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chaos dreadnoughts


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Being a n00b player with very limited experience of Dreadnaughts I have always pivoted towards the nearest unit (always my own...) and fired. Which kinda sucks a** but at the same time adds a bit of chaotic/unpredictable flavour to the game. I imagine pivoting towards the nearest unit could be explained by the Dreadnaughts sensory systems giving it a 360 degree field of vision, much like a radar.


However reading BL novels I get diffrent views of Chaos Dreadnaughts. In Dark Apostle they seem pretty crazed and kill just about anything they see, including their handlers. But in Soul Hunter the NL Dreadnaught seems pretty sane compared to the WB ones in Dark Apostle.


I don't play tourneys so it does not really matter to me if my Dread kills a few of my own troops but it still feels like a kick to the nuts having one of my coolest units go on a killing rampage on my own units. And i wouldn't mind having it fire on the nearest unit in its field of vision.

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However reading BL novels I get diffrent views of Chaos Dreadnaughts. In Dark Apostle they seem pretty crazed and kill just about anything they see, including their handlers. But in Soul Hunter the NL Dreadnaught seems pretty sane compared to the WB ones in Dark Apostle.


That's probably because most Night Lords aren't really CHAOS Marines, just Renegade Marines. If you could give a Loyalist Space Marine codex a method of messing with Leadership and maybe Stealth options, they'd probably be better represented than what we have access to now.

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However reading BL novels I get diffrent views of Chaos Dreadnaughts. In Dark Apostle they seem pretty crazed and kill just about anything they see, including their handlers. But in Soul Hunter the NL Dreadnaught seems pretty sane compared to the WB ones in Dark Apostle.


That's probably because most Night Lords aren't really CHAOS Marines, just Renegade Marines. If you could give a Loyalist Space Marine codex a method of messing with Leadership and maybe Stealth options, they'd probably be better represented than what we have access to now.



That's a valid point in my opinion, but that would also make Alpha legion Dreadnaughts less likely to go bananas and kill everything they see as well.

To bad some moron messed up the new dex and made several units second or even third rate choices.


House rules for friendly games could always be used in my opinion. I'm thinking something in the line of handlers like the chaos dwarves for Hell Cannons in WHFB.

As long as you have handlers alive you can ignore the Fire Frenzy, but the Blood Rage-roll kills one handler, but it can still move and shoot as normal. Or something like that.

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House rules for friendly games could always be used in my opinion. I'm thinking something in the line of handlers like the chaos dwarves for Hell Cannons in WHFB.

As long as you have handlers alive you can ignore the Fire Frenzy, but the Blood Rage-roll kills one handler, but it can still move and shoot as normal. Or something like that.


Hmm, something like, if you don't use any Icon or Mark other than Chaos Glory, and don't use any Daemonic units (see GK FAQ) or Spawn, your Dreadnought don't have Fire Frenzy?

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House rules for friendly games could always be used in my opinion. I'm thinking something in the line of handlers like the chaos dwarves for Hell Cannons in WHFB.

As long as you have handlers alive you can ignore the Fire Frenzy, but the Blood Rage-roll kills one handler, but it can still move and shoot as normal. Or something like that.


Hmm, something like, if you don't use any Icon or Mark other than Chaos Glory, and don't use any Daemonic units (see GK FAQ) or Spawn, your Dreadnought don't have Fire Frenzy?


As much as it sucks, we have to grit our teeth and take it. House rules don't help you in a touney. House rules to make your Dread better are not going to fly. The Chaos Codex should be the twisted, Chaos version of the Vannilla codex, period. The Chaos codex should have real demons and cultists (corrupt IG). Possession should be the equal to PotMS. Chaos marines should be slightly better than Vanilla marines stat-wise, and make the cost match. The Marines should be the bare bones of the codex, a canvas to paint your vison upon on what you want to play and to make it work.


It makes me incredibly sad when in theory the Blood Angels make a better Khorn Marine army that what you could make in the Chaos Codex, fluff and stat wise.

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I just ordered a forge world WE dread with x2CCW :).....I think they should be a lot of fun, nothing more Chaos then killing your own guys, its one reason I love Khârn, or fire my defiler right infront of my own troops if there is something to kill. we are chaos, it should be done like that.


But it's only a roll of a 1 he can shoot your own guys, and I'm taking 2CCW so oh no....a stormbolter and flamer :o!!!!!. and well blood rage while yes might screw you up at an important point...but basical gives him fleet but cant control which way he goes...but he should be charge straight the the enemy anyway

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House rules for friendly games could always be used in my opinion. I'm thinking something in the line of handlers like the chaos dwarves for Hell Cannons in WHFB.

As long as you have handlers alive you can ignore the Fire Frenzy, but the Blood Rage-roll kills one handler, but it can still move and shoot as normal. Or something like that.


