort of creature was it that the first Chapter Master killed? Surely not some normal mortal creature the likes of which could have been ended by a pit full of spikes as dug by the locals. Dark Age abomination or warp tainted monstrosity or some sort of vile xeno-breed?

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Thanks for the feed back folks. this is gonna be a bit of a slow burn ia, getting wed in september so kinda got other priorities...


However figured it would be rude not to respond as well as start to put down some of the thoughts Im having on the hunters.


As always, the best thing to consider when starting a chapter is the theme or character of the chapter. Why do they fight? What makes them get out of bed in the morning and drop from the sky, screaming, into the jaws of death to emerge victorious?


This is a big part of any IA, and Im very cautiius about over doing this, or using too strong a theme that is almost impossible for the reader to break away from. I made this mistake in a previous IA attempt, see here for how to fail totally with an over themed army. Though through a little bit of search fu I see some poor souls have not learned from the error of my ways... (for the record I still rather foolishly, quite like the idea of a thundercats chapter).


Given the prevalence of axe veneration can it be safe to assume that there is a high regard for close combat specialists and perhaps an abundance of power axes?


Axe's will play a part in the history, would kinda make sence with the chapter icon. With regards to cc specialists...maybe more for the veterns than the standard brother marines.


Maybe your chapter could have gone one step further and taken in the surviving loyalists from that blighted band of brothers, and it's they who drive the hunt with such wroth filled passion


Not so keen on this idea, my understanding is that if a chapter turns all marines in the chapter are considered tainted by the imperium as such will be shot on sight. I am leaning towards them being of the same founding as the punishers and possibly on the same campaign when they went spikey. Maybe even have the punishers kill a large number of the Dark Hunters.


What sort of creature was it that the first Chapter Master killed? Surely not some normal mortal creature the likes of which could have been ended by a pit full of spikes as dug by the locals. Dark Age abomination or warp tainted monstrosity or some sort of vile xeno-breed?


Not yet decided, it would need be a propper big beastie. The other option is to have the chapter master and a small group of vetrens holding off a numberless horde...either way a healthy dose of axe-face will be dealt.


So onto what I have at the moment, which addmittedly isn't very much.


At the momnet I am going to bullet point each section with my thoughts, once Im happy with everything in each section I will type it up.





Dark Hunters




The Age of Apostasy was a time of great religious upheaval, and left a great many bitter wounds that refused to heal. The events of this tramatic time showed the High Lords of Terra just how vurnrable the Imperium was to both the enemies without as much as those within. To protect humanity from these threats they sanctioned the 22nd founding of the Adeptus Astrates. It was from this founding using the seed of the Primarch Rogal Dorn, that the Dark Hunters were born.


  • The canon states that they were created to combat the Occlusaid, however accoring the the brb this only lasted 10 years...SO rekon I'll go with a founding during the Age of Apostasy to assist with the growing heresy's throughout the Imperium. That will mean they can see combat during this time, my understanding is it take longer than 10 years to make a marine



  • Im going to go for an Imperial Fist gene seed. Partly to do with them being noted as being quite stoic and stubborn with is a trait shared by most of those that have Dorns seed



  • The Occlusaid, The age of Apostasy and the punishers betrayal are all obviously going to play a massive part in the Dark hunter's mindset.


  • The first Chapter master I reckon should be renowned of a mighty deed involving a big axe during the infacy of the chapter. As a result of this the axe is taken of the chapter. Whether they had an icon beofre this and changed it to mark the event or they were still decide on a icon Im unsure of yet.





  • Phobian is thier homeworld, this is canon.
  • I like the idea of the people of Phobian being a similar culture as the saxons. Quite a fedual set up, warring kingdoms, and honour trial by combat and all that jazz.
  • SOme customs from phobian will bleed through to the chapter, such as the king being responsible for the honour of his kingdom. This translates into there being no company champions in the Dark Hunters with the captain fuffilling this role.
  • Phobian is a heavily forssested world with large mountain ranges.
  • Might have some mentions of the Old religion...hints of taint before the comming of the Dark Hunters.
  • The chapter master sits as the high king of phobian




  • Given the time of the Founding the Dark Hunters, they are ever wary of any hint of heresy and susptious of the machine cult. Result is that the few techmarines in the chapter are treated with at arms length and are closly monitered by the chapters chaplins and librairians for any hint of taint
  • The Dark Hunters feel etremly bitter towards the Punishers who betrayed them so greatly, might even single out a company of Dark Hunters who lost battle brothers that are sworn to bring thier revenge upon the heads of the traitors.
  • Honour and justice are two things that the chapter hold etremly dear, and any slight against them will more than likly end up with dead bodies...(I dont think Iv put this across quite like I want to, hopfully You understand what I mean.




  • Standard Codex Chapter with few deviations
  • No Company CHamps as the captain is respponsible for the hounour of his company, he fill this role. Should a captian be unable to fuffil this role the company's first Sgt will fill it.
  • The first sgt's title is the Black hand. His right glove is painted black. This represents the fact that his hand belong to the captian.
  • There are very techmarines in the chapter although it is recognised they are estential they are rarly given the honour of taking to the field.
  • Company designation is dispayled on the right knee and take the form of a white design on a black field and not through the colour of the shoulder trims.


Battle Doctrine


  • Not much for this one at the minute, aside from beong particularly stubborn and determined. Open to suggestions



Gene seed


  • Being of Dorns seed, they are very stable, but suffer from the no acid spitting thing...these marines have good manners. Again open to suggestions on this one





Anyways, thats the thoughts at the moment, I will be adding and taking away things as I see fit. Feel free to rip it apart, so long as your being constructive thats all I ask.


In particular the combat doctrine and gene seed Im stuck on.


Im also keen to see what your thoughts are on the black hand and the whole no company champion thing.


Til next time pop pickers

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I've moved all the pretty things to the top so folks dont need to scan down to see what Iv added. Anyways, Iv strated a tiny bit on the origins and the belief sections. Not alot I know but it should give you an idea of where Im looking to go with these guys.

Iv also left the bullet points in each section so you can see my thought process.

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Thats a bit added to origins, Iv started to introduce the punishers aswell...think it might be a little bit too soon though,


Also started to put in the first chapter master's takin out a big gribbly. I know at the moment it is not particualry well written, this will be getting added to expanded and tidied up.


DOnt have a name for him yet, Im looking towards a saxon name...I like the idea of Phobian being a feudal planet with strong saxon themes in there.


That's the first name anyways. I have an idea of the second name being a given name, earned before they become a full battle brother with a naming ceremony being carried out once a great deed has been carried out. Any thoughts on this?

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right added a wee bit about the Punishers... it is very sketchy, and I will be going back to expand upon it. I still need to mention the other 6 chapters that are involed in hunting them. I'll also need some names for the planet a bit more detail about why it justified more than one astrates chapter to deal with an uprising....


Anyways c+c welcome, as per.

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they could be close combat specialists so as to allow them to look their opponents in the eye when they kill them. The only truly honest way to kill someone.


Also if they are children of Dorn then they will have a non-functional Sus-an Membrane and lack the ability to hibernate.


Also in Saxon culture no individual had any rights. The man above you would always be responsible for providing for you and offering you protection in exchange for you working for him. The higher up the hierarchy you were the more freedom you had, but this would be countered by the ever increasing responsibilities and duties. This should show through in the chapters Outlook on things. Like when they see the lawlessness in the Hive-worlds and feel disgust at the order the high-ups neglected to impose and the protection they have not given.


The common people would tell stories about their holy protectors but the governor would be reluctant to call for their aid because he would almost certainly be removed from office for incompetence (for having to call for outside help) and possibly executed (Incompetence at the level of planetary ruler is by definition criminal) and replaced by someone of the chapters choosing.

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  soddinnutter said:
they could be close combat specialists so as to allow them to look their opponents in the eye when they kill them. The only truly honest way to kill someone.


Also in Saxon culture no individual had any rights. The man above you would always be responsible for providing for you and offering you protection in exchange for you working for him. The higher up the hierarchy you were the more freedom you had, but this would be countered by the ever increasing responsibilities and duties. This should show through in the chapters Outlook on things. Like when they see the lawlessness in the Hive-worlds and feel disgust at the order the high-ups neglected to impose and the protection they have not given.


The common people would tell stories about their holy protectors but the governor would be reluctant to call for their aid because he would almost certainly be removed from office for incompetence (for having to call for outside help) and possibly executed (Incompetence at the level of planetary ruler is by definition criminal) and replaced by someone of the chapters choosing.


Your sir are a legend, Iv been struggling with a way of working this into the IA and you just helped me get the direction i was needing.


At the moment Iv got it into the beleif part of it, as it is more about the character, the homeworld section is proving tricky. Still all very sketchy, and I know the grammer and spelling aint top notch, dont have word on this laptop. When I get more time I'll go back and tidy it all up for you chaps. Im also not 100% happy with the way Iv presented the Punishers...needs more work. Incidently the name Heralds of Judgement isn't my idea, I might have borrowed it from sombody else, totally forgotten who it was but if they read this, I hope they dont mind me using the name.


Iv also started painting them up too so once I get some decnt pics I'll get them up for ya'll.


Anyways, feel free to rip apart whats down, and till next time pop pickers.

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