Hmm, something like, if you don't use any Icon or Mark other than Chaos Glory, and don't use any Daemonic units (see GK FAQ) or Spawn, your Dreadnought don't have Fire Frenzy?


As much as it sucks, we have to grit our teeth and take it. House rules don't help you in a touney. House rules to make your Dread better are not going to fly. The Chaos Codex should be the twisted, Chaos version of the Vannilla codex, period. The Chaos codex should have real demons and cultists (corrupt IG). Possession should be the equal to PotMS. Chaos marines should be slightly better than Vanilla marines stat-wise, and make the cost match. The Marines should be the bare bones of the codex, a canvas to paint your vison upon on what you want to play and to make it work.


It makes me incredibly sad when in theory the Blood Angels make a better Khorn Marine army that what you could make in the Chaos Codex, fluff and stat wise.


I don't really mind the Dreads going crazy 1/3 of the time, or possessed being a bit of a wildcard I just think it sucks that we pay a lot of pts for stuff that go bananas a lot of the time, while say IG players pay less pts for gear that blow stuff up (Thinking of Valkyries with three twin linked Las Cannons) and that GW is streamlining Chaos Marines and Chaos armies, removing the fluff (comparing the new and the old C:CSM) while loyalists seem to get more and more diverse, with chapters getting their own Codexes, more and more gear etc.


I just wanna... Slap someone responsible with a chainsword across his face...

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I have a plasma cannon arm and an extra DCCW arm for my dread, and after many battles, I found that the Plasma Cannon tend to do better. One extra attack in close combat doesn't do all that much, but some extra long range firepower really improves at least my army. However, I mainly face Eldar and Nids , so that might affect my opinion slightly. But being able to pop open transports from turn one is really nice, and with the ruling from that big tournament, where you don't need to pivot your dread 360, the Fire Frenzy is ok I guess.
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I don't really mind the Dreads going crazy 1/3 of the time, or possessed being a bit of a wildcard I just think it sucks that we pay a lot of pts for stuff that go bananas a lot of the time, while say IG players pay less pts for gear that blow stuff up (Thinking of Valkyries with three twin linked Las Cannons) and that GW is streamlining Chaos Marines and Chaos armies, removing the fluff (comparing the new and the old C:CSM) while loyalists seem to get more and more diverse, with chapters getting their own Codexes, more and more gear etc.


I just wanna... Slap someone responsible with a chainsword across his face...


To be fair, the codexes were born in different times and there's a reason there are no other 'dexes like the C:CSM one. I fully expect the next Chaos dex to be absolutely awesome, cause I have NO doubt in my mind GW fully understands where the codex stands right now (especially after reading the interviews with Cavatore on BOLS).


It sucks right now to play such a gimped and colorless codex, but hopefully within 18 months we'll be looking at a new dex! (no, that's not a rumor, that's wishlisting :P )

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I don't really mind the Dreads going crazy 1/3 of the time, or possessed being a bit of a wildcard I just think it sucks that we pay a lot of pts for stuff that go bananas a lot of the time, while say IG players pay less pts for gear that blow stuff up (Thinking of Valkyries with three twin linked Las Cannons) and that GW is streamlining Chaos Marines and Chaos armies, removing the fluff (comparing the new and the old C:CSM) while loyalists seem to get more and more diverse, with chapters getting their own Codexes, more and more gear etc.


I just wanna... Slap someone responsible with a chainsword across his face...


To be fair, the codexes were born in different times and there's a reason there are no other 'dexes like the C:CSM one. I fully expect the next Chaos dex to be absolutely awesome, cause I have NO doubt in my mind GW fully understands where the codex stands right now (especially after reading the interviews with Cavatore on BOLS).


It sucks right now to play such a gimped and colorless codex, but hopefully within 18 months we'll be looking at a new dex! (no, that's not a rumor, that's wishlisting :P )



I sure hope are right about a future new dex being awesome (But not badass-kill-everything-on-the-board-in-the-blink-of-an-eye souped up)

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I am building a Forge World Death Guard army, and I have both of their Nurgle dreadnoughts. I was wondering how best to equip them. I have available CCW left arms, lascannon right arms, and heavy bolter right arms. Even if they aren't competitive, I love their look, so I want to use them. Should I go with heavy bolters? At least that way the Dreads will still be good at killing enemy infantry, but they will have a hard time damaging my own vehicles.
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I would go for heavybolters. That way your troops get amour saves and you cant hurt your tanks. I plan to do the same when i get guns on mine. Was gonna go with autocannon but im a bit scared that i will pop my own rhinos. But this way take it agaisnt horde armys and you can do some damage without doing some to your own


Also I have a question....if you had a missle laucher......and it fired on your own army....would it use crack or blast? Because that could change a lot in game

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I would go for heavybolters. That way your troops get amour saves and you cant hurt your tanks. I plan to do the same when i get guns on mine. Was gonna go with autocannon but im a bit scared that i will pop my own rhinos. But this way take it agaisnt horde armys and you can do some damage without doing some to your own


Also I have a question....if you had a missle laucher......and it fired on your own army....would it use crack or blast? Because that could change a lot in game


Thanks for the advice, I'm leaning towards the twin-linked heavy bolter as well. I'm terrified of knocking out my Rhinos with a Fire Frenzy.


As for the dreadnought missile launcher, you can actually pick the type of missile you fire when you Fire Frenzy. So if it fires at one of your own tanks you can have it fire two frags to limit the damage.

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I run 3 dreads and have no complaints.

Everyone I play with laughs themselves silly (and so do I) when they see three dreads, and then has to confess that three dreads, a defiler, greater daemon, Kharne, and as many rhino-born Berzerkers as can fit in an army is a mean list after they've been killed to the last man and still have three dreads stomping them into the ground.


Some people don't like them, but I do.


As for using them, never go higher than a Plasmacannon as an additional weapon, and always treat melee as your ultimate objective. Also, the dreads have to run in a team - it might as well be a rule :)

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Yeah I get by this by not giving my dread anything that can actually hurt my own dudes if he gets fire frenzy. Just 2 close combat weapons and a heavy flamer (which could probably roast a few of my dudes) with some extra armour does it for me... Though to be honest I have only played one game, my first one in ages in fact, where I used my dread and he just ran around the battlefield looking for something to kill (was a 1v1v1). Though he did kill the Emperor's Champion in one on one combat, which is hardly awe-inspiring, before he exploded from a few assault cannon rounds at the end grumble grumble...


So yeah, killed the Emperor's Champion. Good job Slash-Happy.


But I like dreads so I'm taking him next time and he will be paired with my blood slaughterer that I am making into a defiler. Not to mention that the Night Lords dread I have is downright awesome, thank you Forge World for your beautiful beautiful models. :lol:

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Ah my good old CC dread, trying to shoot the nearest target when going crazy. Thats why he brings his brother to the field with a healthy AV 12. He seems to go in cc frenzy when the enmy gets closer.


This heh


Using the older better codex quite a few years ago my regular opponent made a nid army, which did quite well. So I designed an army to beat it, and I put 2 dual close combat dread's in the list too.


These guys were great, One game, my uber hard daemon prince was whiffing it vs his hive tyrant, so I send the dread in, my poor prince dies to the hive tyrant, and then the dread hits and wounds with all 4-5 of his attacks and just tears the hive tyrant apart.


Or another game, where my shooting brings a carnifex down to 1 wound, so I prepare to send in the dreadnaught... Oh no, fire frenzy, 4 twinlinked bolter shots later the poor carnifex is dead with a small round bullet hole in its forehead.


Now, my beloved dreads cost more, and are worse, I'm not a happy bunny, and for the same price I can add a combicide termie squad, which I find much more useful. I haven't used my dread's in ages... :P

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Also, the dreads have to run in a team - it might as well be a rule :)


I would easily that say that almost ANY vehicle should always run in pairs, and if you can manage it in your list, outside of a squadron. The exceptions may be Land Raiders and Monoliths, but even then, it's still a good idea.

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I've used Chaos Dreads always with Missile Launchers to great effect. I've always fielded 2 to 3 of them on 1,850 to 2k point games. Have won 3 out of 5 games in my first major tourney with them.


Lost to:

Space Wolves, near draw, since a designated leader, a mounted Wolf Lord can claim objectives, leave it, then claim some more, though that Wolf Lord was the opponents only surviving model;

a fellow CSM due to a scenario that warps units (remove from play) when a blast template moves over a unit.


I've had opponents laugh at it when it goes Fire Frenzy on my own units. The frag missile really helps there.

Most of the time, they ignore it, going instead for my Obliterators and/or Lash Princes.

Rarely do all of my Dreads die (unless they table me).


For a 100 pts each, they're there to grab attention, and to kill some targets while they're at it.

If they're shooting at them, then my other units are safe for the moment.

If they ignore them, they later get stung by them.


Some good moments with them are:

-an Ironclad Dread, pods in front of them, shoots with its Melta & misses. One of the Dread goes Fire Frenzy shoots the ML twice & explodes the Dread.

-two Chaos Dreads goes Blood Rage and moves towards a unit of a "close-combat Eldar troops with a unique HQ", two Lash Princes, lash the Eldar troops closer to the Dreads & Dreads & the HQ to the Daemon Princes. Best round of combat ever...

-two Chaos Dreads close-in on a lone Astorath, Astorath dies defiantly, no effect on Dreads.

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Well, it seems we finally have access to non-crazy Dreadnoughts! FW just released the experimental rules for the Contemptor Pattern Dreadnoughts (the old, Rogue Trader appearance dreads), with the addendum that until they develop the actual Chaos version of them, CSM can use those rules in their army.
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